Military Technology

Chapter 2754 Is this the Hulkbuster armor?

In fact, Wu Hao's method is very simple, which is to change the shell. The weapons and equipment provided by Wu Hao and others will have Evgeny replace the relevant shell and spray his own paint. In this way, even if the enemy discovers it, it will still be with him. Wu Hao and the others have nothing to do with each other.

Of course, this is actually used to gag people. In fact, everyone knows it. Just today, Yevgeny's presence here cannot be concealed at all. Those who should know will know, but there is no evidence to prove it.

After coming out of the exhibition hall, Wu Hao accompanied everyone on a tour of the research base, and then there was free time. After all, everyone's time is tight, and he doesn't want to waste too much time.

Now that they have seen basically all the weapons and equipment, they need to discuss and decide by themselves what to sell and how much to sell.

Wu Hao and the others have also prepared a very excellent business team to receive customer representatives at any time, answer their questions, or have direct conversations with them.

In fact, Wu Hao did not participate in this specific negotiation process, and Zhang Xiaolei was entirely responsible. As for him, he, Luo Kai and Pang Zhengqing had already arrived at a secret project research location.

The location of this project is actually not far from the airport, just on the edge of the airport, inside the large hangars. These hangars are actually cover, and only a few are real hangars for parking various types of aircraft. As for the other hangars, they are actually laboratories, research and experiment centers, or the locations of project teams.

Riding an off-road vehicle, Wu Hao led the two of them to a hangar. When the two people who got out of the car saw Wu Hao bringing them here, Luo Kai couldn't help complaining: "There is nothing in this place, what are you looking at.

I said, we finally came to this shabby place like yours, but you can't let us see airplanes. What's so good about this? "

"Haha, be patient." Wu Hao replied with a smile, then walked to a small door on the edge of the hangar, then glanced at the surveillance probe above his head, and then the small door opened and he walked out of it. There were two security personnel wearing gray T-shirts, khaki tactical multi-pocket pants, and black marine boots.

After seeing him, he immediately greeted Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu!"

Um. Wu Hao nodded, and then led everyone inside.

There is a small space inside. There is a gate and a security check channel in front of the space, and there are two security personnel, a man and a woman, next to it.

"It is prohibited to carry any electronic items in the laboratory. Please put your electronic equipment in the basket next to it. We will help you keep it properly and return it to you when you come out."

It's so strict. Luo Kai complained, but still took out an old-fashioned smartphone from his pocket, and Zhengqingpang did the same. Its style is a bit reminiscent of products around 2023, without any sense of technology.

This feeling is like looking at someone in 2023 holding an Android phone that was just released in 2013, or the most classic Fruit 4 phone.

At that time, both Android phones and Fruit 4 really amazed countless people, but looking back in 2023, these phones are so lagging behind.

"Haha, this phone is old enough." Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Hearing his words, Luo Kai smiled and replied: "Military products, practical and reliable, resistant to falling, and safe. Although your things are good, they are too crude. This thing still works at critical times."

Wu Hao smiled and took out his transparent folding device and said: "As times progress, old things should be eliminated or placed in museum display cabinets."

With that said, Wu Hao put his equipment in the basket, then swiped his card and passed the gate. Only Chen Ke'er's detector sounded an alarm when she passed through the security inspection channel. Wu Hao signaled to the security personnel and then let Chen Ke'er enter.

Chen Keer is currently using a new generation body built by Wu Hao himself. The entire body is made of carbon fiber and other composite materials. Even so, some important parts of the body are still made of metal, so it is easy to trigger alarms when passing through some passages.

Therefore, she usually followed Wu Hao out through artificial passages to avoid these devices.

In this regard, Luo Kai and Zhengqing Pang looked at each other, but neither said anything. However, their professional sensitivity made them realize that there must be something extraordinary about this Chen Keer, otherwise they would not be with Wu Hao, and would also be affected by Wu Hao. Hao is so caring.

Coming to the security check channel, everyone entered the entire hangar this time, and their vision suddenly became clearer.

The entire hangar is divided into three floors, upper and lower, with a huge open sky patio in the middle. The entire hollow area in the middle is blocked by glass to form a whole space.

In the space, there is a huge humanoid robot about seven or eight meters tall. This humanoid robot has a very rough appearance. Its body is assembled with huge structural parts. It doesn't look delicate at all. Instead, it has a strong hard industrial style, which is very similar to the traditional rough Soviet style. .

The entire humanoid robot is not painted, so these huge metal components are painted with primer to prevent rust, so the colors are very inconsistent.

As soon as they entered the hall, the two of them were shocked by the 700-meter-tall giant robot in front of them, and their mouths opened wide. They were stunned for a moment.

After about ten seconds, Luo Kai was the first to react, and then exclaimed to Wu Hao: "Good guys, have you built a Gundam?"

"Don't you think it's more exquisite than Gundam?" Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's teasing, Luo Kai did not rush to refute, but turned his head to take a look, and then nodded: "It is indeed much more sophisticated. How come this is similar to the Iron Man's anti-Hulk suit in the movie and TV series? Where’s the armor?”

Hearing what Luo Kai said, Zhengqing Pang, who woke up from the shock, nodded in response: "Indeed, this appearance and structure are very similar to Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor."

Damn it, you guys can’t really take out Iron Man’s Hulkbuster armor. Luo Kai opened his mouth and asked Wu Hao with a surprised look on his face.

Seeing the fierce reaction of the two, Wu Hao smiled with satisfaction, then shook his head slightly, then turned around and came to the glass, looked at the huge humanoid robot standing inside and said: "Actually, it's not so much the Hulkbuster armor. , rather it is very similar to Gundam.

But here, it has a more appropriate name, which is mecha. "


Luo Kai and Zhengqing Pang opened their mouths again when they heard his words. It took Luo Kai a long time to react, and then nodded and said: "Indeed, it sounds like this is very similar to the Xingtian mecha you made, but Xingtian The mecha is only two or three meters long, and this one is seven or eight meters wide at most.

Is it also piloted? What is such a big mecha used for? "

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