The flying ball continued to move forward, getting lower and lower, although under Yang Biao's control, he had tried his best to keep high and low in the air, and would not suddenly fall. After hanging more than ten meters, he finally fell heavily. .

Boom ...

The almost deflated balloon covered the basket and fell into the forest. The basket rolled wildly on the ground and bent a tree before it stopped.

"Cough ... cough ..." Shen Ao felt that his bones were all broken.

If it was n’t for the protection of the rattan baskets, plus the quilts were covered in the whole body, there was enough cushion, and when the forest was lowered, the rattan baskets continued to roll among the trees. In this process, Shen Ao felt that he got his heart. Jump out of the body.

He was still tied up, panting heavily.

Then, he began to call Zhou La.

Zhou La Youyou woke up, her eyes slightly squinting a line, the two of you looked at me, I looked at you, the body was bound and strong, struggling for a while, but there is nothing to do.


Zhou La said: "Where is Zhou Biao, is Zhou Biao still alive?"

He is so angry that his face is full of bitterness. Anyway, the guy has a temper tantrum, but ... it's probably pretty good.

At least, people have a life-saving grace towards themselves.

Zhou Latu felt that his nose was sore, he couldn't help but sucked his nose: "Is it dead? Oh, it's a pity that he has nothing but bad love to pee." His eyes were a little red, and he missed that one suddenly. Gu Zi was stunned. Although his acquaintance was short, he admired Yang Biao's hot temperament.

Simply, Zhou La did not struggle to break the rope, leaned on the rattan basket, and sighed in the sky: "He is a good person."

"Yes." The tears in Shen Ao's eyes swirled around: "He is a good person."

"Everything is good." Zhou La remembered, tears falling down, sobbing: "It's a good man."

"His grandmother's mouth." In the jungle, a man in ragged clothes drilled out, coughing desperately, and screamed: "I knew it would be fine if I kept my axe."


Is Yang Biao.

Yang Biaole said: "Haha, I can't think of it. When I fell down, I was thrown up and hung on the tree branch. The ancestor blessed me, no, it was blessed by grace, grace, and grace, so I survived. , Go back and burn a high fragrance for Eun Gong. "

He gasped heavily and stepped forward to untie the three people.

Zhou La ’s slain, the hand that fell directly was dislocated, and when he woke up, he screamed in pain.

Shen Ao understands medical skills and corrects his bones. The four people searched for the dried meat in the rattan basket, Yang Biao said: "And wait, don't eat, I'm urinating again ..."

Zhou La didn't hesitate, grabbed a handful of dried meat, and slammed it into his mouth.


Fang Jifan was in Shanhaiguan, waiting for the stars and the moon to wait for Yang Biao and Shen Ao to return.

The thought of the two of them dying for a lifetime, and I felt some pain in my heart. He was a conscience person. Unlike some wolf-hearted dogs and lungs, since the two left, Fang Jifan lived and lived in the castle tower with a telescope on his neck. Civil and military officials invited him to drink wine, Fang Jifan ignored.

Every time Fang Jifan refused, Fang Jifan could see the Shanhaiguan Chief Military Officer or Zhongguan as if relieved, and then embarrassedly said: "Next time, next time ..."

A person's popularity is related to a person's life. If a person does a good job, all his friends are there. For example, there are many people who have long respected Fang Jifan for the name of Shanhaiguan.

Fang Jifan stayed on the tower and waited, the telescope occasionally patrolled the sky.

Just when he was a little worried, suddenly, there was a soldier on the tower said: "There are such big birds."

Fang Jifan raised his head subconsciously, where is a bird, but a balloon passed by at a low altitude. The sudden balloon made the officers and soldiers on the tower look as if they were earth, but the balloon ... After passing the pass, it still moved forward ... No Stop sign.

Fang Jifan was a bit stunned.

Has been old for a long time before recovering: "Be prepared, prepare the horse."

Born raw, Fang Jifan saw the balloon planted within a few miles of Guannei.

'S descending posture is described as tragic.

Fang Jifan was too lazy to ignore these twitters and yelled his companions to come out to see God's officers and soldiers, riding a horse, directly out of the pass, and headed towards the place where the incident occurred.

Halfway through, I saw beside the official road, the four ragged people, like a beggar, walked softly with their feet swaying.

Fang Jifan Le Ma, shouted: "Shen Ao, Yang Biao."

Shen Ao was crying. This day's experience was really terrible, and his expression was tense. At this time, he heard the teacher's voice, and suddenly he was relaxed all over his body.

"Eun Gong ..." Yang Biao stepped forward in surprise and helped Fang Jifan hold the horse.

Fang Jifan laughed and said: "I knew you could come back alive, haha, when I first saw you, I knew you were a blessed person, okay, just live, but worry about dying me."

Fang Jifan lost his horse: "What about Zhou La's grandson?"

Zhou La's face was blue and white. At this time, wouldn't he understand who Fang Jifan is, this is not famous ...

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou La knelt down obediently, saving grace, and recreating it. This is equivalent to the fact that his father and mother built him once, and Fang Jifan rebuilt him once. Zhou La kowtowed: "Have seen Uncle, Xin Bo ’s life-saving grace, bear in mind. "

Fang Jifan thought, this is Zhou La? Very ugly, did not get the inheritance of the empress dowager.

Fang Jifan said: "It's good to remember, but the immediate priority is to return to Beijing as soon as possible. It's too late."

Zhou La got up, and still felt that his bones were falling apart, pleased to say: "The newly built Bo looks majestic, a talented person, really extraordinary."

"Oh." Fang Jifan didn't take care of him.

Zhou Lale, he likes Fang Jifan this little character, to be honest, and spent a day with Yang Biao, he suddenly found that everyone became cute, this little character counts, look at the grumpy people.

Fang Jifan said: "There is a post in front of us. Let's go there and fetch a few fast horses. It's better to hurry back to the capital. The empress and the empress are seriously ill.

Zhou La also dignified, breathing a hippie smile: "Maternal grandmother is seriously ill? Really **** it."

So Fang Jifan beat the horse forward, and the four followed quickly.

Zhou La seemed to feel ashamed: "I only heard that there is a kind of eagle in the depths of the desert, who is terrible. He wants to find its cubs and feed it. Where did he think that he was actually ambushed, these **** taels Abominable. "

Seeing Fang Jifan ignore him, he seemed pleased again: "Xin Bo, you and Brother Yang, Brother Shen saved me a fight, I really remember the grace, wait for me to go back, you wait and see, I must be good For your help, my grandmother loved me the most. "

"There is something, I would like to ask you to help." Fang Jifan thought about it and looked at Zhou La.

Zhou La rubbed his hands: "To be honest, I admire Xin Bobo in my heart. It is not a difficult thing to say that it is a help.

Fang Jifan said: "Her Royal Highness is not yet married, stay in the boudoir."


Zhou La felt a little dizzy: "What do you mean?"

"What do you say?" Fang Jifan sneered at him.

Zhou La shivered: "This ... I think about it, I have to think long."

His head was sullen and deflated suddenly, and he seemed to find it somewhat difficult.

Everyone came to the station and clarified their identity. Without waiting for the local stationer to settle down, he hurried towards the capital.


"Your Majesty has a purpose."

Shen Wen's face was pale, pale, kneeling on the ground softly, and standing in front of him was an eunuch. The **** looked at Shen Wen sympathetically: "Emperor Fengtian Chengyun, said: daughter of Shen Wen, a scholar of Hanlin University , Waiting for the boudoir, quiet and graceful, beautiful and light, elegant and quiet, Shu Shunchengcheng, Rou Jiaweize, Wenhua Wushuang, now the prince grew up, adopting the concubine, imminent, that Shen Qing take Shen's birthday, Enter the palace and ask Ji ... "

Shen Wen shivered all over.

Is finished.

Is completely over.

His Majesty even wanted to accept his daughter as a prince.

In the past, although the palace was also drafted, then the concubine was selected from the show girls to fill the East Palace, but ...

Shen Wen cried, and the old tears were vertical and horizontal.

But this time is different.

His son went to Shanhaiguan, and it was reported that he was going to rescue Zhou La ~ ~ He was uneasy in his heart and asked about the news, but he couldn't find out anything else. The emperor suddenly asked his daughter's birthday, is it not obvious enough?

Ten, it was Shen Ao Bacheng had an accident, or maybe nine deaths, all in all, it was dead.

Otherwise, why the palace has this purpose.

Today ’s emperor has only one son, and the crown prince is destined to have a mother in the future. This is of course a great joy for the Shen family, but this is clearly his only son, Shen Ao. I want to come to the palace for this, and I feel a little bit overwhelmed. I want to soothe myself by rewards. After all, I am an old minister, and the white-haired man gives the black-haired man. This ... is a sad thing to teach people.

Now, adopting your own daughter is not the kindness of your majesty, and sympathy for yourself?

It's okay if this purpose doesn't come. Once it comes, the meaning can't be more obvious. Shen Ao is finished!

Shen Wen choked, prostrate to the ground, just crying and runny.

Eunuch said: "Shen Xueshi, please accept the will."

"Old Minister ... Old Minister ..." Shen Wen choked, he naturally knew that Thunder and Rain were all heaven. I also know what this enlightenment means to the Shen family, but ... Shen Ao, Shen Ao ... my son ...

He was indifferent in his heart, and said very difficultly: "The old minister took orders, thank ... Thank you ... Your Majesty's grace." He wiped his head fiercely, his forehead bluish.

Eunuch said: "This is a grace, let's congratulate Shen Xueshi."


The first chapter was delivered. I arrived late. I got an injection in the morning. The situation is a little better. Let's continue.

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