Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 443 Dare to build a shrine? Show off your head!

However, when Zhang Gui returned to Beijing, there were also some people who were not happy.


Fan Wencheng threw a cup of tea to the ground heavily.

"Why are you angry?!"

Liu Shiyuan, Liu Tingyuan's son, asked Fan Wencheng, and said, "Didn't you always hope that Uncle Zhang Guo would return to court, accept the flattery of all officials, and become taboo in the world?"

"I wanted him to return the court, but I didn't want him to return the court in this way!"

"The emperor personally crossed the sea to invite him, and officially issued an edict to assist the government until the prince's wedding day! What is this? Does it mean that Uncle Zhang Guo can completely change his name in the future and withdraw?"

"In addition, now that the emperor issued an edict to let him assist the government, does it mean that he is not stealing power when he comes back to control the government, but to act in accordance with the edict of the emperor? In this way, in the future, the emperor will mainly want to rule Uncle Zhang to usurp power Is it necessary to consider the face of the current emperor and the authority of the entire imperial family, so as not to be too unfeeling to Uncle Zhang Guo?"

Fan Wencheng gritted his teeth when he asked about this, and said, "Uncle Zhang Guo, what a retreat! I thought that if your father built a shrine for him, it would really make him more arrogant, and then fainted, and then he really thought that the world Who else is he to take credit for his achievements and manipulate power until he is hated by the people of the world! As a result, he retreated first and gave the bureaucrats a blow in the face, making the officials in the world have to admit that they cannot do without this Zhang Guojiu, and begged him to return to Beijing to govern, and even brought the emperor to come in person."

"You're right! From the fact that the Son of Heaven was able to make a smooth tour to the east this time and went out to Jianghua Island without being blocked by the officials, it can be seen that the officials in the court really hope that Uncle Zhang Guo can return the court. This All of a sudden, Baiguan took the initiative to put himself in the position of begging the uncle of the country, instead of the position of the uncle of the country begging them to flatter him."

Liu Shiyuan said: "If I had known this, I shouldn't have listened to you and asked my father to build some kind of ancestral hall. Uncle Zhang Guo didn't like that at all!"

"It's Fan's fault! Fan didn't think carefully, and still underestimated this Uncle Guo's methods."

As he said that, Fan Wencheng himself became emotional first, slapped his hand on the coffee table, got up and said: "But who would have thought that he would do this? First go to Lushun, then go to Jianghua Island, and threaten the court to persuade him to go back. Going to Kagoshima, then Ryukyu, and chicken coops! Who would have thought? Looking at ancient and modern times, which powerful minister would think of spreading the situation outside the four seas?! With his Uncle Zhang Guo, the world’s tactics have really changed drastically Already!"

Seeing this, Liu Shiyuan had no choice but to take the initiative to comfort him: "Don't be so excited! We really didn't expect that even my father thought your suggestion was very good, so we decided to do it, but who knows, his uncle Zhang Guo has his own success. Calculate."

"Your Majesty, it's more ominous now."

"After all, the gun hits the head. The uncle of the other country is now recalling the capital to govern for the emperor. It is the same as the ancient Xuanma worshiping the prime minister. It is justified! Naturally, there is no need to rely on someone to support him by building a shrine. He can still be Performing the power of the emperor on behalf of the emperor, so that all officials are sincerely convinced. However, people often have a lot of desires, and Uncle Zhang Guo does not want to be a slave of the world, so sooner or later he will be abandoned by the people of the world!"

Fan Wencheng said.

Liu Shiyuan nodded: "Yes, what should we do now?"

"We're going to Beijing too! One is to run for your father; the other is to look for opportunities to exploit and try to increase people's resentment towards Uncle Zhang Guo!"

Fan Wencheng said again: "Uncle Zhang Guo is very calculating, so that all the officials in the world will follow him to be crowned king because he took the initiative to ask for the title of king. On the surface, the officials of the world will definitely not say anything about it, and they will even say that Uncle Zhang Guo is good. Although he is famous and famous, he must be happy behind his back, and there will be no complaints. And when he solves the Hanhai Coal Mine and really makes the world rich, then naturally there will be no complaints. But, is this the end? I don't believe that Uncle Zhang Guo can keep the officials of the world satisfied forever! It's impossible for the people to get richer without paying more money!"


Indeed, the first thing Zhang Gui did after returning to Beijing was to show Liu Tingyuanxiao, who will build a shrine for him, to the public.

It's not that Zhang Gui doesn't know that there are many villains who are only interested in profit in this world, so he deliberately uses this method to please the gentlemen in the world, but that he has a way that is more beneficial to himself, the country and the people to use the profit-seeking heart of the villains in the world to do something .

And the villain doesn't have to be afraid of offending, as long as it can be profitable in the future, he can forget about any behavior you insult him.

Therefore, Zhang Gui simply killed Liu Tingyuan first, so as not to allow the villains to curry favor with him in this way.

However, Zhang Gui's disposition did indeed cut off the way for many officials in the world to get ahead and make money by building a shrine for Zhang Gui.

Li Jingbai, the governor of Shandong Province, knew that Liu Tingyuan had been killed because of Zhang Gui's construction of the Shengsheng Temple, so he hurriedly told his family: "Immediately send a message back to Jinan and destroy the Shengsheng Temple built for Uncle Zhang Guo! Donate the money for the construction of the Shengsheng Temple." Also return it to the people."

"It's okay to smash the Shengci Temple, but do you really want to return all the money? That's a waste of money. What are you going to do for those poor people, so that they have a chance to eat and be lazy?"

the family asked.

Li Jingbai said angrily: "If you are told to go, you can go! To avoid being found out in time, Benfu built a shrine for Uncle Zhang Guo, and also collected more money from the people."


The family didn't dare to say anything more, so they hurriedly agreed.

And Zhang Gui killed Liu Tingyuan and prevented the bureaucrats from all over the world from building a shrine for him, which naturally won praise from the honest and gentlemen inside and outside the government and the public.

But the verbal praise of the gentlemen is of little significance other than benefiting Zhang Gui's reputation in the future.

After all, people in any era value economic interests more, and care about whether their wallets are bulging.

Therefore, after Zhang Gui killed Liu Tingyuan, he paid more attention to this issue, that is, how to increase the income of the Ming government treasury and the income of ordinary people.

Zhang Gui believes that the biggest difference between the reforms he presided over in the Tianqi Dynasty and Wang Anshi's was that he wanted to increase both the income of the country and the income of the people.

And this also meant that Zhang Gui not only cut the cake but also made it bigger.

Of course, Wang Anshi did not think of Huimin because of his limited education and knowledge.

After all, in the eyes of traditional literati and bureaucrats, people are considered prosperous if they are neither hungry nor cold, and there is no need for them to be rich, let alone pursue better happiness.

What's more, in the eyes of traditional literati and bureaucrats, if the people don't add taxes, the people will get rich themselves, but they don't know that if the people don't make big cakes, even if the people don't add taxes, the people may not necessarily be able to get rich.

Turning back, in order to solve this problem, Zhang Gui has been paying attention to the problem of steam locomotives these days.

"Sun Gong, can you start it?"

At this time, Zhang Gui was asking Sun Yuanhua, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, who was conducting the last inspection procedure for the first steam locomotive of Daming in front of him.

Sun Yuanhua held the wrench in his hand, looked at a part in front of him, and said: "Return to Your Highness, it can be started!"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he ordered: "Start!"


With a gunshot.

Suddenly there was a bang, and a large amount of white water vapor sprayed out from the roof of the locomotive.

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