Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 391 The Landlords of the Ming Dynasty Want to Transform and Invest in Steam Locomotives!

Zhang Gui wanted to see how the two people's circumstances would be different in the future.

Moreover, Zhang Gui's own heart was at this moment, and he began to think, if the future Daming would still be created by the contemptuous labor called Brother Jiao just now, and he only wanted power and power, and even would rather continue to work for it. It is better for people who are slaves, and those who want to continue to be slaves even after cutting off their children and grandchildren; while people like Xie Qian who are willing to change themselves, learn a kind of memory, and recreate wealth with their own hands still live worse; that means However, Daming's reform and system reform still failed, and the changes he brought to Daming did not make Daming better.

Zhang Gui is now like an experimenter, thinking of judging the effect of his changes on the Ming Empire through the two experimental subjects Xie Qian and Jiao An, and hoping that the results of the experiment will meet the results he expected from the experiment.

When the wealth of the world is transferred from the hands of the rich and powerful bureaucrats to the court, the population resources will naturally be transferred from the hands of the rich and powerful bureaucrats to the court.

At the same time, it also showed that the rich and powerful bureaucrats did not need so many Han Chinese to provide them with their own services. Instead, the imperial court increasingly needed more Han Chinese to complete many policy-setting goals for the imperial court. .

People are needed to build a bridge, people are needed to build a road, people are needed to build a ship, people are needed to cultivate a border...

It's just that the court needs more technical talents, but less service-oriented talents.

Even if they are service-oriented talents, they have to be talents who provide the general public with various spiritual consumer goods, such as providing popular dramas, storytelling and even poetry, etc., and in principle, they are also technical talents.

Therefore, when the Ming court met its own population needs, it needed to first set up various official schools to transform its citizens.

And once the transformation is effective, Daming will undoubtedly have a large number of technical talents like a blowout.

This will undoubtedly bring about a big leap forward for the economy of the entire Ming Dynasty. In addition, the steam engine has already appeared, and it will undoubtedly indicate that the industrial age will really appear in Daming!

Rather than the original history, the Industrial Age first appeared in the West.

Zhang Gui decided to take a gamble.

Therefore, Zhang Guihua bought out the steam engine patents of Tianqi and Song Yingxing at a high price.

He wants to kill himself first!

Let yourself change from a powerful man whose main social nature is a feudal landlord to a capitalist who relies on capital games and industrial development to obtain huge profits.

Of course, Zhang Gui's betting is not really because he wants to make more money.

Because he is actually not short of money.

As a feudal landlord, his family already had several farms, and he also received dividends from the official property of the imperial court. As long as the Ming Dynasty did not fall, he would live a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

Therefore, like the common feudal landlords, Zhang Gui, as a feudal landlord, did not have the original motivation to carry out the technological revolution and industrial revolution.

And he made such a bet just to try out the effect of Daming ushering in the industrial revolution first.

Zhang Gui knew that at this time, he needed to take the initiative to make changes.

After all, in the entire history of China, it was not when there was no advanced technology, nor was there no opportunity to cause the industrial revolution.

In fact, textile technology similar to the spinning jenny that was enough to set off an industrial revolution in the textile industry had already appeared in the Song Dynasty.

It's just because China's population often becomes the resistance to technological updates and iterations. Therefore, although such textile technology is advanced, it will be lost in the long river of history first. On the contrary, it requires more manpower and low-level technology is easy to be retained.

Therefore, if Zhang Gui does not make changes and becomes the first to eat crabs, then the other Ming landlords will not be able to.

Not because they are dumber than Zhang Gui, they may even be smarter than Zhang Gui.

It is precisely because they are smarter that they are more likely to refuse to transform into capitalists.

As the natives of this era, they cannot predict that if they do not change themselves, there will be an island country in the far west because Watt invented the steam engine, and the sun never sets, and even hundreds of years later, the whole world There are still many countries licking the Anglo-Saxons represented by him.

In addition, Zhang Gui also knows that if he does not make changes and only settles down as a feudal landlord, then his fate will still go to ruin.

Who made the feudal landlord society have an unbreakable periodic law?

When the land is not enough to feed more people, it will inevitably collapse.

What's more, among the feudal landlords, he was a reformer who had attacked his own class, and reformers basically did not end well. Even though Wang Anshi was not liquidated, he was scolded miserably.

Therefore, Zhang Gui wants to become a capitalist with a longer survival period.

At least the intensity of the struggle is no longer so fierce, and the defeat will not be so miserable when it fails, to the extent that it endangers life and family life.

In Zhang Gui's view, in this case, he may be able to withdraw from political struggles in the future and maintain his wealth without engaging in political struggles.

Because the political struggle is really too cruel, no matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to guarantee 100% that they can have the last laugh in the political struggle.

No matter how wise and wise you are, you can't stand to meet unruly hooligans in politics.

Even the emperor with the highest status, no matter how powerful he is, might be assassinated. Wasn't Emperor Jiajing almost strangled to death by a court lady if he was as smart as Emperor Jiajing?

To tell the truth, if it weren’t for the fact that in the land of Ming Dynasty, which emphasizes academics and excels in officialdom, only by participating in political struggles can one protect one’s own interests and realize one’s ideals. Zhang Gui really didn’t want to participate in political struggles.

As an ordinary citizen before crossing over, he actually only wanted to live a good life at first, and it was because he just wanted to live a good life that he wanted to save Daming of the Zhu family.

"Are you really planning to use the steam technology developed by Zhen and Song Yingxing to build a steam locomotive?"

After Tianqi got a large amount of money from Zhang Gui to buy out his and Song Yingxing's steam engine patented technology, and said that he planned to invest in steam locomotives based on this, he asked Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui nodded and said with a smile: "Of course it is true, otherwise why would I give so much money to His Majesty?"

Tianqi kindly reminded: "You have to think clearly, don't say that no steam locomotive has been built yet, even if a steam locomotive is built, Daming may not be able to make the steam locomotive you want to build available to everyone in the future , You may lose a lot of money because of it.”

Zhang Guidao: "I know it, but I want to try it, and I want to be the first to make a change."

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "Forget it! If you want to try it, try it. I don't know what the result will be if you succeed in the attempt. Anyway, it's not my money, but my skills."

As Tian Qi spoke, he helped his eyes, continued to draw on the drawings, and said: "I still prefer to study skills with Song Yingxing and the others. As for how to benefit the people after studying the skills, I have little interest. I leave it to you to try it, and it is a good thing to try it well, but it is nothing more than letting a skill go on the shelf.”

Apocalypse really prefers to study skills, so he really handed over the application and development of technologies to Zhang Gui, and asked Zhang Gui to apply these technologies.

But if Zhang Gui wants to transform into a capitalist, he will naturally need more skilled workers to work for him in the future and consume his products at the same time. Therefore, Zhang Gui said at this time:

"Your Majesty, before I try to use steam locomotives to benefit more people, I feel that the court should further allow more people to be free and become free citizens, so that they can work and participate in the construction of the entire Daming Zhongxing cause."

"How to go further?"

Tian Qi didn't look up, but continued to draw while asking Zhang Gui.

"Destroy Buddha! In short, Buddhist temples and Taoist temples must be rectified!"

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