Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 433 Break with the bureaucracy! I won't play with you anymore!

After Zhang Guimeng woke up, he didn't call anyone to come in, he just continued to sit where he was, meditating.

Because it was late at night, everything was silent, and all the followers were asleep, except for the sergeant who was on duty outside the tent, only a full moon was with him.

Zhang Gui suddenly missed Shang Jinghui and his children, and Shang Jinghui's soft and fair body, and the way he smiled with his son.

And this thought made Zhang Gui also want to live his own life comfortably, and he was unwilling to go into the vortex of political struggle again.

But in this country where power can guarantee the safety of life and property, Zhang Gui knew that he might not be able to escape.

The people can be wiped out by the government.

And my own country uncle will also be copied and destroyed by the emperor.

Even the emperor himself would be thrown into the water, strangled to death, or hanged himself by the bureaucracy behind him who abandoned him.

A sense of insecurity arose spontaneously in Zhang Gui's heart.

Zhang Gui knew that the root cause was that he was not a member of the scholar-bureaucrats, but he had the power over any scholar-bureaucrat in the scholar-bureaucrat class.

Because if you want to talk about who is the most secure person in this era, it is the scholar-officials!

No way, who made the literati class the most powerful among the bureaucratic landlord class.

Up to now, the operation of the Ming Empire and the implementation of any policies still depend on the bureaucratic system composed of thousands of scholar-bureaucrats across the country.

As long as these people don't go too far, they can live a peaceful life without worrying about changing dynasties, and they can even do some charity and gain a good reputation.

But Zhang Gui is a foreign relative. If he is not in power, although he is not a scholar-bureaucrat, but because of the relationship between the scholar-bureaucrat and the emperor, and the marriage between his family and the scholar-bureaucrat class, he can live peacefully.

But he is in power now, and he is relied on by Tianqi, who can control the promotion and demotion of all bureaucrats in the world, and even life and death.

It can be said that his power has given the scholar-bureaucrats a great sense of insecurity.

Originally, this sense of insecurity was brought to them by the emperor.

Isn't it the emperor's rent-seeking power to Zhang Gui now? Therefore, Zhang Gui has become a person who can bring insecurity to the world's scholar-bureaucrats.

Therefore, if they wanted to make themselves feel safer, they would naturally find ways to pull Zhang Gui down.

If you really can't get rid of the horse, you can only hold it first, and when more and more uneasy dignitaries and bureaucrats become more and more popular, Zhang Gui will be successfully pulled down.

Zhang Gui made him realize through the fact that Liu Tingyuan built him a shrine, that he is now at the stage where he is being praised and killed by scholar-bureaucrats.

And this is often a precursor to being completely pulled down.

This kind of phenomenon often exists in the Han civilization, which often exhibits periodic laws in history.

Therefore, there are conclusive sayings such as "climbing high and falling heavily", "full moon will lose money, and water full will overflow".

Zhang Gui naturally wanted to break this rule.

Therefore, Zhang Gui decided to go on strike, that is, to retreat bravely.

He is unwilling to bear thunder for Tianqi.

After all, Tian Qi is a serious emperor after all.

As long as he stops tossing around and becomes the mascot in the hearts of scholar-bureaucrats, the entire bureaucratic class represented by scholar-bureaucrats will continue to respect him and will not criticize him to death!

But Zhang Gui is different, his power is not obtained legally, but rent-seeking, so he is not qualified to be a puppet or mascot.

Unless, Zhang Gui rebelled and became emperor directly.

But that's too much of a risk.

After all, rebellion is to bring greater insecurity to the scholar-bureaucrats in the world. Before Zhang Gui shows signs of success in rebellion, they will definitely try their best to prevent Zhang Gui's success.

Therefore, Zhang Gui can only choose to go on strike now.

"Ma Shiying! In the name of the grand master, I immediately drafted a memorial to impeach Liu Tingyuan, the governor of Liaodong, saying that he built the temple of the grand master and students without the approval of the report, and asked the gentry and common people to petition. This move is undoubtedly ignoring According to the rules of the imperial court, if you are doing self-reliance, there is suspicion of conspiracy. Please ask the imperial court to investigate and deal with it!"

Zhang Gui therefore issued new orders to Ma Shiying early the next morning.

Ma Shiying was shocked when he heard this.

Seeing his astonishment, Zhang Gui said a lot: "What you said before is correct, a sycophant like Liu Tingyuan should not be offended. But my Grand Master would rather offend them than be put on the backs of people like them." Roast on the fire!"

Then, Zhang Gui ordered again: "So, after you have finished drafting this memorial, you should prepare another memorial, saying that the Grand Master has been away from the customs for a long time, and he became sick from overwork, so that he had to go to Lushun to recuperate first, and he cannot return for the time being." Beijing, and I am willing to resign from the positions of the Minister of Policy and Policy and the Cabinet of Martial Arts Hall, and I only want to support Lushun with a leisurely title, and beg for Lushun to be a world town, just like the example of Mufu in Yunnan."

Ma Shiying didn't expect Zhang Gui to do this, thinking that he finally wanted to follow your Uncle Zhang Guo to get a chance to rise to the top. After all, your Uncle Zhang Guo is now the most favored and powerful person in Ming Dynasty, and he is also a person who is willing to promote civil and military officials. , but now why are you suddenly going to retreat bravely.

Ma Shiying naturally didn't want Zhang Gui to take a step back and give up the power, so he began to think about how to persuade Zhang Gui to continue to work for the Zhu family.

Seeing that Ma Shiying was standing still, Zhang Gui guessed what Ma Shiying was thinking, so he said, "You don't have to worry about your own future. This Grand Master will write a letter to Wen Tiren and ask him to take care of you. Although this Grand Master intends to Go to Lushun for honorary support, but it doesn't mean that you will have no influence in the court, so you, a military officer who has just made meritorious service in Liaodong with this grand master, can still be promoted quickly."

After hearing this, Ma Shiying was relieved, and said: "The low position is not because of my own future. I just think that the grand master suddenly wants to return the power to the king. Although it is a noble move, it will also make many people willing to follow the grand master. The civil servants and military generals who thought that the Ming Dynasty could not live without the Grand Master were disappointed, and since then they have become disheartened and even complained about the Grand Master.”

"Of course what you said is right. But my grand master will consider it and make arrangements for them. After all, my grand master just wants to serve and honor them, not really ignore them. In this way, you tactfully ask them in my memorial. The imperial court made a request to be crowned king, as long as this grand master is crowned king, those who follow this grand master will naturally be promoted to a higher level, so naturally they don't have to complain."

Zhang Gui said.

Ma Shiying was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect that this uncle of the country would rather be completely separated from the bureaucrats inside and outside the world by being crowned king with a different surname, and he was unwilling to use the power returned from a great victory to use the bureaucrats inside and outside the world to grab it for himself. more benefits.

According to the way that literati often compare themselves to beauties in order to seek the blessings of the rich and powerful, almost all the bureaucrats in the world are equivalent to themselves as beauties. They have already taken off their clothes and washed them clean, waiting for Zhang Gui to fuck them. Zhang Gui held back, unwilling to be entangled by the bureaucrats all over the world, and then got deeper and deeper, until he was completely squeezed out of the use value by the bureaucrats in his joy.

Ma Shiying had no choice but to remind: "Teacher, please forgive my humble position and blunt words. It may be difficult to achieve the title of king with a different surname! Although the vassal king of this dynasty has no real power, the officials are not worried that you will be the queen and there will be a danger of secession, but they just don't want to. It is so easy for you to escape from the temple with the dignity of a king. They are still waiting for you, a hard-working man, to give them a chance to flatter and curry favor."

"If they don't want to, my Grand Master will go further, not just stop at Lushun! Anyway, no matter what, this Grand Master just doesn't want to play with them! I don't want to suffer this burden on behalf of His Majesty! Let them invite His Majesty Come out and play these tricks with them!"

After Zhang Gui finished speaking, he walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

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