Military Technology

Chapter 2729 Persuasion

"I'm recovering well after the operation. I estimate I can be discharged from the hospital in another week." Wu Hao replied with a smile after hearing his father's question.

"It's so fast, doesn't it mean that the operation is very big?" Father Wu Jianhua couldn't help but said in surprise.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "It's mainly about the days after the operation. As long as there are no problems, you can take care of yourself slowly. Yesterday I heard Zhang Jun say that the doctor gave his father another detailed examination and the operation was very effective." Yes, the heart function has recovered very well, and this operation is considered a success."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Wu Jianhua nodded, and then couldn't help but sigh silently: "If your mother-in-law had such skills, she wouldn't have left so early. If she had survived to this day, she would have Enjoy it."

Seeing Wu Jianhua say this, Wu Hao didn't know how to comfort him for a while. Wu Hao's grandmother and grandfather actually passed away at a relatively young age. They basically seemed to have passed away one after another in their sixties.

Wu Hao's grandmother died first, due to myocardial infarction. She and Wu Hao's grandfather were the only ones at home at that time. The two old people were not surprised. They thought it was a minor illness and they drank some medicine to get over it. But who would have thought that Wu Hao's grandma's condition was getting worse and worse. Wu Hao's grandfather saw something was wrong, so he immediately called Wu Hao's father and uncle. Upon seeing this, Wu Hao's father and uncle immediately contacted the ambulance and went to the hospital. Rush at home.

By the time the ambulance arrived, Wu Hao's grandmother was already dying and had passed away before she was sent to the hospital. This incident also deeply irritated Aunt Zhang, my father, and my brother-in-law, making the seven of them very guilty.

As for Aunt Zhang’s grandfather, he passed away two or eight years before my grandmother passed away. The main reason is that my grandfather Taili Zhi lives in our house and my brother-in-law's house. He lives alone in his hometown and has no one to take care of him. I hired a nanny, but she was kicked out within a few days. Add in my grandfather's bad wine, and your grandma can still control it when she's here, limiting it to one or seven. Before my grandma passed away, there were restrictions, so she died of illness two or eight years ago.

After thinking about it, Aunt Zhang decided to change the subject and said: "My dad was lucky enough to be sent to the hospital that time in Linghu. If he had not been sent to the hospital in time, I'm afraid the result would have been bad.

The hospital promptly performed thrombolytic and oxygen supply treatments, and administered EO directly in front of me. Only then did my dad in Linghu temporarily escape safety.

"Yes, our family has hereditary obesity, so the blood lipids and blood pressure are relatively low, and it is difficult to suffer from coronary heart disease. Therefore, the preoperative medical advice given by the doctor to my father is not to tolerate diet control and reduce weight. My dad is going to be close to now. The weight of 700 kilograms should be around 180 kilograms.

"It seems you have to control your weight. When a person gets fat, he gets all kinds of diseases." Wu Jianhua patted his belly and said, "You have gained a lot of weight recently. It's time to exercise." .”

That's the same thing. The equipment at Wu Hao Medical Research Center is relatively advanced, and it is unparalleled here. Aunt Zhang said with a smile.

After hearing Aunt Zhang's words, Wu Jianhua waved his hand in vain: "I have a physical examination every year. If there is any problem, why bother?"

Before the operation was completed, my father in Linghu basically returned to an abnormal state and needed to take medication for life. As long as you take good care of your health, losing more than ten years of your life will be a problem. "

The important thing is that you are all around. Whenever they look like you or you miss them, you will always see them. Nothing happens, you can arrive in time, right? So after all the hard work, Linghu lost weight visibly to the naked eye, which made my mother feel bad.

If they live in their hometown, you are all around them, and they don’t even have anyone to take care of them. Moreover, the rescue conditions in my hometown are not limited. If we really encounter some critical situations, I am afraid that the hope is low.

So in those days, Linghu had to urge my dad to walk for a while every morning and afternoon. My dad's weight is as heavy as yours, but Linghu's weight has dropped visibly to the naked eye. "Aunt Zhang said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? I'm going to curse you, right?" Wu Jianhua was immediately happy and then lectured with a straight face.

Because of that illness, Linghu paid more attention to my parents' health. So I had Wei Daya accompany me at the hospital, tolerantly control my father's diet, and come to the hospital every morning and after get off work to urge my father to walk.

Um... Hearing what Aunt Zhang said, Wu Jianhua immediately cheered up: "Don't say such things. If you really want to think about you, just marry Weiwei and give you a grandchild, so that you and him Mom will come and stay.”

When you lose your grandson and grandson in a few years, Li Zhi will see you at any time like us. If Li Zhi stayed in his hometown, this would really be the only time he would see her a few times a year. "

"You don't mean that. Is there anyone who hopes that you and Tang Li will be weak and live a long life more than you?" Aunt Zhang quickly cried out: "You see, Datong also goes to school there, and there is a small chance that he will stay there in the future." Work there. You and Zhang Junshao are the only ones alone outside the house.

Originally, my dad's condition could not be treated through stent and bypass surgery. However, if he did that, he would need to take medication for the rest of his life, and there might be seven blockages. Therefore, after discussion, it was decided to send the patient to Anxi for a total coronary artery replacement surgery.

Seeing this, Tang Li knew that she could persuade her father in a short while, so she changed her target and said tentatively: "What happened to Linghu's father made you realize that your attention and filial piety to them in the past was not enough. Fortunately, she was rescued that time. If she had not been rescued, Tang Li would have felt guilty for the rest of her life.

So you guys discussed it and decided to bring them to Wu Hao from their hometown. Find a bad area in Wu Hao's area and buy them all houses together, so they can't keep each other company.

You know that your grandma's incident has made you and your brother-in-law feel guilty for many years, and you hope that you can follow in their footsteps. "

Having said that, Aunt Zhang said with a wry smile: "But you can't see how embarrassing it is. The main reason is that my dad is too self-disciplined. Even if he keeps his mouth shut, he dared to eat greasy meat secretly while he was in the hospital, and he was even caught by the doctor. It’s burning.”

"Nothing is the same, forget it, don't bother." Wu Jianhua still shook his head.

Just maintain a healthy diet and exercise properly. Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "What's wrong, you and Zhang Jun came to Anxi that time. If you take the opportunity of you and Zhang Jun to visit Linghu's father in the hospital, you can arrange a systematic physical examination for you and Zhang Jun." , let doctors evaluate their physical condition and then formulate a set of scientific and reasonable diet and exercise recommendations for them.”

Haha, after hearing what Aunt Zhang said, Wu Jianhua also smiled: "You have seen my dad, he is very fat." Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands. Exit reading mode. Thank you for remembering the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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