Outside Yancheng on the 9th, a man stood like a javelin.

Beside him, there were many Yan Yi envoys, all of them waiting in a strict line, but there was no fear in the eyes of the man.

He seemed to have been waiting for a long time, until a figure appeared in front of him, and the man's footsteps moved forward slightly.

"What are you doing here?"

Lan Cai'er's face was not good, and she stared at Dao Ge with a vigilant look, this man who once made her love and hate for several years.

Dao Ge's expression was complicated. He stared at Lan Cai'er's face. The originally bright and pleasant face was no longer as round as it used to be, and her figure was also not as plump as a normal pregnant woman. The belly looks particularly abrupt.

She had a bad life, she lost a lot of weight, Yan Jiu How could you be so irresponsible and leave her alone.

Dao Ge clenched his hand.

He regretted it. He had known that Lan Cai'er would fall to this point. When he learned of her marriage, he should have rushed over and recklessly snatched her back.

In Dao Ge's life, the thing he regrets the most is that he didn't recognize his own heart.

A few years ago, he thought he didn't love Lan Cai'er.

But by the time he realized his sincerity, it was too late.

Knowing that she and Yan Jiucheng were married, Dao Ge was very drunk. If it wasn't for his good brother's merciless dragging him off the wine table, I'm afraid he would have already died of drunkenness.

He escaped from the devil's den, betrayed everything, and lived like a year in Xiadu.

But at this time, I went to let him know the news of Yan Jiu's departure. After he learned the news, he did not hesitate at all, and went to the door to ask Lan Yingwu and his wife. After a few months, Lan Yingwu and Mrs. Lan were the only ones. He was relieved and sent a car to pick up Lan Caier.

"Cai'er, I'll take you back to Xiadu."

Dao Ge said softly.

"I'm not going back, I promised Lingyue... and Yan Jiu will guard Yancheng."

Lan Cai'er refused.

When she was still a young girl in love, she loved Dao Ge deeply. She resented him and hated him. She thought she would dream of Dao Ge to pick her up.

But the truth is, she never dreamed of it once.

But after she married Yan Jiu, Yan Jiu left, and she dreamed of his return every night.

Like when he met her for the first time, with a ruffian smile, he stretched out his hand.

Lan Caier only now understands that she doesn't love Dao Ge, she loves Yan Jiu.

Only in deep love can she even dream of seeing that person. Even if that person left her and the child behind, she would not blame him.

"Why are you still obsessed, he has obviously left you and the child."

Dao Ge clenched his fists and took a step forward, but was stopped by Yan Che, Aguduo and others.

"Should I call you the Young Master of the Devil's Nest or the Great General of the Great Xia Huguo? General Dao, as long as someone I, Yan, has a breath, no one can go against the wishes of the city lord's wife and force her away."

Yan Che said righteously.

"Cai'er, your mother is sick."

Dao Ge didn't force it any more, he just fixedly glanced at Lan Cai'er.

"My mother...you didn't lie to me?"

When Lan Cai'er heard this, her expression changed slightly.

She married Yan Jiu, and Lan Yingwu has always been worried about this matter. Last time, when Ye Lingyue had an accident, her parents pulled their faces down, and when they came to see Ye Lingyue, they also persuaded Lan Caier to follow them. Back to Xiadu.

They asked her to forget Yan Jiu and start all over again. They also promised to let the child surnamed Lan and bring the child up with her.

But Lan Caier refused to agree, she insisted on returning to Yancheng No. 9, and optimistic about everything here for Yan Jiu.

For this matter, Lan Yingwu threatened to sever the father-daughter relationship with her, so that she would never return to Xiadu for the rest of her life.

Mrs. Lan couldn't persuade her. After she was brought back to Xiadu by Lan Yingwu, she didn't think about tea and dinner, worrying about her daughter's body in the distance. .

"Mother, my daughter is not filial."

Lan Cai'er listened, her face was full of tears.

Yan Che and Aguduo also looked at each other.

"Sister Cai'er, why don't you go back to Xiadu first, and Yan Che and I are the matter of Yancheng."

Aguduo also knew that Lan Cai'er was very filial. She and the Lan family had a quarrel, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Now that Ye Lingyue has news, Lan Cai'er's mind is over.

No one in Yancheng on No. 9 has experience in taking care of mothers, not even a good mother-in-law. It is undoubtedly more appropriate to send Lan Caier back to Daxia while she still has nearly a month due to give birth.

"Yes, Miss Lan, I think if the master is here, she will also support you to return to Xiadu."

Everyone's persuasion and concern for her mother made Lan Cai'er hesitate for a long time. It was not until the next day that she finally agreed and returned to Xiadu with Daobi.

As an accompanying person, Aguduo took the initiative to invite Ying to accompany Lan Caier to Xiadu to give birth.

A group of people sat in a carriage and headed towards Xia Duxing.

At the same time, somewhere in the demon world.

The blood mist splashed out, like fog and rain with a fishy and sweet taste.

The body of the celestial demon whose corpse was separated, like a collapsed mountain, fell to the ground with a bang, and a big pit instantly appeared on the ground.

A small ball of light flew out of Tian Yao's severed head and fell into Yan Jiu's hands.

"The ninety-ninth."

Yan Jiu's enviable handsome face could no longer be distinguished from blood or sweat.

His well-dressed clothes were also turned into rags because of months of fierce fighting.

There are also scars everywhere on his body, and there are almost no intact places, and there are wounds left by the monsters' hopes.

In the past few months, Yan Jiu has been looking for all kinds of monsters that have captured the flesh and soul of the demon ancestor that day.

The demon world is very big, and he searched day and night, and encountered countless dangers along the way.

Especially those monster beasts who have captured the soul of the demon ancestor, some even reached the cultivation level of the demon.

Yan Jiu has been away from the demon world for many years and has lost part of his demon power. In dealing with these demons raging with demonic energy, he was almost seriously injured several times.

With amazing perseverance, he finally survived.

In addition to the celestial demon he hunted today, he finally has one third of the demon ancestor's flesh and soul.

"It's still two-thirds away. Where the hell..."

Yan Jiu clenched the ball of light in his hand, looking at the strong demon power that pervaded inside, with mixed feelings in his heart.

On the one hand, he wanted to find the soul and flesh of Quan Yaozu, but on the other hand, he also cared about Lan Cai'er who was pregnant with Liujia.

Yan Jiu took out a booklet from his arms, which he wrote when Lan Caier was pregnant.

It records Lan Cai'er's every day from the beginning of her pregnancy to the present.

Counting the days, Caier will give birth in more than half a month.

Yan Jiu's heart hurts heavily.

He misses her... He thinks like crazy, he wants to go back and take a look at her and the child.

As long as one glance, even if it is the next second that he will die, he will not hesitate.

Yan Jiu settled down, put away the flesh and soul of the demon ancestor, and disappeared in the field filled with demonic energy.

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