"Elder, it's not good, a 2,000-ton monster has appeared in Boutonlai!"


The phone fell to the ground.

The elder was bloodless, clutching his heart, and sitting paralyzed on the ground, breathing quickly.

"Great Elder, Great Elder, are you okay, I'm calling someone now..." the secretary said anxiously.

"John, don't call anyone." The elder's head was moving at a high speed at this time. He knew that this matter was going to be over, but he didn't expect the monster to come so coincidental.

Once the ‘Mecha’ engages with the monster, it will definitely reveal the true situation of the Spider’s mech.

How much enthusiasm the people have now, how much hatred will become at that time.

God will kill me!

As an outstanding politician, he quickly calmed down and looked for a way to break the game.

Soon, he found a way.

"John, listen, this matter is irretrievable, anyway, I don't have many days to live, so I will resist this matter, and then you will do it like this..."

John was stunned for a while, and finally nodded with tears.

"Promise me, we must restore the glory of Victoria!"

"If it doesn't work in the end, maybe it's a good choice to take refuge in the Dragon Kingdom!"

After speaking, the elder stood up, got on the helicopter, and went straight to the spider mech.

Yes, he is going to die.



Only in this way can the anger of the people be calmed.

The Grand Elder came to the spider mech and stood with Lanlost.

At this moment, Lanlost's face turned pale, he has received the news, oh my god, the monster is here, wouldn't it be necessary to drive this **** to death?

At this time, hundreds of thousands of Victorians below also knew the news of the monsters coming.

Now it was boiling, cheering.

"Knight Mech, go out, kill the monster!"

"Kill the monster, justify Victoria's glory!"

"Declare the strong rise of Victoria to the world!"

"Knight mech, long live!"

"Victoria, long live!"

The great elder pressed his hand.

The audience fell silent.

The great elder tried his best, with the most sincere and calm tone:

"Today is a beautiful day for the re-emergence of the great Victoria, and the arrival of monsters, the destruction of San Francisco, the destruction of the Eighth Fleet of the Lighthouse Nation Pacific, all represent the power of monsters. And now, our knight mecha Our mecha division has just been manufactured for less than 2 days...These are all unfavorable conditions."

First, the conditions are difficult.

Then his tone suddenly rose, with high enthusiasm.

"But we are not afraid. The great Victorian knight never fears danger. We will defend our country at any cost. We will fight on the beach. We will never surrender at any time..."

All the Victorians couldn't help clenching their fists.

"I, as the great elder, stand by the knight mech and declare to the world that the Victorians are not afraid of life and death. The knight mech is born, I live; the knight mech is dead, I die!"

At this moment, countless Victorians at the scene and in front of the TV could not help their noses sour and tears.

"Set off!!"

The great elder walked into the mecha, leaving everyone with a stalwart back.

The huge knight mech was activated, lifted off, and headed straight for Boutonlai with the hope of the whole country.


The black palace.


The emperor scolded: "Old fox, really amazing!"


Long Country, Mecha Land.

Lin Jun also marveled at the brutality of the Victorian elder, and under such a miserable situation, he found a chance to reverse the situation.

He was supposed to be a big liar.

And now, he has become a hero.

Sure enough, there is no simple one who can be a politician of a country.


ps: I wrote so much while I was writing. Originally wanted to delete this paragraph, but later felt that the supporting role could not always be a tool person, so I rewritten the great elder.

After it’s on the shelves, it will speed up the pace, and book friends can rest assured that the number one book on the top list of my last book is fast-paced and famous, so that readers have not reacted to it, and have begun to pretend to be...

===【55】A great knight mech? Smashed by a hammer, kill in seconds! 【2】===

Lin Jun was boring to scan Weibo at this time.

The heavy body of the knight mech can only reach 60km per hour. It is so slow that it takes at least an hour to get to Boutonlai.

During this time, Lin Jun simply swiped his Weibo to pass the time.

At this time, Lin Jun found that many Weibo fans came to ask him.

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