Military Technology

Chapter 3079 Fierce debate from netizens

In fact, there is nothing to keep secret. Haoyu Aerospace itself is a privately-owned listed company, and business information and scientific research progress should be disclosed to the public. Even if this photo is not exposed, relevant news will be announced later.

Yes, after all, it is a private enterprise, so there is nothing to keep secret, and it is not a national project.

This is not necessarily true. Haoyu Aerospace, including Haoyu Technology, is quite special. Although they are a private enterprise, they are deeply involved in many major projects, so it is understandable to keep them confidential.

Now Haoyu Technology's Walker spacecraft often goes to supply supplies to the space station.

I don’t think it’s necessarily about launching a manned spacecraft to land on Mars, but it may be about transporting more supplies and equipment to the moon. Wu Haoke said in the interview that he wants to develop the moon in depth in the future and build a permanent immigration city on the moon.

Aren’t we talking about maximizing the use of lunar resources? What else can be transported there using this heavy-duty launch vehicle?

Mining equipment, heavy machinery, these are all needed to develop the moon. Whether it is an excavator, a loader, or a large transport vehicle, each weighs tens of tons, tens of tons, or even hundreds of tons. Relying on the current transport capacity of Jianmu-7 and Jianmu-9 will definitely not be able to meet the needs, so a launch vehicle with more powerful transport capacity must be developed.

That being said, this is indeed what is needed to develop the moon.

In this way, the cost of transporting so many things to the moon will probably rise significantly. Is it really possible to make money?

It is necessary to remove it. Not to mention the other helium-3 resources, shipping a few tons back is enough.

If you want to develop the moon, you must have large-scale engineering machinery and equipment. This cannot be avoided.

The cost will definitely be high, but the long-term benefits are very substantial, so it is not considered a loss. If they really lost money, do you think Haoyu Aerospace and Wu Hao would do such a stupid thing. Are shareholders willing?

The cost doesn’t have to be high either. I just took a look. The newly disclosed Jianmu 12 and Jianmu 22 both use the mature recyclable and reusable technology of Jianmu 2 and 7 rockets, which means that their transportation costs can be significantly reduced. It may be cheaper than the current Jianmu-2 and Jianmu-7 rockets.

No matter how low the energy, the weight is here, and the fuel required is also here. The most important thing is to be profitable. Let’s not talk about other things, let’s talk about the gold meteorite core that will be transported back. Experts initially estimate that the total value is in the billions.

It’s not that high, but it should be around two to three billion.

I don’t know how expensive it is, but I want to order one as a proposal.

Things are rare and expensive, so they must be expensive.

In fact, it is nothing special. It is probably similar to nugget gold. It is not pure gold, and its meaning is greater than its value.

The important thing is the meaning. If you think about it, this thing should be said to be unique. Diamonds are much better.

That is definitely better than diamonds. Diamonds can be copied. This thing is really a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Yes, it is really rare that such a gold meteorite core can be preserved so completely and be found on the moon. It is a shame that it was cut up and sold like this, it should be preserved for display and study.

Come on, what are you talking about? This thing is on the moon and does not belong to the earth. Whoever finds it belongs to whoever finds it and has the right to decide how to use it. If you don’t care about heaven and earth, can you still care about the moon?

The moon belongs to all mankind, and this golden meteorite core should be shared by all mankind.

The ocean is shared by the whole world, but aren't there still people dumping fertilizer into it and slaughtering whales?

That is, the Antarctic continent is still owned by the whole world. Can you still ask other countries to contribute the meteorites found there? [The Antarctic continent is very rich in meteorite resources, and many meteorites can be found. 】

That being said, it’s really a shame to cut it up and sell it like this.

There's nothing you can do about it. Haoyu Aerospace found it and got it back. It's up to them to do what they want.

Can't the state intervene?

Do you think you can intervene?

Why not?

Because there is no reason for this, and if it is really done, the negative impact will undoubtedly be huge.

Can't Haoyu Technology donate it?

That's bullshit, gangster logic, why don't you donate all your savings, house, and salary.

The only way now is to raise funds or have a big boss come forward to fund the purchase and then donate it, otherwise it will be difficult.

Even if a big shot comes forward and wants to purchase donations, they may not be willing. You must know that the core of this golden meteorite represents a different meaning, and its influence is greater than its benefits.

Yes, if we do this, what will happen to the items shipped back in the future? Who will pay for it?

However, according to relevant laws, meteorites falling within the territory, if they have major scientific research value, should be considered natural resources and owned by the state.

You have to be clear about the scope of application of this law. It refers to natural falling, and this golden meteorite star core was transported back using technology. What kind of logic is this if you don't say that it's yours once it's shipped to your site?

But it does have very high scientific research value.

So what's the matter? People are not allowed to sell it if it has scientific research value?

It can be done as long as the law does not prohibit it. There is no legal requirement that such things must be handed over. Even including the fallen meteorites mentioned above, there is no clear legal requirement whether they should be owned by the state or individuals.

To put it bluntly, this is a contradiction between collective interests and individual interests, but collective interests are naturally higher than individual interests.

But if personal interests are harmed, it is the collective interests that will be harmed in the end. If individual interests cannot be protected, how can collective interests be protected?

That is, harming personal interests under the guise of protecting collective interests is gangster logic.

If we really do this and confiscate the meteorite, then Haoyu Aerospace will be gone, and its existence will have no meaning and value. The stock price will fall sharply, and the development of the domestic private aerospace field will be seriously frustrated. There is no possibility of further development.

It’s too serious. Haoyu Aerospace cannot represent the domestic aerospace industry.

It's not serious at all, why continue if I don't see any hope.

Therefore, this problem is very difficult to deal with. It depends on what Haoyu Aerospace will do, which will test Wu Hao's wisdom.

In fact, it doesn’t matter. If all parties want it, then no one can get it. As an entrepreneur, it is natural to pursue maximizing profits. Wu Hao is not a philanthropist, and it is impossible for his contribution to be in vain.

It depends on Wu Hao's plan. If it's for fame, publicity, and expanding his influence, then he should donate it. But if it is for profit, then it will definitely not be donated.

From what I know about Wu Hao, he is a very pragmatic person and would not compromise his interests for the sake of fame. (End of chapter)

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