After publishing the quantum theory, Lu Xingfan continued to build his own Qinglong car, which will be completed in more than a week. At the same time, he also studied nanotechnology in depth.

Lu Xingfan was very impressed by the nano-armor in the movie Iron Man. The emperor’s armor made of super carbyne material has been completed, so next Lu Xingfan will design the nano-armor, as well as the real battle armor that exists in animation and movies..

On July 18, 2021, the Qinglong car that Lu Xingfan built for himself was finally completed.

Lu Xingfan took advantage of the night and took dozens of aircraft pilots redeemed from the system to fly the Qinglong into the sky for a few good laps. After a while, he returned to the City of Galaxy.

The test flight of the Qinglong went smoothly, and no major problems were found. Some minor problems could also be solved by the scientists under Lu Xingfan.

On July 20, the presidents of twelve universities including Beihang University, West Railway, China Electronics, and Dongyou University, led the elite scientific research teams of their respective schools, gathered in the City of Galaxy under the convocation of Lu Xingfan.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Twelve universities including Beihang University, West Railway, China Electronics, and Dongyou have received funding and support from the then Galaxy Group in 2008.

In the following ten years or so, the development was so rapid! The twelve universities that originally had the reputation of being a key university but lacked strength have now developed into the top universities in Yanlong, on par with the two universities of humanities and Lihua, and are even slightly famous in the world.

Countless people in Yanlong already know that twelve universities including Beihang University, West Railway, China Electronics, and Dongyou University are partners with Galaxy City. Scientists from Galaxy City will regularly visit these twelve universities. Taught in universities.

More than half of the talented students who did not enter Galaxy University eventually entered the alliance of universities and professional colleges led by twelve universities including Beihang University, West Railway, China Electric Power, and Dongyou University.

Because those talented students who have not entered Galaxy University know that only among twelve universities such as Beihang University, West Railway, China Electronics, and Dongyou University, they can receive better education methods and have a great chance of entering the City of Galaxy in the future. Work.

In fact, many foreign students also want to study in twelve universities such as Beihang University and West Railway.

However, these twelve universities, as well as all the schools in the education alliance dominated by these twelve universities, have the same stinking problem as the City of Galaxy. They are particularly xenophobic and never recruit foreign middle school students. International students.

This made many foreign students who wanted to study in Yanlong Kingdom full of complaints. They cursed Galaxy City, Beihang University, West Railway and other schools for discriminating against them more than once, and protested more than once.

But no matter how those foreigners complain and protest, these schools are as immovable as a mountain, no matter how wind blows from east to west, north or south, I just don’t care about you. You can do whatever you like. This is something I learned from the City of Galaxy. Total ten.

As for an educational alliance formed by exclusive schools such as Beihang University and West Railway, the top officials of the government are also happy to see it.

Because as long as they are not stupid, everyone knows that the talents trained by these schools are the pillar talents that can be used by Yanlong Kingdom. These schools are the future talent training base of Yanlong Kingdom.

As for humanities, the government is not very concerned about some schools such as Lihua and others that are flirting with foreign countries.

In the past, there was no choice, but with the rise of Beihang University, West Railway, China Electric Power, Dongyou University and other twelve universities, let’s look at those universities that train talents for foreign countries and receive high funding but never come out. The high-level government officials do not like the results of schools.

After comparison, the government’s support for Beihang University, West Railway and other schools is getting stronger and stronger.

Twelve university presidents including Ouyang Hai, Yu Qingming, Wang Xuanhe, each with red faces, led seven or eight people and followed Lu Xingfan into the arsenal of the Galaxy Military Industrial Group.

After entering the military factory, Lu Xingfan said to Ouyang Hai and others:”I’m calling you here this time to show you something, so that you schools can prepare in advance.”

Du Linghai, who led the way, opened the door of the military factory. Behind the warehouse door, what everyone sees is a 32-meter-high giant mecha (referring to the Danger Wanderer in the Pacific Rim movie)

“Damn it, this, this is a mecha! Such a big mecha!”

“Isn’t this a mecha? I remember it was, yes, it was the mecha in some movie last year. Well, yes, it was the hunter mecha.”

“Yes, I remembered it when you said that. This is indeed very similar to the Hunter mecha in the movie. Damn it, Galaxy Military Industrial Group didn’t really make the mecha in the movie, right?”

“Hey, you said that the mechas have come out, can’t there really be those kind of monsters emerging from the bottom of Dapingyang?”

“Damn it, Lao Lin, you are a fool. You have watched too many movies. How can you say such stupid things?”


While people from the twelve universities were discussing, Lu Xingfan turned on the touchable holographic projection, and then called up the information about the giant mecha in front of him.

“The first-generation fearless hunter mecha is made of graphene and special alloys. It is 32 meters tall and weighs 1,230 tons. It uses a floating neuron system with a quantum chip as the processing center and is driven by one person.

The power core uses a fourth-generation nuclear power reactor and a lava turbine processor. The mecha has good sealing and heat and cold resistance, and can adapt to harsh environments on land and in water.

Gyroscopes are used in many parts of the mecha to maintain balance, and hydraulic power distributors and high-agility torque drives are used in each important joint to maintain flexibility.

The weapon system is equipped with powerful plasma cannons, electromagnetic guns, ice missiles, fire missiles, and a sharp super-titanium alloy battle sword, and an alloy shield can be mounted on the back.

In addition to these weapons, the mecha itself has multiple mounting points that can be attached to other types of heavy weapons.

The Fearless Hunter Mecha is the upgraded form of the Hunter Mecha in the movie, and is also the first generation of heavy combat mecha developed by Galaxy Military Industrial Group.

The reason why I called you here this time is to show you this kind of mecha. After the semester starts in September this year, I will offer a major in mecha design at Galaxy University.

I hope you can follow the steps of Galaxy University and also offer a mecha design major, but I know you don’t have people with relevant majors, so starting from September, you can register 10 people from one school to go to the mecha experiment of Galaxy Military Industrial Group Study in the room.

The fearless hunter mecha will be released in June next year. I hope you can seize the opportunity then. The thing is right here. If you want to continue to look at it, you can continue to look at it. Remember the confidentiality principle and I don’t need to tell you.

If anyone leaks it before the mecha is made public, I’m sorry, but I won’t be polite.”

After Lu Xingfan finished speaking, he left the Galaxy Military Industrial Group’s warehouse, leaving Du Linghai in charge of taking care of Ouyang Hai and others.

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