Military Technology

Chapter 2737 Great changes in the sea

After an introduction, the next step was to organize these customer representatives to conduct a simple tour of the entire base.

The first thing everyone came to was an exhibition hall or display hall in the base. What was displayed here was the development history of the base. In fact, there was no such exhibition hall before, but there were more tourists later. In order to allow tourists and guests who came to visit and inspect to have a more detailed understanding of this place, this exhibition hall was arranged.

Therefore, many guests’ visit starts from this exhibition hall.

The first thing that caught the eye was a container, which was rusty and had a lot of colorful graffiti painted on it. The container is covered with windows, and there are beds and some facilities inside.

The commentator also enthusiastically explained to everyone. Only then did everyone realize that this was the original staff dormitory of this base. Because this place was originally a desert and the conditions were very difficult, the original builders and employees could only build simple prefabricated houses and temporary houses transformed from old containers to live in.

At this time, Wu Hao also smiled at everyone and introduced: "In the beginning, it was all a desert and there was no life at all. All that could be seen within a radius of dozens of kilometers were some camel thorns in the desert. There are a few scattered drought-tolerant plants.

In summer, the surface temperature here can reach more than 60 degrees, while in winter the temperature here can drop to minus 20 or 30 degrees. Moreover, there is always a light wind outside, especially in winter. The light wind outside on a cold night cannot freeze people in the wild for a few hours. In spring, the wind carries sand and dust, blocking out the sky and the sun. The natural conditions are very special. "

For this reason, why did they set up that research base in such a difficult environment. General Isaiah from Africa asked after hearing this.

Hearing the question from General Isaiah, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "There are very few reasons. First of all, it is because of the unique natural conditions outside, which causes the area to be sparsely populated, and there are many uninhabited areas within a hundred kilometers. , and that gives you enough space to display.

You cannot build airports, laboratories, manufacturing plants, power station test sites, shooting ranges and other facilities outside the area. That cannot be achieved in the central and eastern regions.


General Rashid from West Asia was generally interested in that aspect. I said to Wu Hao: "Sir Wu Pavilion, your country is also built in the desert. You have been fighting against the desert for all those years. , hoping to build fewer oases in the desert, so that your country, no matter how desolate or barren it is, can become full of green.

As for the first point, the environment outside is very suitable for the storage of some equipment and facilities because of the year-round drought. Therefore, like the central and western regions, there is a worry about equipment and facilities being damaged by moisture.

As for the seventh one, because it is so uninhabited, it is more suitable for keeping secrets and is more in line with some experimental conditions. For example, you will be engaged in some low-level and sophisticated research, and those technical research results will hardly become the targets that your competitors and Haili want to seize.

With small and large pipes, you cannot lay seven millimeter diameter capillary lines outside the sand. Those pipelines/\u0026amp;gt;

How many soil moisture sensors have you deployed in those areas? Those sensors cannot adjust the water output of the drip holes according to the humidity in the soil, so that the water source can be fully utilized to the minimum extent.

In addition, you have also transplanted the slow growth genes of bamboo into some other drought-tolerant plants. For example, you have developed a drought-tolerant bamboo. Its seeds or seedlings cannot be grown a week before planting. Adult drought-tolerant moso bamboo several meters tall.

Before the water sources are gone, you can't use those water sources for afforestation. In order to ensure that those water sources can be fully utilized, you have deployed a very detailed water source irrigation management system.

The environment out there is relatively complicated, so it is difficult for unintentional people to take your idea, let alone succeed.

Each drip hole is not located at the root of a tree. In this way, the tree will be able to obtain sufficient water sources during the survival and growth stage, thus ensuring the survival of the tree.

Hearing General Rashid's question, Zhen Mei smiled and said: "Actually, there are many reasons why such a small oasis can be formed. First of all, let's talk about the water source. Xiaojia diverted water from the Satellite Map Park, and it was The result of continuous expansion.

At the front, everyone came to a satellite map, which was a comparison of two satellite maps. The first satellite map to the Gobi Desert with half-point upgrade.

Then, under the guidance of the tour guide, everyone came to a group of photos. Those photos record some non-memorable and iconic photos of that base in various eras.

Under the seventh satellite map, a small oasis appeared in the same place. Comparing those two photos, it’s a huge change.

In addition to such a smart drip irrigation system, you are also actively cultivating drought-tolerant plants, such as the few plants here, which are drought-tolerant plants cultivated through your transgenic and gene editing technologies.

Everyone knows the drip irrigation system. Your system is said to be modified from the drip irrigation system. It does not consist of very high-level pipelines and several sensors and control systems.

Secondly, they will engage in some safe experiments, such as some live-fire target shooting experiments, and you will not carry out some chemical, biological, and medical research. These need to be kept away from the crowd, so as to ensure that the safe materials outside will affect the distance. people.

Those that are cultivated outside your drought-tolerant plant research laboratory, I will be able to see them later. "It's hard to imagine that in such a short period of time, Wu Hao and we were able to talk about the lifeless Gobi Desert and this eye-catching artificial lake.

In the desert, building such a small artificial lake and such a small oasis is a small project.

So it is hard for you to imagine that you can build such a small oasis in such a short period of time. Is there any secret out there? You are very interested. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed.

Of course, the most important thing is because the land outside is cheap enough, and you have to pay an expensive land price. "

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