Military Technology

Chapter 3064 Mars, sister of Earth!

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"The combination of solar panels and super solid-state batteries can supply abundant power. Of course, it also has disadvantages, that is, it is easily affected by Martian dust storms, causing the solar panel power generation efficiency to drop significantly or even completely fail. .

It may also be that when Mars reaches aphelion, the amount of light decreases, resulting in a decrease in its power generation efficiency. Of course, compared to the isotope thermoelectric generator, the power is naturally much higher. "

At this introduction, Zhou Xiangming paused, then looked at the two of them and said: "With the support of abundant energy, we will use this Mars exploration rover to explore a wider area on the surface of Mars, thereby executing a series of plans we have formulated. Detection mission.

For example, one of the biggest tasks of this Mars exploration rover is to find a suitable landing site on the surface of Mars to prepare for the preliminary exploration of our manned landing project.

Not only for us, but also to prepare for our country’s manned mission to Mars.

In addition to a suitable landing site, we also need to find a suitable settlement, which is where our Mars scientific research station will be located.

Compared with the moon, the site selection requirements for a lunar scientific research station on Mars are relatively high. First of all, it must be located in a place with relatively abundant water resources.

Detections by old meters, including our detectors, have confirmed that there is seasonal liquid water flow on the surface of Mars.

This means that we can obtain these water resources directly on the surface of Mars. Therefore, our site selection must be close to these areas with relatively abundant water resources on the surface of Mars.

This will make it easier to obtain water resources and lay the foundation for our long-term survival on Mars. Life begins with water, which should be the foundation of foundations.

Without water, there would be no possibility of human habitation on Mars. After all, they are more than 200 million kilometers apart, so it is obviously unrealistic to transport supplies close to the earth.

Of course, it is precisely because detection confirmed the existence of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars that our interest in Mars has increased sharply. "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, Mars has always been the focus of human space exploration. After all, it has too many similarities with the Earth. It can be said to be the sister planet of the Earth.

For example, Mars and the Earth are both in the habitable zone of the solar system, and their rotation times are similar. The Earth's rotation takes 24 hours, while Mars's rotation takes 24 hours and 37 minutes. In addition, Mars has five major climate zones, as well as the North and South Poles, and even a third pole comparable to the Tibetan Plateau.

In addition, the material composition of the Martian crust is very similar to that of the Earth's crust. It even snows on Mars, but all that falls on Mars is dry ice.

Therefore, scientists believe that ancient Mars, like the Earth, was a planet rich in water resources, suitable for biological survival, and capable of nurturing life.

But for unknown reasons, the magnetic field on Mars weakened, large areas of water resources were lost, and the atmosphere also weakened.

Therefore, everyone has been exploring why this planet became like this.

With the deepening of human exploration on Mars, more and more detection results have become available to everyone. For example, the biggest discovery in recent years is the evidence that there is seasonal liquid water flow on Mars, which can be said to have subverted previous human understanding of the earth.

Zhou Xiangming continued: "However, this site cannot be too close to these water-rich areas. If seasonal flowing water occurs, the entire Mars scientific research station will be flooded.

Therefore, we must be extremely careful when selecting a site. It must be close to an area with abundant water sources and must not be flooded by seasonal flowing water. This is completely unnecessary to consider on the moon. "

“In addition to selecting a site for the Mars scientific research station, we also need to conduct in-depth exploration missions on Mars in all aspects.

The most important detection mission is to find evidence that life may exist on Mars, or that life may exist on Mars. "

"Possible life, how is this possible? What kind of life can adapt to such an extreme environment as Mars." Zhang Jun obviously didn't believe it when he heard this.

"Who knows? According to Darwin's theory of evolution, living things will continue to evolve due to changes in the environment to adapt to the new environment.

Maybe, during the hundreds of millions of years of evolution of Mars, some ancient creatures survived through this total self-evolution and were able to adapt to the environment on Mars.

Furthermore, there are no living things on the surface of Mars, so what about inside Mars, whether there are cave-dwelling creatures that rely on water sources in canyons, underground rivers, caves, etc., these are all unknown. "

“Actually, there are many such examples on earth.

Dunaliella algae, for example, discovered in 2010 in a cave in Chile's Atacama Desert, can thrive on very little water. Although they live in the driest places on Earth, they grow on spider webs to take advantage of dew, which is the small amount of air moisture that condenses on spider webs in the morning.

For another example, bacteria of the genus Aquifex were found in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. They can survive in the hot spring water at 96 degrees Celsius.

What is the concept of 96 degrees? It is almost the temperature of boiling water, and our usual pasteurization temperature is between 68 degrees and 70 degrees. Generally, items that need to be disinfected are maintained at this temperature for about 30 minutes, and then quickly cooled to 4 It can kill bacteria on the surface of objects.

Also, there is an extreme species, the Thermococcus microorganism, which can survive on very little energy. Until now, the chemical reactions it used were considered to be unable to sustain life, which can be said to have broken human cognition.

Even in polar ice, glaciers and deep seas, the scientific community has discovered some microorganisms called psychrophiles that can withstand temperatures as low as minus 15 degrees Celsius.

These are nothing, a lolita plant discovered by scientists was identified as an unrecorded plant of the genus Echinacea. This creature has special organelles so it can survive without oxygen.

If we follow conventional thinking, none of the organisms in the above examples would be able to survive, because the environment they live in is completely inconsistent with the environment that indicates the survival of organisms in our conventional understanding. However, they live well.

What does this mean? It shows that in the process of continuous evolution, organisms may break the rules and adapt to very harsh and cruel natural environments that we think are impossible.

As for Mars, we usually believe that it is not suitable for biological survival, but who knows, we have too little information about this red planet. "

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