After hearing the host's explanation, the enthusiasm of the audience has been mobilized!

"Ah...I'm messed up, I can't understand it, but it must be pretty good-looking!"

"Look forward! Looking forward! Lin Ci has prepared for a month? What kind of feeling feast will it be?"

"To be honest, as long as Lin Ci is caught, the suspect can be caught at the level of a crime-solving team-isn't it difficult?

"Is this too unfair to Lin Ci? If Lin Ci wants to be tall, he must not be arrested himself. Is it possible to stay in a room for 30-days?"

"No, even if you stay for 30 days, you can still be caught? It's impossible to go abroad.

"The husband's city bureau saves people? This is simply saying that catching a person is quite dry. Lin Ci failed!"

Learn to respond?" "But after all, Lin Ci has a month to prepare. Maybe this month will produce some kind of cattle.

"Come on Lin Ci! I'm ready to watch your show!"

The host knows that the program setting of the eighth issue of "Perfect Crime" is a little more complicated.

He has tried his best to simplify the programming of this issue

However, people can easily see that the programming of this issue is relatively unfair to Lin Ci.

There are four solvers. Although there are original restrictions on the need to find out the case by themselves, the crime solvers have participated in ten episodes of the show.

Coupled with modern detection equipment...

So from the experience and equipment gap...

Does Lin Ci still have a chance?

The mood in Jiang Yu's heart at this time is actually very similar to that of ordinary audiences.

Looking at Lin Ci next to him, looking at this man who has slept with him for a month, I don't know if he has any way to win again

But looking at Lin Ci, she was stunned

Lin Ci is still smiling with his logo?

Didn't Lin Ci know that the setting of the show was not good for him?

Do not

How could he not know?

At this moment, she suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from her side.

"Mother Jiang...

It was Chen Weiwei's voice that came over.

Jiang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her husband at Chen Weiwei.

"What's the matter, girl."

After the show ended, Chen Weiwei naturally appeared in the show, but during the show, the relationship between mother and daughter got along very well.

In Niuhuo, Chen Weiwei used the name "Mother Jiang" to call Jiang Yu.

Chen Weiwei was slow for a while, and said, "Shall we... have a meal together?"

Lin Ci's voice came over: "Of course it's good."

After the interview, the three of them found a good Cantonese restaurant.

Jiang Yu is six months older than Lin Ci, twenty-eight this year

And Chen Weiwei is eighteen this year, ten years younger than Jiang Yu.

Although the difference is not too big, I can call my sister originally, but it is too awkward to call it.

So it didn't change the name.

At this time the "family" was sitting in the restaurant, and Chen Weiwei was flipping through the menu "Huh?"

Chen Weiwei said strangely: "This is Suzhai tofu!"

Lin Ci was taken aback, and then he thought of this dish, saying that it has spread all over the country.

Accompanied by Yiyi's magic piece, "Tofu is so delicious!", it evoked countless people's greed.

He smiled: "Come here and try if my wife makes it delicious."

Jiang Yu also didn't dislike the name outside the play, but it was a little sweet.

So she didn't respond much, just smiled and said, "Unfortunately Yiyi didn't come."

Lin Ci nodded: "This girl eats better in kindergarten than me."

"Come on, today the head of the family consumes, you are welcome!"

Chen Weiwei smiled: "The 50 million rich man is indeed lavish!"

Lin Ci waved his hand indifferently: "It is 45 million now. I voted three times for Baima Temple.

million. "

"Then changed the car." Jiang Yu was taken aback: "Did you finally feel sorry for Master Ci Hai?"

Lin Ci smiled: "Master Ci Hai is not so stingy. After he learned about these things, he was very plain.

It’s fine to say that I have a clear conscience’. "

"Then I murmured, it won't be incense." That's right, "Perfect Evidence" has such power.

Lin Ci even drove the tourism industry in Jiangbei to some extent

Even the place where they lived before has been transformed into a homestay, which is expensive for one night

After a few words, the family that I haven’t seen for a while also relaxes a lot.

The dishes are coming soon

"In addition to "Perfect Evidence", there is another thing that has gotten hot recently."

Jiang Yu found the topic: "It was said that a group of hackers attacked the space agency and wanted to see the aliens’ capital.

What kind of stuff..."

Lin Ci also nodded: "I know about this too." "To be honest, I also want to see alien information."

Chen Weiwei's hand holding the chopsticks froze: "You didn't do it, Daddy Lin, right?"

Lin Ci was taken aback, then laughed hahaha

"How can I have this level?"

"Papa Lin is not omnipotent..."

"But Weiwei, if you encounter something that you can't solve by yourself, Dad can help you."

Jiang Yu also nodded and looked at Chen Weiwei with a smile: "Mom too."

Chen Weiwei's face turned red.

But she quickly mentioned another thing: "When are you getting married?"

Lin Ci was stunned.

Jiang Yu blushed even more than Chen Weiwei "What are you talking about, little Nizi?"

Then Jiang Yu patted Chen Weiwei lightly:

The meaning is full.

But where should she look at Lin Ci? Instead,

Should be thankful

Lin Ci said: "This matter can indeed be considered?"

Jiang Yu snorted softly: "Then you have to make a good proposal."

Lin Ci smiled, placed the Coke pull ring in his hand, and handed it to Jiang Yu.

"Will you marry me?"

Jiang Yu was stunned, then took the Coke pull ring and carried it on his slender fingers.


Lin Ci almost missed the Civil Affairs Bureau this meal.

We have to wait for the matter of marrying a wife.

But at this time in the Jiangbei City Bureau, Guan Hongshan looked solemn.

He is standing in a special office, the entire office area is extremely large.

He has been very busy all month for the stolen document from the Security Bureau.


But despite the exhaustion,

It has little effect.

When he was extremely distressed, he heard a screaming voice around him saying "Close the team."

He turned to her husband and saw the female police officer with a beautiful face and short hair.

"Little Tang."

This female police officer is Tang Man.

Associate section of the Cyber ​​Detective Division.

This woman is not only good-looking, not just long legs, not just a police flower

She is the absolute power of the Cyber ​​Detective Division.

At this time, Tang Xiao handed the document to Guan Hongshan

Said skillfully.

"This is the change of the in address of the group" Chenliang found yesterday. "

"Close the team..."

"What do you want these addresses for?"

"They are all disguised."

When Guan Hongshan heard the words disguise, Lin Ci's face flashed in his mind.

But he didn't delay because of this, he just opened his mouth and said, "Pretend...

"It's also a factory with traces to follow."

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