Military Technology

Chapter 1003 Can't lose in momentum

"Enterprise interests should be subordinated to national interests. In the current situation, we have to make relevant preparations.

Although India has a large population and a huge market potential, the infrastructure is not perfect and the consumption capacity is still relatively limited, so the influence on our overall overseas market is still very limited.

Of course, we can't do nothing and let them do whatever they want. First of all, we still have to try our best to recover and rescue.

In particular, there are many domestic conflicts, and you can make more use of it. However, it is also necessary to be prepared to safely withdraw from the country at any time. Establish a non-Indian drug operation center in South Asia, and continue to exert influence on it. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a look at Tong Juan, and then continued: "Although we now have two strong opponents overseas, there are also many strong chasers.

But in terms of technology and market share, we are far ahead. The key point is that we have broken through the device gap between smart VR devices and smart AR glasses virtual reality technology, forming a relatively unified closed-loop ecosystem, which is unmatched by other manufacturers.

At present, these two sets of product systems have already established a certain market in India and drugs, and many people have become their users and audience groups.

Once India and drugs want to be banned, it is bound to be strongly opposed by these people, especially those who have experienced the technical benefits of these products.

In terms of these technologies, we have a large number of patented technologies, and the development of India and drugs must not bypass us.

So at the moment this situation is only temporary and in the long run it doesn't have the strength to permanently ban us. "

Tong Juan nodded after hearing what he said: "Of course I know that Indian Drugs does not have the strength to permanently ban us, but I am afraid that there will be a chain reaction, and we will be caught by our two major competitors and a certain western company." used by some countries."

"I can't rule out this possibility. After all, our virtual network and virtual reality mobile network have shaken their original inherent interests to a certain extent." Wu Hao nodded and frowned.

"Then what to do, this is also restricted, and that is also banned, so why do you hit a wall everywhere." Zhang Jun became a little annoyed.

"Hehe, there is no smooth sailing in the development of things. It always has to go through some ups and downs to succeed." Wu Hao waved his hand to make him calm down.

Tong Juan also nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, new things will always replace old things, and old things won't sit still and be willing to be replaced, they will try their best to prevent the growth and development of new things.

But in the long run, new things will definitely replace old things. "

"The world is complicated. We must not only learn to communicate with enthusiasm, but also be prepared for constant struggle. Sometimes difficulties and opportunities always coexist. How to find opportunities in difficulties is also a test for everyone. The ability of a regional leader."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Tong Juan and asked, "How is the patent infringement case between us, Guoguo and S Star going?"

"It's still in the stage of proof. You know that this kind of lawsuit is usually very troublesome. It's hard to pronounce the verdict in two or three years. And such a result may not be appealed by the other party, so after a series of tossing, it won't be settled in five or six years." Tong Juan shook her head and said.

"What's the attitude of Guo Guo and S Star?" Zhang Jun asked with concern.

"Fruit's attitude is still hoping to get a settlement as soon as possible, and to increase the previous fee. S star is not so enthusiastic, it seems to have begun to prepare for a protracted war with us. It is even said that they want to Take their old routine and file a countersuit against us, accusing us of infringement of certain patents." Tong Juan said helplessly.

"Why, this is a slap in the face, it's too shameless." Zou Xiaodong was shocked and angry.

"Hehe, these big companies have always used tricks." Zhang Jun sneered, "It's nothing more than trying to force us to reconcile and then exchange benefits. They do this kind of thing a lot."

Wu Hao smiled and said: "It's expected, there is nothing to be surprised about. Regarding this aspect, we still have to be prepared for a protracted war. If they want to play, we will play with them to the end.

But there is one! "

As he spoke, he looked at Tong Juan and asked, "When is the latest hearing?"

Tong Juan thought for a while, and then replied, "It's probably mid-March, what's the matter?"

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to several people: "No matter what, we can't lose them in terms of momentum, so we must do a good job in publicity and publicity.

I want to let the whole world know these things, and this in itself is also a kind of publicity for our strength. "

"It's a bit difficult to take the initiative in public opinion in the Western world." Tong Juan frowned and said.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "So, you need multiple ways to broaden your thinking. Traditional media channels are difficult, but the Internet, and our two major channels.

And not all areas can be controlled, there are always gaps. In this regard, you can chat more with the publicity and distribution department. They still have a lot of experience in publicity and distribution through new channels. "

"I see. I'll talk to them when I go down." Tong Juan nodded and said.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words: "I'll give you a suggestion. You can organize a special team to support publicity and public opinion. The personnel can be recruited by yourself, or they can be transferred from the company's publicity department. But the person in charge must choose one Senior media personnel or reporters in Europe and the United States know how to deal with these media and understand the operation process of the whole thing."

"Okay, I will think about it seriously." Tong Juan nodded seriously at him.

Seeing that Tong Juan responded, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then set his sights on Zhang Jun: "Although Mr. Tong is in charge of the overseas market, you have to worry about this aspect and do a good job in related security work." .

I don’t tell you about the overseas market situation, but we are a little embarrassed to let her stand outside. So in this regard, you have to worry more, so that they can have a solid overseas rear. "

"Don't worry, I'm the one to deal with this." Zhang Jun answered very neatly, and then nodded at Tong Juan.

Although the two have some differences in some ideas, it is related to the interests of the company, and they are in the same trench, so naturally they have to work together and work together.

Wu Hao also believes that the two will not abolish the public due to private reasons, but he still wants to point it out. The purpose is to remind the two of them on the one hand, and to reassure Tong Juan on the other.

Sure enough, Tong Juan also nodded at Zhang Jun and smiled.

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