Miss Eight Series Summoner

Chapter 156: The effect of "washing the sutra and cutting the marrow"? ? ?

The time in the pagoda seemed to pass unconsciously in the silence. Even the girls in the previous corner had already found their seats and were being ‘tested’.

However, as the sun goes down outside, the oppressive force in the pagoda is constantly strengthening.

The boys and girls sitting cross-legged in their respective positions were almost all sweaty, as if enduring great pain, but no one got up and left first.

Because the strength of this test depends on who can hold on for long.

And Feng Qingxin, the annual pagoda test, can stand out.

This is why, she can sit firmly in the position of a potential new star in the Feng Family, even if others are jealous, she has to admit that she is indeed powerful.

Because everyone who has entered the pagoda knows very well that the ‘test’ in this pagoda will continue to strengthen over time. This is also the endurance to see personal strength from it.

After a long while, some people were already overwhelmed.

The panting sound gradually became inexplicably clear in the originally silent space.

Looking from the direction of the lowest level, those people were sweating all over, as if they were almost out of breath under pressure, and their faces turned pale.

With the superiors, it doesn't seem to be too good, the whole body is as if rained, the breathing is very unstable, and it is obviously also under the pressure of that pressure.

Even Feng Qingxin seemed to be struggling, frowning tightly, secretly mobilizing the power of the elements to support it.

However, if it looks like this, the Fengxi sitting in the low-level second-level peak position seems to be a strange existence.

When everyone is struggling and sweating all over.

She sat as if she was asleep, with a calm face. Since she sat down, there was no fluctuation at all.

Fortunately, under the oppressive force, everyone was holding their eyes closed and devoted themselves to support, otherwise, seeing her from the beginning to the end, there is no fluctuation, it must be surprising.

Feng Xi withdrew from the gossip array when he heard the panting sound coming from her ear.

An hour and a half, that is, three hours of cultivation, is almost the end. At the beginning, it should not be too radical.

However, when her consciousness returned, she felt a soreness all over her body, and what followed was a weak feeling of powerlessness.

How is this going? ? ?

But when the wind was in doubt, gradually, the feeling of weakness gradually passed away, and there was a sense of comfort, very refreshing.

It feels very strange!

Since returning to Feng's house, this is the first time he has entered the gossip array.

When I entered the gossip array in the Warcraft Forest before, I didn't feel this way. Could something have changed? ?

Feng Xi couldn't help but consciously moved and surveyed inside.

But when he saw the changes in the bones and muscles in his body, someone like Feng Xi couldn't help but get a little excited.

I saw her muscles and veins, as if they had been transformed, a force full of resilience in her muscles and bones.

A noun that exists in the ancient chivalrous novels of the 21st century suddenly appeared in Feng Xi's mind. ?

Could it be that when she actually practiced in this gossip array just now, the gossip array also gave her body a kind of'washing the sutras and cutting the marrow' effect? ? ? ?

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