Military Technology

Chapter 938 Green Bamboo in the Desert

No matter how you avoid it, what you have eaten or are eating is genetically modified food or food containing genetically modified raw materials.

Is genetically modified technology reliable, and are genetically modified crops safe? At present, this question cannot be answered, because from the point of view of scientists, genetically modified technology is absolutely safe and will not affect or harm the surrounding environment, ecology or us humans.

However, researchers and scholars from the aspects of genetics, ecology, and plants believe that this genetically modified technology will have a huge impact on the entire natural ecosystem, and even us humans.

They believe that this genetically modified technology and crops will destroy the current relatively fragile earth's ecosystem and spread through the ecological chain, which may cause building block ecological collapse and destruction.

To put it simply, the ecosystems in our region are closely connected. When genetically modified plants or organisms enter the ecosystem, they may spread through the formal ecological chain and ultimately threaten the safety of our human lives.

However, there is a lack of data accumulation, so neither statement has been confirmed. But judging from the current situation, the vast majority of scientists are more supportive of transgenic technology.

On the one hand, the benefits brought by transgenic technology are indeed very significant. It can greatly increase the yield of crops, and has a very good role in promoting the elimination of hunger in human society and the improvement of material living standards in human society.

Also because of the emergence of this genetically modified technology, many people in our area can enjoy cheap agricultural products.

The earth's population is growing rapidly, but due to population expansion and land pollution, there is less and less land available for farming.

If the yield of crops is not increased, severe famine may be brought about, which will seriously threaten the security and stability of human society, as well as the relatively stable order of the entire human society.

On the other hand, scientists believe that the genes used in this transgenic technology also come from the plants themselves, not external intervention or quality control fabrications. Since they all come from the known plants themselves, there is no danger at all.

Therefore, at present, transgenic technology occupies the mainstream.

And Yang Fang also answered to Xiaoma from this aspect: "The project we are currently carrying out is knowledge plants, not crops. Moreover, this kind of bamboo has very limited impact on the ecosystem. It is a very safe and ideal the experimental goal.

As for how to develop in the future, this also needs to be planned and decided according to the progress of the entire project. However, all our projects are carried out in strict accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, and related projects are also strictly supervised by relevant national departments. Everything is carried out under the premise of safety, so you can rest assured. "

Hearing Yang Fang's explanation, everyone couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, research on biological genes is basically being carried out all over the world, and it can be said to be a relatively cutting-edge scientific research field in biotechnology at present.

However, compared with other countries' relatively loose scientific research supervision measures, our country attaches great importance to this area, and the supervision is also very strict.

Therefore, all projects in this area must be reported to relevant departments for review and approval before they can be tested, otherwise they will be severely punished.

In a responsible manner, there is of course nothing wrong with such a measure. And under normal supervision, it has no effect on the experimental project.

And the state will also set up a support fund in this area to fund, support and reward teams and individuals who have made important contributions in this field.

The old horse looked at the very vigorously growing bamboos beside him and couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then asked: "These few bamboos are not the results of your scientific research, are they?"

Yang Fang shook her head and said, "No, this is the moso bamboo we transplanted from the south with great effort.

We haven't progressed this project for a long time, and we haven't reached this point yet. At present, we have only completed the drawing of the genetic map of the Moso bamboo family and related feasibility studies.

And carried out some preliminary experiments.

Everyone please follow me! "

Immediately, under the leadership of Yang Fang, everyone came to a small cultivation room separated by glass, and then pointed to a very low green bamboo inside and said with a smile: "This is the bamboo we cultivated through gene editing and transgenic technology. A genetically modified moso bamboo variety, we put the drought tolerance genes of Haloxylon and seabuckthorn into this moso bamboo. Although it makes it have a certain drought tolerance, it also brings another problem.

That is, the moso bamboo is affected by Haloxylon and seabuckthorn genes, so that the plants grow slowly, and the size and height are affected. "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at the low green bamboo in the glass cultivation room. After the original green bamboo seedlings were affected by Haloxylon and seabuckthorn genes, although they obtained the cold-resistant lines of Haloxylon and seabuckthorn, they also received the influence of Haloxylon and seabuckthorn genes themselves, making their growth slow down and the plants short .

This is a problem, is there any good solution? While looking at the green bamboo in the glass cultivation room, the old horse asked Yang Fang.

Yang Fang replied with a smile: "Actually, the solution is very simple, that is, to improve the accuracy of our gene extraction. The reason why moso bamboo is adversely affected is because the genes we extract from Haloxylon and seabuckthorn are not pure and accurate enough.

That's why the moso bamboo was affected by other genes, resulting in this result.

So the next focus of our work is to improve the accuracy of our gene extraction, that is, the precision.

Then it is used to breed some species samples for observation, so as to screen out a more suitable and stable species for environmental adaptability test.

If these experiments are all right, then we will first try to plant an area around the base, and then conduct ecological environment observation.

Then invite domestic and international experts and scholars to conduct demonstrations together and accept the review of relevant national agencies.

After approval, we will further test planting in the northwest desert area and conduct follow-up observation. "

Yang Fang's words were recognized by everyone. There was nothing wrong with this very standardized method, but instead, everyone couldn't help looking forward to the short green bamboo in front of them.

If all goes well, what kind of impact will the promotion and planting of this moso bamboo have on the ecology of the northwest desert? The old horse stared at the bamboo and asked.

Hehe, Yang Fang smiled, then glanced at Wu Hao, and continued: "The impact is very large, and its effect is incomparable to the current drought-resistant and sand-controlling crops such as Haloxylon and Seabuckthorn. .”

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