Military Technology

Chapter 2809 Plateau Post

Chapter 2810 Plateau Post

After resting for about ten minutes, all the officers and soldiers at the outpost who were guarding and monitoring them on the mountain pass got up. The captain hurried down with several officers and soldiers.

Then he came to Geng Lei, gave a military salute to Geng Lei and the others, and then said: "Comrade captain, welcome home. It's your duty, please forgive me."

There, you are doing your duty. With the cutest people like you guarding the border, the organization and the people can rest assured. Captain Geng Lei returned the military salute, then shook hands and said: "Viper combat team Geng Lei."

The 1st Regiment in the theater, Zhang Changgong, XX Mountain Post. After the two sides introduced each other, the captain couldn't help but take a close look at the mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor worn by the team members, and then said to Geng Lei: "Captain Geng, you go to our outpost to repair it first. Well, the helicopter to pick you up is on its way."

This... Geng Lei was a little hesitant when he heard this. After all, what they wanted most now was to rush back to the station and not cause any trouble. Moreover, if their group goes there, they will also bring trouble to the outpost and Captain Zhang and the others.

Zhang Changgong saw this and said with a smile: "It's not far, it's over there. Now that we've met him, I have to go over and have a drink of water."

Well, I'll give you some trouble. Geng Lei nodded and responded.

What's the trouble? They're all comrades, no need to be polite. With that said, Zhang Changgong greeted everyone and started to march towards the outpost.

As Zhang Changgong said, the outpost is not far from here. At the beginning of the bend of the stream, the terrain here is relatively open, and the entire valley is guarded. The location is very important.

By guarding this place, we can block everyone coming from the outside. No wonder they were discovered as soon as they entered.

Of course, this is because Geng Lei and the others did not hide their whereabouts. If they were willing to use the painting to hide their whereabouts, Zhang Changgong and the others would not be able to discover them.

The post is not large and is divided into two parts. The post barracks is located at the bend of the river. This is a building similar to a courtyard, with a large courtyard in the middle and a basketball court inside. The row of houses on the front is a garage, where military off-road vehicles and wheeled infantry fighting vehicles are parked. The houses on both sides are barracks, where officers and soldiers rest. The house on the front is where the activity room, honor room, restaurant, etc. are located.

The other part is a three-story sentry tower located on the hillside, a bit like an airport tower. The top floor is covered with large glass, so you can see the entire mountain pass clearly.

There is a radar antenna above the sentry tower, as well as optical sighting and detection equipment. Taking into account that the other party also discovered them with the help of these devices.

The sentry tower and the barracks are connected by a step ladder of more than 100 meters. This stone staircase was all built bit by bit by the hands of successive generations of officers and soldiers at the outpost.

It is said that when the outpost was first established, there was no road here, only a trail opened by soldiers to enter and exit. It is very inconvenient to supply daily necessities. For half of the year, it is in a state of ice peak and is isolated from the outside world.

At that time, the officers and soldiers only had a few tents and nothing else. Later, with the continuous efforts of the officers and soldiers, they were built bit by bit.

Because it was not accessible to traffic, cement, steel bars and other construction materials could not be transported, so the soldiers could only carry in little by little. Then after generations of officers and soldiers continued to expand, it gradually formed a scale.

With the development of our country, the conditions are getting better and better. Coupled with the needs of the situation, the superiors finally made up their mind to open the road from here to the outside world, so that military vehicles can come in directly and the living conditions are getting better and better.

Later, the superiors allocated funds to build this modern outpost based on the original camp.

Listening to the introduction by Zhang Changgong and others, Geng Lei and the others gained a better understanding of the outpost and the difficulties of the defensive officers and soldiers.

This also made them respect the officers and soldiers at the outpost even more. Compared with this group of people, the hardship they endured was nothing.

It is precisely because of the silent dedication of countless defensive officers and soldiers like this group of people that thousands of homes can be lit up and the years are quiet. We pay tribute to them!

Compared with Geng Lei and the others' admiration for Zhang Changgong and the others, Zhang Changgong and the others became curious about Geng Lei and the others. In particular, the mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor worn by Geng Lei and others has become the focus of attention of the officers and soldiers.

To the officers and soldiers, this was simply too science fiction, like something out of a science fiction movie or TV series. They never thought that one day they would meet the real Iron Man.

A soldier looked at Geng Lei and the others halfway, and then couldn't help but ask: "Is this Iron Man's Mark suit? Have we already developed it to equip the troops?"

Hearing this soldier's question, other soldiers couldn't help but pricked up their ears. In fact, they had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but they had held back and now someone finally spoke.

Facing the curious gazes of the soldiers, the Vulture smiled and shook his head and said: "This is not Lao Mi's Iron Man suit, but our self-developed mechanical exoskeleton armor. We are the only ones in the world who have it, the only one." oh."

After the vulture finished speaking, the soldiers couldn't help but become excited. This is a mechanical exoskeleton armor independently developed by our country. No wonder they haven't seen it before.

Captain Geng, how many troops are equipped with this mechanical exoskeleton armor? Zhang Changgong asked after hearing this.

Geng Lei smiled and shook his head: "Not too many. There are many types of exoskeleton equipment. The one we have is the more advanced one. Currently, it is only used by a small number of special operations troops. There is no large-scale deployment.”

Oh, that's how it is. Zhang Changgong responded, but his tone was clearly a bit lonely. If this is the case, then it is basically impossible for border troops like them to do so.

Geng Lei was obviously aware of this, and then comforted him: "The exoskeleton armor we have is a special operations exoskeleton. There are also exoskeleton armors specially used for ordinary infantry. Maybe there will be exoskeletons specially used in border areas in the future." What about skeletal armor?

Different mechanical exoskeleton armors have different performance, different application objects, and different focuses. The mechanical exoskeleton-assisted armor like ours focuses on mobility and protective performance.

The exoskeleton equipment equipped with you in the future may focus more on the adaptability to plateau and cold areas, allowing you to be more adaptable to fighting in this harsh environment.

For example, it has a stronger assist system that allows you to walk on flat ground in areas with complex plateau terrain. Another example is that the entire armor has a pressurization system inside, which can prevent you from altitude sickness. Another example is having a gas supply system and an oxygen supply system, which can ensure your long-term exercise in plateau areas, etc. "

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