Midfielder Ruler

Chapter 267 Challenging Footbonaut

The opponents of the first two friendly matches were Shanghai United and Guangzhou Evergrande, and the match venues were Shanghai 80,000 Stadium and Tianhe Sports

The opponent of the "Audi Club Cup" International Football Invitational Tournament is Bayern Munich, and the venue of the match is the National Stadium, which is the Bird's Nest.

At 2:45 am on July 2, Beijing time, the 2012 Euro Cup final kicked off at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine. Spain swept Italy 4-0 in the final, tying Germany's record of winning three championships. The champion and the team that has won three consecutive championships.

With the European Cup coming to an end, Tang Zheng's vacation will also be declared over.

During the few days in Shanghai, he would go to Genbao training base to see his teacher Xu Genbao, or Datong Middle School to see Lin Yao. Both coaches played a vital role in his football enlightenment.

People, don't forget your roots.

With Tang Zheng frequently appearing at the Genbao training base, the teacher-student relationship between Tang Zheng and Xu Genbao was exposed.

It turned out that Tang Zheng received training at the Genbao Training Base from the age of nine to fourteen.

And because of his high physical fitness and talent, he has been skipping the next level to follow the training competitions, which made ** Peng, Cao Yunding, Wang Shen and others in the ** age group not familiar with him, and hardly knew him.

After staying in Shanghai for another two days, Tang Zheng and Zhao Lina boarded the flight back to Europe.

The women's football team is not affected by the European Cup. They start training according to the normal time, preparing for the new season of the women's football league. Tang Zheng accompanied Zhao Lina to return early.

When Tang Zheng came to the Stobelari training center, he felt a little surprised. A house was being built on an open space that used to lead to the training ground of the first team.

"Hey, Tang... Long time no see."

Li Ken, the youth training supervisor in a black shirt, saw Tang Zheng and came over to say hello.

"You also know that I can't be idle." Tang Zheng said without blushing.

"Haha...the news of your transfer is everywhere now, I thought you were leaving the club." Liken was helping the club find out the truth, and looked at Tang Zheng relatively nervously.

"You used to be a professional player, don't listen to the nonsense of the media, if I really want to leave, then the club doesn't want me." Tang Zheng said this, and suddenly turned to point at the house that was being capped: "What is this going to be built? A high-tech gym?"

Ricken shook his head and said: "It's not a high-tech gym, it's the footbonaut developed by engineer Kostian Getler. The club spent one million euros to buy the latest training equipment. By the way...it seems that we still own this equipment. first client."

"The latest training equipment? Footbonaut?" Tang Zheng felt an inexplicable sense of excitement.

"If you're interested, you can ask Michelle, he knows better." Rickon patted Tang Zheng's shoulder, pointing to the direction of the youth team's training ground: "I'm going to see the children's training now."

"Okay, you're busy." Tang Zheng nodded lightly, and was about to turn around and walk to the locker room of the first team, when he was stopped by Rickon again: "Hey, Tang."

"what's wrong?"

"I heard from Sven that you have unearthed another genius in Shanghai, a young man who is more talented than Lu, right?" As the director of youth training, it is always important to train young players who can play for the first team.

Lu Liang is a rare wing talent with a lot of room for growth. He is also a rare left-footed player and has a bright future.

Now Tang Zheng has discovered a Chinese player who is more talented than Lu Liang, which is tantamount to giving Riken another chance to cultivate a talented player.

"That's right." Tang Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I have something to do, I'll treat you to coffee another day."

"no problem.


Tang Zheng waved goodbye to Ricken, the director of youth training, and went to the locker room of the first team to change equipment and resume training.

After playing two Asian top ten games, he has rested for nearly a month. Although he has a lot of training every day, the effect is still different from that in the Stobelari training center, especially the quality of training.

Two days later, the equipment house called footbonaut was completed. When Tang Zheng passed by, he met the sports director Zorc and said hello: "Hey, Michelle, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

These two days Tang Zheng has been busy with weight loss and training with the ball. Even if he had to fill his stomach, he would do it in the restaurant of the training base, so he didn't have time to go to Zorke to ask about the footbonaut. Now that he saw it, he pointed to the house and asked. : "I want to know what kind of training device this is?"

"Oh, you said this." Zorke's eyes suddenly lit up: "Come on, I'll take you in to experience it, and it happens that the technical support is still there."

Tang Zheng and Zorke entered the footbonaut from the door and gave a brief introduction.

It is not so much a training equipment as a special training room.

Of course, it is no problem to use a huge iron cage to describe it.

The space inside is not big, the room of 14*14 meters is paved with top-notch artificial grass, which is no different from natural grass.

There is a circle drawn by a white line in the middle, just like the middle circle of a football field.

The interior of the training room is composed of seventy-two specially-made wall panels. There are no windows, only ventilation holes. The lighting is supported by eight high-power incandescent lamps above the roof.

Entering the training room, Zorke turned his head and asked Tang Zheng: "You should have seen table tennis ball machines and multi-directional flying saucers, right?"


"This is a combination of the advantages of the two. Take a closer look at the middle of each wall. Is there two machines up and down?" Zorke pointed to the middle of the opposite wall and said, "That is equivalent to a table tennis ball machine." , but it is more complicated than the table tennis ball machine. For example, it will prompt you by sound which side the random ball will come out from. rise……"

In fact, in the final analysis, it is a set of response and reaction action methods for the action of the visual nerve center.

According to Zorc, Tang Zheng also learned that this training room is extensible and targeted for the current Dortmund's usual tactics.

If you often train here, you can improve the player's ball handling ability and reaction speed.

Modern technology is really increasing day by day!

What made Tang Zheng even more unbelievable was that the control center of the training room was only composed of a tablet computer, so he really wanted to try the function of footbonaut!

Zorke looked at Tang Zheng who was eager to try, and suggested: "The technical support is still there, why don't you experience the feeling of this training room?"

"it is good!"

Not long after, Tang Zheng changed his equipment and warmed up, Zorke and technical support Robert walked over and explained a few words.

Zorke and Robert walked out, the iron gate was closed, Tang Zheng stood in the middle circle facing a 14*14 meter space, a little inexplicably nervous.

"Are you ready?"

Robert asked outside.

"Okay!" Tang Zheng nodded lightly, getting ready.

Immediately, Tang Zheng heard a sound similar to fingers tapping the table with frequency, as if counting down.

At the same time, he saw red lights on every wall frame on the front, left and right, and then slowly faded with the countdown of knocking.

When the red light on the wall frame was completely dimmed, there was a feedback sound similar to two car doors being locked behind Tang Zheng: "Beep~beep!"

Based on previous knowledge, he knew it was the beep of the dome camera.

Tang Zheng turned around quickly, he saw that the special wall frame of the dome machine changed from colorless to red, and then a football jumped out of the dome machine.

In addition, about half a second later, another square frame of a special wall panel lights up with a green light, which is a reminder for you to kick the football shot by the ball machine there.

The ball wasn't very fast, Tang Zheng extended his left foot out of habit to stop, the football stopped on the spot, then he kicked the football out with his right heel, and accurately hit the net inside the square frame with the green light on.

Immediately afterwards, a notification sound sounded from the right, Tang Zheng quickly turned to the right, focusing his attention on the square box with the green light on, and when the football was shot, he didn't stop the ball, he directly raised his right foot and kicked the football that was rushing into it.

Several times in a row, Tang Zheng completed the 'pass' without stopping the ball.

By this time, he was gradually getting bored.

This device is indeed novel, but it does not feel practically useful.

So he waved, "Stop!"

A mechanical "end-training" sounded, and Zorke and Robert came in from outside the iron gate. Robert asked, "How do you feel?"

"To be honest, it's kind of boring."

"Really?" Unexpectedly, Robert smiled instead of anger, and even looked at Tang Zheng playfully.


"You feel bored, it's because I only adjust the temperature to 2o, if it is adjusted to 8o, I believe you will definitely be choked up?"

"Really?" Tang Zheng was a little unconvinced, his technique was completely supported by his strong stopping skills.

Robert and Zorke looked at each other, turned their heads and said, "Then try again."

The two went out of the training room again, Tang Zheng frowned tightly, ready to fight.


A reminder sounded behind him, and Tang Zheng turned around at the same rate as before, but when he was looking for the green light frame out of the corner of his eye, the football rushed over. Because the distance was too short, his feet were not ready to connect with the ball, and the football hit his foot Inside, it bounces far.

Immediately afterwards, two rapid beeps sounded from the right again.

This time his turn was fast, but the ball was also fast, and the football was shot from a second-floor ball machine, which was equivalent to a half-high ball.

Tang Zheng's instant reaction ability was good, his body leaned back slightly, but the movement was only half done, and the football hit his stomach.

Robert outside the training room saw Tang Zheng in such a state of embarrassment, and smiled very much: "I said Tang, do you still feel bored?"

During the speech, another urgent reminder sounded.


It was also the football shot from the second-floor ball machine, this time Tang Zheng didn't even have time to turn around, the football hit his back.

"Stop, stop, I was wrong!"

"Ha ha."

With Robert's laughter outside the door, the machine stopped working, and Tang Zheng simply sat on the artificial grass, propping up his palms: "Isn't this too fast?"

"I told you that you're choked when the ball reaches 8o, right?"

Tang Zheng smiled awkwardly, but he had enough knowledge of footbonaut, so he stood up and asked Robert: "Tell me about the detailed operation of footbonaut."

"Take a photo with me and sign the autograph later." Robert grinned.

"Deal." Tang Zheng did not hesitate. 8

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