Military Technology

Chapter 955 Who owns the drone?

The test project is considered to be basically over. This test is not completely successful, but it is also said to be quite fruitful. In a two-on-one difficult environment, the drone piloted by the ace pilot can even out the opponent's family. Man-machine, which shows that the drone's onboard artificial intelligence system has been very successful. At least in this kind of head-to-head combat, there is no disadvantage at all with real pilots.

In the next step, the R\u0026D team will carry out targeted optimization based on the data information collected in this test. During this period, autonomous operations can be further improved, especially in environmental perception, data processing, and autonomous decision-making capabilities.

This process will be very slow, requiring continuous testing, data collection, and analysis and optimization to make this artificial intelligence combat system smarter, more reliable, and more effective.

After having a meal with the members of the project R\u0026D team, Wu Hao's mission in the Northwest R\u0026D Center is considered to be over.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Wu Hao boarded the special plane immediately. But before the special plane took off, Wu Hao received a call from Li Weiguo.

Hahaha, Xiao Wu, I heard that your test results today are good.

Hehe, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "I said Li Suo, you are well-informed about this news."

Immediately, Li Weiguo's voice came from the phone: "You are burying me, what's the matter, you have a problem with us sending someone here."

Wu Hao denied it with a smile: "How could it be? You have helped us a lot. As far as today's test is concerned, there was trouble in the middle of the test. Fortunately, you came forward to help us solve this headache. "

Haha, I heard, it's a small thing. Li Weiguo said with a smile: "There was a young couple on the bus, and they were taking pictures of the scenery. This scene happened to be photographed, and it was posted on the short video account immediately. We have contacted the relevant departments to conduct a full network review of this short video. shield.

The young couple was also intercepted at the station. After deleting the video, safety education was given. "

Thank you so much. If this video spreads widely on the Internet, maybe something will happen. I am a little scared now. Wu Hao felt a little lucky.

If this video is really flooding the Internet, then I'm afraid they really can't An Shengli.

However, Wu Hao was too happy. There is no such thing as an impenetrable wall. Although the relevant departments deleted and blocked the video in time, it was still downloaded and saved by some netizens, and forwarded to other channels.

For example, in the chat group of a certain military forum,

There has been a lot of buzz around this video.

Let me go, the height is probably less than two meters.

From a distance, the height should be between two and three meters. Comparing the width of the road, you can get the height of the drone from the ground.

I know this section of road, which is a second-level asphalt kilometer in the XXX desert in the northwest, and there are usually fewer vehicles.

What kind of drone, can you tell the model, is it a stab in the back?

Impossible, Back Arrow is not like this, it looks like it should be a brand new stealth drone.

Similar to X47B in the United States, and neurons in Europe.

Almost, but this brand-new aerodynamic shape design similar to darts obviously has a speed advantage compared to X47B and Neuron.

No matter what kind of drone, it doesn't fly so low. It's almost close to the ground. Aren't you afraid that the belly will be scratched?

Not to mention drones, even manned fighter jets don't need to play like this. The good guy almost collided with the bus head-on, which is really dangerous.

In such a short period of time, this UAV was able to avoid obstacles quickly. This is obviously not controlled by the European driver, but should come from the autonomous obstacle avoidance of the UAV.

Damn, you're not kidding, are you? This is all flying by the drone itself, and there is no interference from the rear?

Impossible, automatic flight is usually at high altitude, such as the automatic cruise system on civil aviation airliners. It's just flying from one airport to another, not at all like the technology in the video.

Agree, if it is really autonomous flight, it is really against the sky.

If it is not flying autonomously, how can it be possible to pull up and avoid obstacles at such a short distance from the bus. Even if the remote control technology is advanced, there will be time delays. These time delays do not support the driver to control the drone to avoid the bus in such a short world.

If the driver and operator is nearby, the delay will be lower soon.

Nearby, impossible, this is a desert, not even human eyes.

This busy desert is so big, it is impossible for you all to go, which means that there is an airport nearby.

I don’t know about the airports for civilian use, but for military use. I checked it on a satellite map, and there is no airport nearby.

The nearest airport is more than a hundred kilometers away.

I just took a look at the map and found some doubts. Everyone looked to the east, about 100 kilometers away from here, on the side of the national highway.

Haoyu Technology Northwest Research Center?

That's right, it is the Northwest Research Center of Haoyu Technology. This research center has a new airport.

There are airports, there are airports, but you don’t think this large drone is owned by Haoyu Technology, do you?

Why not? Apart from them, can you find other possible targets? The research institutes we know are not here, let alone set up any experimental scientific research base here.

Can't it be a secret research institution?

Even if there is, it shouldn't be there.

I also think that this drone belongs to Haoyu Technology. Combined with our analysis, we must know that Haoyu Technology also develops drones, and it is not bad at all in terms of drone technology.

Especially in the application of the intelligent system of drones, it is at the forefront of the industry. So you said that this drone can avoid the bus autonomously, which is very possible.

The analysis makes sense, but this is a large drone, and it looks like a military drone. Haoyu Technology has never had research experience on such a large aircraft, and I have never heard of them participating in such a project.

Even if you participated, can you tell me? Go check the history of the rise of Haoyu Technology, but there is a shadow of the military in it. In addition, everyone knows the major military scientific research projects that Haoyu Technology has participated in in the past few years, so it is very likely to participate in the research and development of such drones.

Impossible, such a cutting-edge stealth drone, Haoyu Technology does not have this strength.

If you have no strength, you should read more books. Many of the products you use come from Haoyu Technology. You say they have no technology, this is probably the funniest joke I've heard this year.

No need to guess, this is the new drone developed by Haoyu Technology, I saw it in a certain exhibition before.


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