Military Technology

Chapter 788 Miniature multi-tentacles medical and surgical robot

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After an introductory video, Wu Hao took a sip of water and took a short rest, then said: "What I introduced earlier was mainly the application of this hexagonal honeycomb compound lens on civilian digital products. In fact, its application The field is very broad.

For example, our common astronomical telescopes, especially optical imaging telescopes, are limited by the size of the lens, and it is currently difficult for us to continue to expand it.

But now, using this technology, we can assemble countless hexahedral lenses into a larger lens according to the honeycomb structure, so as to obtain astronomical images with better imaging quality, which is of great help to our study of deep space.

Secondly, this hexagonal honeycomb compound eye lens can also be applied to the field of onlookers, so as to obtain clearer microscopic images. "

"This is just a routine application, and we can also realize a synthetic hexagonal honeycomb compound eye lens with multiple imaging functions.

For example, we add infrared, thermal imaging and other functions to the hexagonal honeycomb compound lens, so that it can be applied to some complex and special fields.

In addition, the fly eye lens has a natural advantage, that is, it has a super strong depth of field effect.

This also means that it can be applied to more detection fields, such as the optical sensor on the robot, that is, our eyes.

And this super strong depth of field effect can also be used for shooting 3D film and television dramas, and the 3D stereoscopic effect presented is not worse than the current 3D cameras at all.

In the future, we will continue to strengthen the in-depth research on this hexagonal honeycomb compound eye lens technology. I believe that there will be more surprising results gradually displayed in front of you. Let us look forward to it. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled again: "This is our hexagonal honeycomb compound eye lens technology, thank you everyone!"

After a burst of electronically synthesized applause, the scene began to change. This time the space becomes white, a huge white space full of futuristic technology.

Wu Hao reappeared on the scene, still sitting on the red chair.

As we all know, in the field of medical technology, our company has invested a lot of resources and obtained a number of fruitful technical achievements.

We are well known for our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics. Through this technological achievement, we have restored thousands of disabled people to normal life.

I am very proud of this, and it is something our colleagues in the company have always been proud of.

We are really happy to see the bright smiles on the faces of so many disabled people who have returned to normal life. No amount of money can buy this kind of gain.

Therefore, we have increased our investment in medical technology. Although the investment in this area is huge, we are still trying to persevere.

God rewards those who work hard, we are lucky. Not long ago, we had another technological achievement, and we can’t wait to share it with you here.

This technology, we call the miniature multi-tentacles medical-surgical robot.

After Wu Hao finished speaking, he saw a floating octopus appearing in the white space. This white octopus started to swim in the air, then slowly suspended in front of Wu Hao, and turned into a mechanical octopus.

After we developed the intelligent robotic arm, we conducted in-depth research on this technology, hoping to make breakthroughs in this technology, apply it to more fields, and help more people.

This miniature multi-tentacles medical-surgery robot is the latest medical-surgery robot developed by us by drawing on the body characteristics of octopus in the technology of intelligent robotic arm.

We all know that the trauma of surgery is generally very large. Therefore, we have invented minimally invasive surgery, but in fact the trauma of minimally invasive surgery is also very large. Generally, three windows are needed to achieve minimally invasive surgery.

And there are some operations that cannot be minimally invasive and require surgery. This is because minimally invasive surgery is limited by instruments, and there are many diseases that cannot be adapted.

Therefore, after in-depth discussion and research with many surgical experts, our scientific research team decided to develop a miniature multi-tentacles medical surgical robot that can replace the current minimally invasive instruments.

To develop such a miniature multi-tentacles medical-surgical robot, many problems must be solved.

The first one is small. The volume of this miniature multi-tentacles medical surgical robot must be small enough. Only small can leave the smallest wound to the patient as much as possible during the operation, which is conducive to later recovery and brings pain to the patient. It is also the smallest, and it is not easy to leave scars.

Therefore, we need to reduce this miniature multi-tentacles medical-surgical robot as much as possible. After repeated research, we felt that the body structure of the octopus was the most suitable, so we conducted relevant observation and research, and our assistants carried out bionic design.

Octopus tentacles are very flexible, and our robot needs to be as flexible as possible during surgery to adapt to different complex diseases.

So we had to retool the smart robotic arm, not only to make it smaller, but also flexible enough.

It seems to be very simple, just need to scale down, but it is actually very difficult. The original structure is difficult to shrink, which requires a new design, which also brings many difficulties.

In the end, we successfully reduced the intelligent robotic arm to 43MM with a diameter of 3.5mm. On such a miniature intelligent robotic arm, we have set up five joints, which are very flexible.

Then, we installed these tiny tentacles on a terminal with a diameter of 17MM, which is regarded as the 'octopus head'.

And on this 'octopus head', we equipped a total of four pairs of eight tentacles, truly becoming an octopus.

And at the end of the terminal, it is connected to this 15MM pipeline.

Through this pipeline, it can be connected with our control equipment.

As for the control equipment, it is also very simple. We use our smart VR system, which can get a very clear view through the tiny high-definition camera in the middle of the tentacles.

Then through smart sensing gloves, we can control these mechanical tentacles very flexibly and perform related operations.

And through our intelligent voice assistant, a doctor can control all the tentacles, and then perform a complex surgical operation.

In addition, these four pairs of eight tentacles can also be controlled by four people separately, so as to facilitate some very complicated operations.

And through our intelligent voice assistant, a doctor can control all the tentacles, and then perform a complex surgical operation.

In addition, these four pairs of eight tentacles can also be controlled by four people separately, so as to facilitate some very complicated operations.


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