[Unmodified Version] With the gradual end of the New Year holiday, various industries have gradually resumed work. However, resuming work every year basically requires an adaptation cycle, unless it is a particularly urgent project. Under normal circumstances, everyone will be given a buffer time for the New Year, until the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. During this period, most companies will not arrange heavy work, just to give everyone a time to relax and adapt.

Moreover, in traditional thinking, the New Year does not end until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Of course, there are also many companies that do not have such regulations, or the business is relatively busy.

For Haoyu Technology, the new year and the new atmosphere are still very busy, but Wu Hao still tries to give everyone a transitional adaptation period for the New Year.

As for some projects and departments with heavy or urgent work, there is no such treatment. Some of them even worked overtime during the New Year, and some of them devoted themselves to intense work as soon as they resumed work.

For Wu Hao, this year is another busy year. There are many major projects this year, each of which is very important, especially some key projects, which must be paid special attention to.

Haoyu Technology Office Building, Conference Room 7, this is the place where the weekly mid-level and high-level meetings are held.

Today's regular meeting is also the company's first regular meeting this year, so all the leaders of the middle and high-level departments are present.

Although the company's internal environment is very free, there are not too many requirements for everyone's clothing. But this kind of formal regular meeting still requires everyone to dress more formally.

So even Wu Hao, who was not so restrained, put on a casual suit.

When Wu Hao and Zhang Jun appeared in the conference room surrounded by a group of subordinates, they were relatively casual, and everyone chatting with each other sat up straight.

Wu Hao looked at the crowd, then walked to the first seat and sat down, then leaned on the chair and nodded to Zhang Jun who was seated in the first seat on the left.

Zhang Jun understood, then nodded and said to everyone: "The next meeting, this week's regular meeting, is the first regular meeting of Haoyu Technology after resuming work during the Spring Festival in 2024.

In addition to arranging this week's work, this meeting will also give a brief explanation on the company's development direction this year. I hope everyone can listen carefully and convey it to the employees of the subordinate departments after returning.

The first is the work content of this week. This week belongs to the first full week after the resumption of work. Therefore, in addition to giving employees enough time to adapt to the transition, various tasks have to be carried out one after another.

For some departments and project teams with tight cycles,

I'm afraid we don't have time for everyone, so everyone still has to work hard to overcome it and get into work as soon as possible. When these projects and work come to an end, we will arrange a holiday for everyone.

Next is..."

Zhang Jun is basically responsible for this kind of weekly work meeting. If Zhang Jun is not around, Tong Juan is in charge, and sometimes Wu Hao will also be in charge. But most of the time, he is listening and summarizing and emphasizing at the end.

Finally, after more than half an hour of arranging the work content, Zhang Jun immediately closed the folder in front of him and said to everyone: "This is the work content for this week. Let Mr. Wu speak next."

clap clap clap...

After a burst of applause, Wu Hao pressed his hands, then put his hands on the table and looked at the crowd with a smile on his face and said: "It seems that everyone is having a good time this Chinese New Year. I see that many people present have very rosy complexions. People are getting fat."

Ha ha ha ha... Everyone present laughed after hearing the words, and they couldn't help but cheer each other up.

The so-called gaining three catties during the festive season is already a common phenomenon. But for many people, this is a happy trouble. Many middle-aged people are generally overweight, so they are full of troubles about this kind of weight gain.

This matter is okay for a man, at most he can sigh. But for women, it's like the sky is falling, and they start to feel annoyed and start dieting to lose weight.

It is said that many girls, after coming back to work from the Chinese New Year vacation, started to eat cucumbers, and it took half a month to eat cucumbers, in order to lose a few catties on the scale.

As everyone knows, our work will be very busy this year, and a series of projects and work will be launched one after another, so this year will be a severe test for the company, for everyone, including myself.

Hearing what he said, everyone's expressions immediately became serious. Indeed, everyone knows these things and has made relevant preparations, but until now, everyone is still a little nervous or scared.

Seeing the changes on everyone's faces, Wu Hao waved his hands with a smile and said, "Everyone don't need to be too nervous, the so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, everything will pass.

As long as everyone sticks to their posts and completes their work seriously and responsibly, I believe we will get through it smoothly.

And I have full trust in everyone's ability, and I also believe that we will succeed. Do you have confidence? "


Speak up, do you have confidence? Wu Hao raised his voice and asked.

Have! This time, everyone raised their voices and roared.

Very good, I believe everyone! Wu Hao nodded.

First of all, during our last winter and the Spring Festival, the sales of our transparent flat panel and related consumer digital products were relatively hot.

So our most urgent job now is to ensure the output and quality to meet market demand. At present, various factories have resumed work one after another, but it will take some time to resume production.

The production department must coordinate well to ensure that the resumption of work is carried out in an orderly manner. Dongzi, you are also ready to start, go to the factory below for a walk. Wu Hao said to Zou Xiaodong who was sitting third on the left.

OK, no problem, I'm leaving tomorrow. Zou Xiaodong nodded very simply.

The marketing department needs to cooperate, especially the linkage between online and offline sales channels.

In addition, in terms of after-sales service, we must control the quality of service. This aspect is the most honorable to earn word of mouth, but also the most honorable to lose reputation.

Since winter last year, we have received many complaints about after-sales. We must pay attention to this aspect, and what should be resolved should be resolved quickly, so as not to keep our users waiting for a long time, let alone disappoint them.

For some of these complaints of dereliction of duty or misconduct, those that should be dealt with must be dealt with seriously, and make an example to others. For some of these agents or our own brand experience stores, the penalty is to cancel the authorization, or fine, and lower the credit rating of cooperation.

For our own brand experience stores, we must also deal with them strictly. Up to the store manager, down to the staff, without exception.

Although the scale of our company is getting bigger and bigger, and our business is getting more and more, our service quality and attitude towards consumers and users should not be discounted, let alone missing.

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