Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1164: : Strange creature

Not long ago, when Wang Jianmin and Lin Fan came to the scene of the crime.

Yang Xin asked and came over quickly.

When he saw Lin Fan, Yang Xin's eyes flashed with an unnatural look.

"Director Wang, Xiao Fan, are you here?" Yang Xin said hello somewhat shyly.

Such a scene reminded Lin Fan.

In the morning at the zoo, the little fox and Lin Shu used to tease themselves.

Now that I think about it carefully, Lin Fan himself feels something is wrong.

It seems that there are too many women around him.

First there was Lu Yingxue, then Little Fox, Lin Shu, Linda, Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian, and then Yang Xin and Xiao Shiyu.

And these girls, one younger than one, one more beautiful.

Take Yang Xin as an example. Don't think she is the captain of a criminal police squad. In the police squad, she is often referred to as a serious female man by those subordinates.

But this does not mean that Yang Xin looks ugly.

On the contrary, as far as Yang Xin looks, no matter where he is placed, he is definitely a goddess.

Only blame her for choosing the wrong career, and she is very enthusiastic about her career.

So I haven't been able to find a boyfriend until now.

Those outside do not like to find a female detective who only knows work day and night.

As for those inside, no one dared to think anything about her.

Wang Jianmin nodded and said directly: "Captain Yang, Xiao Fan is here to help investigate the case, take him in and have a look!"

Yang Xin didn't speak, but just nodded slightly, then turned around and led Lin Fan into it.

When Lin Fan came to the corpse, he saw a few forensic doctors examining the corpse on the spot.

No way, if you follow the normal procedures.

After the corpse is found, a simple inspection is performed, and after some on-site photographs, the corpse will be transported away.

After I went back, I was conducting a detailed investigation.

However, this corpse was too weird, from the time it was discovered to the present.

The flesh on his body is like water.

It was wilting and decayed a little bit, and finally turned into thick water, flowing directly on the ground.

In the end, the only remaining bones are here.

They have all tried, taking advantage of the body has not completely melted away, so that it can be quickly transferred away.

As a result, just when they were about to try to move.

The corpse would fall apart in a crackling manner, and the flesh and blood on the body would separate from the bones, falling down and melting away.

Such a weird situation was something they had never seen before.

If you can’t move away, you can’t stay here, there is only one way left.

At the scene of the incident, the corpse was inspected and dissected in all directions, hoping to find some useful clues.

Lin Fan came to the front when he just looked down at the past.

A strong smell of rotten meat, mixed with a **** smell, came over.

Lin Fan frowned quickly and pinched his nose. Looking at the tragic condition of the corpse, it was hard to tell whether it was a male or a female.

"Xiao Fan, the damage to the body is serious now. You can take a look first. Fortunately, we have taken the photos beforehand. You will use the photos to make a conclusion later!" Yang Xin said beside him.

Lin Fan nodded, and looked at the corpse carefully.

After a while, Yang Xin took the photo he had just taken and gave it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan flipped it through quickly, then turned around and said, "What is your conclusion?"

The voice just fell, and there was no waiting for Wang Jianmin or Yang Xin to answer.

A forensic doctor who seemed to be quite young came over and said, "Conclusion? What else can we conclude? The body was damaged in this way, and there was no way to find clues. However, when the body was left for a short time, we conducted inspections. , Her fatal wound was not drowning, but on the neck!"

While speaking, the forensic doctor quickly searched through the photos to find one.

"No, the fatal wound is here, which drained the blood from her body. As for the bite marks on her body, I think it only appeared after her death!" The forensic doctor said.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan frowned.

Look at the photo with the wound.

Sure enough, as the forensic doctor said, there were three imprints on his white neck.

And this imprint is also very weird, in the shape of a triangle.

Two on the top and one in the middle on the bottom form a triangle.

What kind of animal is this? Will there be such teeth?

Normally, there are only two teeth that beasts use to bite their prey and enemies.

And in the middle position below, no such teeth will grow anyway.

Lin Fan thought about it carefully, but didn't figure out what kind of animal it is that has such weird teeth.

The most important thing is that it seems to still grow in water, and it can get used to the blood of the dead...

Lin Fan's expression gradually became a little serious.

This is completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

But at this moment, there was a commotion behind him, and I heard a person murmuring: "You let me pass. I know what that monster is. I can help you solve the case. If you don’t catch that Monsters, more people will die miserably!"

Lin Fan turned his head abruptly, only to see an old man who was over 60 years old with gray hair, who was being stopped by two policemen.

"Let him come over!" Lin Fan said quickly.

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