Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 401 Wenzhi in the prosperous age, compiling the

"Continue writing "Yongle Dadian"?"

As soon as Tianqi left the customs, it should be said that he came out of his own imperial experimental workshop, he heard about Zhang Gui's idea of ​​continuing to write "Yongle Dadian", and specially summoned Zhang Gui to ask about it.

Although Tianqi can't say that he has made great achievements, he does hope that during his reign, he can compile one or two great ceremonies to honor his literary and political achievements as an emperor.

After all, whether an emperor can be regarded as a wise emperor depends not only on martial arts, but also on Wenzhi.

What's more, Tianqi is now beginning to let future generations remember that his Tianqi Dynasty has begun to revive after ten years of reforms, and Ming has once again entered the prosperous age.

And one of the ways to prove the prosperity of this era is to repair books!

Therefore, after Zhang Gui proposed this idea, Tianqi was moved.

After Tian Qi asked this question, Zhang Gui replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, this can also be regarded as inheriting the foundation of Emperor Zuwen, and carrying forward the prosperity of my Ming Dynasty, so as to show that Your Majesty has not failed the ancestral legacy."

Apocalypse nodded.

And Zhang Gui said again: "Besides, since Emperor Cheng Zuwen compiled the "Yongle Dadian", my great Ming Dynasty has been in the country for more than two hundred years. During this period, there have been brilliant talents and great books. The stars are at least innumerable, especially since His Majesty took the throne, he has broadened the wisdom of the people and expanded the imperial examinations, which has greatly benefited the knowledgeable people in the world. Does Your Majesty really want to sit back and watch these new knowledge and new ideas of wise men? Will it gradually disappear after a hundred years without being known?"

"For example, "Tiangong Kaiwu" written by Song Gong (Song Yingxing), "Military Illustrations" written by Bi Gong (Bi Maokang), and "Du Zhi Zou Yi Tang Manuscript" written by Da Si Nong etc."

"More importantly, Your Majesty, how can you lose the knowledge of equipment and nature that you have accumulated?"

"Nowadays, it is very necessary for the Ming Dynasty to write this continuation into the Grand Canon, print it in multiple copies, and store it everywhere in the world, and even directly build an official library library in the world, so that the Han people can read it!"

"How can people in future generations know more about these books and know how His Majesty governs the world and studies when the country is in crisis."

"Those who are afraid of China are also firearms! To be precise, it is not only firearms that Hu fears about the Ming Dynasty, but also the cultural heritage, the accumulation of a lot of practical knowledge and skills."

"That's why, Your Majesty, I believe that these advantages that my great Ming relied on should not be lost, or even forgotten by the people of later generations. Instead, the barbarians will catch up from behind, and the craftsmanship will become the barbarian's advantage!"

"For this reason, Your Majesty should continue to write the Grand Canon, and add knowledge related to practical learning and various skills that has not been supplemented in the Canon, so that even if Neo-Confucianism and Confucianism are revived again in the future and become official studies, today's accumulation will not be destroyed. In addition, after being seen by more people, it will also make practical learning, which is what I call science, hard to be ignored."

Zhang Gui spoke enthusiastically.

In fact, this is the real purpose of his wanting Tianqi to continue writing "Yongle Dadian". If "Yongle Dadian" does not add the content of natural science, it will appear very imperfect.

In addition, Zhang Gui clearly remembered that Ming Dynasty scientific and technological works such as "Tiangong Kaiwu" and "Illustration of Military Weapons" were indeed listed as banned books in the Qing Dynasty. More Han people forget.

What's more, Zhang Gui feels that if he doesn't take advantage of the opportunity when the emperor still pays attention to natural science, he will wantonly revise books and classics, influence more Han people to come into contact with mathematics, physics, chemistry, and even let more Han people have natural philosophy. Confucianism will really make a comeback and become an official school, so that the Han people in the world still do not have the consciousness to explore the truth of the world, but only know to maintain ethics, pay attention to the construction of inner morality, and find ways to maintain farming. The mind of civilization is stable.

Therefore, Zhang Gui put forward the proposal to revise the book, and also encouraged Tianqi to revise the book to promote Wenzhi when demonstrating martial arts.

After Tian Qi listened carefully to Zhang Gui's explanation, he stood up and said with a passionate expression, "It's not just about repairing the books, but also overhauling them! Now that I support so many scholars, he has to do something for me."

"I will leave this matter to you!"

Then, Tian Qi said another sentence, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Zhang Gui asked, "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Tian Qifu turned back and said, "I'm going to write down all the skills I've accumulated over the years, like Song Yingxing and Bi Maokang, so that others won't know about my unique skills in the future!"

"I knew it earlier, I should practice calligraphy hard."

Zhang Gui was quite surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect Tianqi to be the first to want to make a statement to future generations.

Therefore, Zhang Gui took the initiative to propose: "Your Majesty, why not just name the continuation of the canon as "Apocalypse Canon"? In addition, print more copies of "Yongle Canon", and even print a few more copies of the newly compiled "Apocalypse Canon" share, and then widely build the Library Pavilion in the world to store his books, so that all Han people in the world can have the opportunity to read them?"

"Very good!"

"Don't save money for me! Since I came to the throne, I haven't done a lot of building projects for myself, I haven't chosen concubines arbitrarily, I have expanded my palace staff, I haven't bought rare treasures from all over the world, and I have used the only one that was criticized by many Confucian officials. A little hobby makes a lot of money, and now it’s worth spending some money on it.”

Apocalypse said.


So, next, Tianqi officially issued an edict to continue writing "Yongle Canon", and named it "Tianqi Canon", and ordered Hanlin and Tianxia to learn from officials to search for unrecorded books everywhere.

Because the "Apocalypse Canon" mainly includes neglected scientific and technological knowledge, Zhang Gui also specially asked Song Yingxing and Bi Maokang to recommend officials with knowledge of natural science to find such books, so that the continuation of "Apocalypse Canon" will be more comprehensive. Complete.

At the same time, all kinds of knowledgeable people were also called to Beijing to study books.

In addition, "Yongle Dadian" also began to enter the reprint work.

Zhang Gui believes that after reprinting multiple copies of the "Yongle Canon" in this life, it may be difficult to lose it.

In addition, in order to encourage people all over the world to write and compile books, Zhang Gui expanded and revised the Grand Canon, and specially asked Tian Qi to issue an imperial edict, setting up the Royal Highest Book Award of the Ming Dynasty, and rewarding the best authors of various types of books over the years, mainly economics. Academic awards are selected by the principals in charge of the Industry Department, the Imperial Academy, the Ministry of Rites and each university hall.

For a time, the number of people who wrote books increased greatly.

In addition, Zhang Gui also asked Tianqi to issue an imperial edict to set up the highest drama award and script award of the Ming Dynasty, so as to encourage scholars all over the world to write more dramas and scripts.

Because dramas and market stories are the cultural products that are most likely to motivate the common people, Zhang Gui's cultural construction in Daming was aimed at transforming the common people of this nation, so naturally he would not ignore this aspect of cultural construction.

Otherwise, Zhang Gui would not have asked Tianqi to issue an edict aiming at all the chief ministers, governments, states, and counties in the world to build book collection pavilions equivalent to the libraries of later generations. More common people have the opportunity to come into contact with all kinds of knowledge.

In addition to repairing books, setting up awards, and building a collection of books, Zhang Gui also invited Tianqi to set up their own associations, such as the Mathematics and Physics Association, the Textile Association, etc., so that people of all kinds of knowledge from all over the world can start to unite and avoid being ignored.

What Zhang Gui didn't expect was that when he attended the inaugural meeting of the Textile Association, some weavers began to ask the imperial court to ban the footbinding of Han women all over the world. If the feet are not bound, the textile efficiency will be greatly improved.

“This is good governance for the bank!”

Zhang Gui spoke directly after hearing this.

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