Military Technology

Chapter 3248 Moon Gravity

As Yu Chengwu returned to Anxi from the Lenghu landing site, the returnable lunar experiment spacecraft, which had been sailing in space for more than 100 hours, finally entered a lunar orbit about 100 kilometers from the perilunar point, and the spacecraft was officially captured by the moon's gravity.

This also means that this returnable lunar experimental spacecraft has completely entered the lunar orbit from the earth, and it also means that the countdown to the moon landing has begun.

After nearly 20 hours of orbit modification, the return-type lunar experimental spacecraft also returned from an elliptical orbit of 100 kilometers perigee to a circular orbit.

As the return-type lunar experiment unmanned spacecraft successfully entered the lunar orbit, the spacecraft's precise orbital data and clear images of the lunar surface were displayed on the large screen in the control center. The entire control center fell into silence, with only the slight sound of machines running and people's nervous breathing.

The spacecraft's intelligent control system continuously adjusts the spacecraft's attitude and orbit based on its own sensors and ground telemetry data to ensure that it can orbit the moon stably. The sensor system continuously collects data on the lunar surface and status information of the spacecraft itself, providing decision-making basis for the intelligent control system.

At the same time, the scientific research team in the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall was also busy nervously. They pay close attention to every movement of the spacecraft and are always prepared to deal with possible problems. Although the intelligent control system can control the spacecraft autonomously, human wisdom and experience are still indispensable.

Wu Hao, who was sitting on the rostrum, was staring at the data displayed on the big screen with a determined light in his eyes. The success or failure of this mission can be said to have a direct impact on the entire lunar exploration plan.

Although this mission is additional and not in the original plan of the entire lunar exploration plan. But with this project, it will have a very significant impact on the entire lunar exploration plan.

Before this, people only knew that they were building a scientific research station on the moon and that they had launched several exploration rovers, but few people paid attention to and understood it in such detail.

After this treasure hunting operation, with the help of the transportation mission of this golden meteorite star core, more people will know about them, their huge lunar exploration project, and the importance it brings.

This kind of influence is more effective than any amount of advertising, and it can never be matched by those advertisements.

"How is the status of the spaceship?" Wu Hao asked with a smile as he looked at Yu Chengwu who sat down again after signing.

After hearing Wu Hao's question, Yu Chengwu immediately replied: "Everything is normal, the intelligent control system is running stably, and the spacecraft orbit is stable."

Hearing Yu Chengwu's answer, Wu Hao couldn't help but nodded. This mission seems to be a test of the overall system of the spacecraft, including the intelligent control system of the spacecraft. In fact, it is a major test of the entire technical team, including the overall system of Haoyu Aerospace.

You must know that the success of a spacecraft and a mission is the hard work of countless people. Even at this moment, there are still countless people silently sticking to their respective posts.

As the latest measurement and control results came out, the atmosphere in the entire Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall became a little more relaxed.

However, it was clear to everyone that the real challenge had just begun. The countdown to the moon landing has begun, and every link is crucial and cannot be neglected in the slightest.

So not only Wu Hao, but also the very busy Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong also took time to come to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall to witness the final moon landing moment with Wu Hao.

Finally, after a long and tense wait, the spacecraft successfully entered the landing procedure. The intelligent control system began to accurately control the speed and angle of the spacecraft to make final preparations for landing.

As the spacecraft's orbit became lower and lower, the entire Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Hall once again fell into a tense atmosphere. Everyone is paying attention, waiting, and waiting for this last moment to arrive. Everyone is paying close attention to the various data that are constantly beating on the big screen, monitoring the real-time dynamics of the spacecraft.

Although the entire moon landing process is also controlled very autonomously, there is still a team in the command and control center that is always ready. Once there is a problem with the spacecraft's intelligent control system, this team will take over the control as soon as possible.

For a major project like this, there will always be a backup plan. Although it may not be enabled, it must be available. Although space exploration is a risky project, every step is full of unknowns, but adequate preparation can reduce the risks caused by the unknown.

As the spacecraft orbital thruster separated from the lander, the lander immediately entered the lunar landing orbit. The air in the hall seemed to have solidified, and only the slight sound of machine operation and people's nervous breathing could be heard. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen, for fear of missing any important moment.

Everyone clenched their fists nervously as they watched the rapidly passing footage of the lunar surface transmitted back from the lander's external lens. Even Wu Hao, who had a calm mind, felt extremely nervous at this moment.

With the intelligent control system, the lander began to independently control the angle and speed. The intelligent control system was busy calculating the best landing point to ensure that the spacecraft could land safely and stably on the lunar surface. The sensor system continuously collects data on the lunar surface and provides the most accurate information for the intelligent control system.

Suddenly, the data on the big screen fluctuated. Although this fluctuation was very small, it still attracted people's attention in the tense atmosphere. Wu Hao's eyes immediately became sharp, and he stared at the big screen, trying to find out what the problem was.

At the same time, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming also acted quickly. They quickly directed personnel to analyze the reasons for data fluctuations. Everyone understands that this is a severe test of their professional skills and teamwork ability.

After some intense and orderly investigation, they finally found the cause of the problem. It turned out that a slight fault occurred in a sensor, causing the data to fluctuate briefly. Fortunately, this fault did not affect the normal operation of the intelligent control system.

The team of technical experts quickly developed a solution, uploaded instructions, and successfully repaired the sensor failure. Throughout the process, their professionalism and calm response were fully demonstrated, which also provided a strong guarantee for the stable operation of the entire team.

With the sensor failure repaired, the spacecraft's landing procedure returned to normal again. The intelligent control system continues to accurately control the speed and angle of the spacecraft to make final preparations for landing. The data on the big screen showed that the spacecraft was gradually approaching the lunar surface, and the countdown to landing was also proceeding nervously and orderly.

At this critical moment, the atmosphere in the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall reached a climax again. Everyone was nervously watching the data changes on the big screen, silently praying in their hearts that the spacecraft could land safely.

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