Military Technology

Chapter 3058 Discussion of Transportation Plan

Chapter 3058 Discussion on Transportation Plan

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone's eyes lit up. Yes, although the An-225 was destroyed, the An-124 is still there.

As we all know, the An-225 transport aircraft is the largest transport aircraft in the world, and its cargo capacity can reach 250 tons.

But what everyone doesn’t know is that the An-225 transport aircraft was not used to transport these goods when it was originally developed. It was used to transport rocket components and equipment, as well as the Buran space shuttle.

However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Buran space shuttle project ended in Rome, and the An-225 was also distributed to Ukraine as a legacy.

For the next twenty years, the world's largest transport aircraft has been traveling around the world, undertaking some large-scale cargo transportation work, until it was bombed during war conflicts. At this point, the world's largest transport aircraft fell to its younger brother An-124. .

With a maximum carrying capacity of 150 tons, the An-124 has become the transport aircraft with the largest carrying capacity in the world today.

Laomi's largest C5 transport aircraft has a carrying capacity of only about 100 tons, jumping from second to third.

Currently, the vast majority of An-124s in the world are in service with Goose, and only a small number are assigned to other countries. Currently, the An-124 still exists in the international commercial transportation market. It undertakes many heavy-duty transportation tasks, such as stuffing a train car into its huge belly and then carrying out intercontinental transportation.

For Wu Hao and others, the carrying capacity of the An-124 is more than enough. They don't even need an An-124. An ordinary transport aircraft will do, as long as it can fit it.

Of course, this is the last option, and they would not choose this option if possible. On the one hand, the transportation cost is relatively high because of the use of such large transport aircraft. On the other hand, our country does not have this kind of large transport aircraft, only foreign companies have it, so it is very inconvenient and unreliable to use, so it is best to solve this problem yourself.

"Actually, the main parts are the wings and tail parts. They take up too much space. If they can be solved, they can be dug up for land transportation." Yu Chengwu said.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "Isn't there folding wing technology? Isn't that what those carrier-based aircraft do? Why not use this aerospace plane?"

"It's not that simple."

Zhou Xiangming shook his head and replied: "The wings and vertical tail of this multi-purpose orbiter are integrated with the fuselage. If folding wings are to be used, such an integrated structure will inevitably be broken, which will cause the wing to Including the decrease in the strength of the fuselage, it may not be able to withstand the huge force generated by the entire atmosphere as it glides down, causing the wings to break and tear, etc., resulting in a failed landing and crash.

Therefore, the fuselage and wing structures need to be redesigned and materials with higher strength need to be replaced. This will not only increase research and development funds, but also increase the weight of the entire multi-purpose orbiter, thus reducing its carrying capacity. "

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at the two of them and said, "Don't be so troublesome. You can dismantle and transport them separately. Disassemble the wings and vertical tail, pack them separately, and wait until the South China Sea. Just reinstall it, that’s how many airplanes are transported.”

"This is an idea, but we need to conduct experiments to verify whether it is feasible. The wing is not just installed, we have to fully ensure its reliability. In addition, whether the Nanhai launch site has this multi-purpose The wing assembly test conditions of the orbiter are also a problem." Yu Chengwu thought for a while.

Am I thinking about a question? Zhang Jun looked at a few people and said, "Why do we have to land at the Xijiang Experimental Airport? Why can't we land at the South China Sea?"

"Landing over the South China Sea, what do you mean?" Yu Chengwu couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course they are not ordinary civilian airports." Zhang Jun said with a smile: "I am referring to our island airports, which can be used as landing airports.

There is ocean everywhere around the island, which is very safe. In addition, the islands where these island airports are located do not have too many people, which fully meets the relevant landing conditions. And after landing, it can be directly transported to the nearby island port for shipment, and then directly transported back to the Nanhai launch site. In this way, there is no transportation problem, and the distance is closer, making the transshipment more convenient and faster. "

This is an idea, but the question is whether they are willing to do it. These are military airports. Yu Chengwu nodded slightly and then looked at Wu Hao.

He was waiting for Wu Hao's answer, and also hoped that Wu Hao could help solve this matter.

Not only him, but Zhang Jun, Zhou Xiangming and others standing next to him were also looking at him, waiting for his statement.

In this regard, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "You are really giving me a problem. Let me help you ask about this matter, but you don't have too much hope. After all, these island airports are in special locations, so it may not be feasible. .”

After saying this, Wu Hao said to Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming: "Let's follow the original plan first. The focus now is that you have to build the prototype for me. As for how to transport it and fly it, there are many ways. As I just said , it is also possible to disassemble and transport and assemble separately.

There are no conditions in the South China Sea, so let's make it meet the conditions. Anyway, we have an assembly and testing factory there, and we still have a certain foundation. "

Yes! After hearing Wu Hao's words, the two of them responded in succession. They also know that the plan proposed by Zhang Jun in the end is indeed good, but there are many problems. The biggest problem is whether such a cutting-edge military airport will really allow them to land such aerospace vehicles. This is a question.

So just like what Wu Hao said in the end, don't give up hope and stick to the original plan. If it's allowed, it's an unexpected surprise. If it's not allowed, it won't have much impact on them.

This is a cargo space plane, so when will there be a manned space plane? Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this question, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming looked at each other, and Lin Jiaming took the question and answered.

First of all, we have to develop this multi-purpose orbiter. After the test flight is successful and put into use, we can develop a manned version based on the development experience of this multi-purpose orbiter and the performance of this multi-purpose orbiter after use. Orbiter, that takes time.

Compared with this multi-purpose orbiter, the manned version of the orbiter has more stringent requirements for the reliability of the overall system and technical equipment, and no problems are allowed.

And the manned version of the orbiter must take into account the survival of personnel. How to ensure the safety of personnel during the ascent stage, orbital flight stage, and return and landing stages are all difficult problems.

This is why so few countries have developed space shuttles.

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