Military Technology

Chapter 2707 The choice between life and death

So at this time, our medical multi-tentacle surgical robot can play an important role. It can help our doctors perform anastomosis operations on these tiny blood vessels, and the suture quality is reliable, and it can also greatly reduce the operation time.

We know that the most difficult thing about cardiac surgery is to perform surgery on a dynamic heart, so we need to stop the heart from beating first, and then we can perform surgery on this stopped beating heart. During the entire operation, the control of time and temperature is crucial. Although a series of techniques can be used to stop the heart from beating for several hours during the operation, if the control is not good, it will cause irreversible damage to the heart, so this degree must be controlled well.

And after the operation is completed, we still need to restart the heart. Although the probability of success is very high, there is also a possibility of failure. If rejuvenation fails, it means that the operation failed, and according to conventional judgment, the patient will die.

Of course, if emergency measures can be taken at this time and our smart bionic artificial heart is replaced, the patient's survival can also be guaranteed.

The medical multi-tentacle surgical robot can help us reduce the time when the heart stops beating, reduce heart damage, and increase the chance of re-beating.

Under normal circumstances, a large-scale operation like this may take seven or eight hours, but with the use of a medical multi-tentacle surgical robot, it can be shortened to two to three hours.

At this point, Director Tong paused for a while, giving Zhang Jun and his relatives a little time to react, and then said: "Put aside my career, just from the perspective of a doctor and a friend, if the patient The family members can accept such a surgical plan and can bear a series of possible risks brought by such surgery. I recommend that the patient accept this surgical treatment plan.

Because its advantages are unmatched by other surgeries, it is equivalent to repairing the original heart and restoring the heart to complete health. Other surgical plans are to make up for it every day, adding a lot of things, which is definitely not as good as this. ???

Of course, this choice lies with the family members, and we respect their choices. "

Hearing what Director Tong said, Wu Hao and the others also looked at Zhang Jun and his relatives. Indeed, families need to make choices at this time.

After hearing what Director Tong said, Zhang Jun also fell into endless entanglements. Compared to him, his mother, brother-in-law, second uncle, and sister-in-law all held their own opinions and argued endlessly. Her mother wanted to choose the most conservative treatment plan, while his brother-in-law listened to Director Tong's suggestion and chose The most radical treatment option. As for his second uncle, he is more inclined to compromise. As for his sister-in-law, like his brother-in-law, she also prefers radical treatment plans.

They each had their own reasons, refused to give in to each other, and even quarreled at one point. But the final decision-making power still rested with Zhang Jun, because it was Zhang Jun who signed the final contract.

Seeing Zhang Jun's tangled expression and his relatives arguing endlessly, Wu Hao shook his head slightly, and then said to Director Tong: "This choice is difficult to decide. Can we stabilize the patient first?" condition, and then listen to the patient’s opinion.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun and his relatives' eyes lit up, and they immediately looked at Director Tong and the others.

Facing everyone's gaze, Director Tong nodded, and then said to everyone: "Of course there is no problem. We can perform interventional surgery on the patient first, and then unblock the blocked coronary artery in the patient's heart and expand the narrowed area. , this can ensure that patients can keep their tubular arteries open in the short term.

Of course, this time period is relatively short, and it is difficult to ensure that the unblocked and dilated tubular arteries will not cause stenosis or even myocardial infarction again. Moreover, this kind of interventional surgery inherently involves a certain amount of radiation. In Yunxi, patients have been subjected to CT irradiation several times before, so during the safety period, CT irradiation cannot be performed in the short term.

Therefore, you must think clearly that once dilation is performed, the patient will no longer be able to undergo interventional surgery. If it is done again, the radiation intensity in the patient's body will exceed the standard, which will pose a great risk. "

After hearing Director Tong's words, Zhang Jun and the others fell silent again. Yes, if this kind of interventional dilation surgery is performed, it means that this kind of surgery can no longer be performed in the end, and then conservative treatment options will no longer be possible. You can only choose between compromise and radical options.

Seeing everyone's tangled look, Director Tong said with a smile: "Actually, we can wake up the patient now, but in order to reduce the oxygen consumption of the patient's body and heart, we have been letting the patient rest and sleep, which can also reduce the pain. The patient suffers as well as the pain and discomfort caused by the heart.

As long as we stop taking the medication, the patient will soon wake up. At that time, you can ask the patient for his opinion.

However, in general, patients in a disease state may be a little unclear, their logical thinking may be a little confused, and they may think more radically, making it difficult to make decisions calmly.

Therefore, the specific choice depends on the opinions of the family members. "

After listening to Director Tong's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, Director Tong is right. Patients in a disease state have more radical thoughts, especially regarding their own illness, and it is difficult to make the right choice calmly.

Therefore, it is usually up to the family to make the decision at this time. Sometimes the family members are even unable to make the right choice, and they still have to be assisted by relatives.

There is a joke on the Internet about this kind of thing, saying that at such a critical moment, the one who can usually make the calmest choice is the son-in-law and the other is the daughter-in-law. They are related to the patient but not so close, so they can make choices more calmly.

And many of them are life and death choices, and the decisions made will affect the life and death of relatives, so it is very difficult and very cruel, but this is the reality, and it may be the reality that each of us must experience.

At this time, Wu Hao stopped talking and gave the choice to Zhang Jun and the others.

Zhang Jun's mother took Zhang Jun's hand and said: "How about we stop tormenting your dad and just give him conservative treatment. Your dad is over fifty and still has a few years to live. He has suffered so much." What are you doing?"

Sister-in-law, my brother is only in his fifties. With good treatment, he can live for decades. It is a pity to treat him conservatively like this. Zhang Jun's sister-in-law quickly persuaded him.

Then his brother-in-law also said: "Yes, sister, my brother-in-law is still young, and the technology here is so advanced, it would be a pity to choose conservative treatment like this."

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