With a shout, more than 3000 scientific researchers craned their necks,

Stand on tiptoe,

There was a hot light in his eyes.

Looking anxiously at the base entrance.

That's a super monster. It completely broke the law of life of earth creatures. There is a high possibility that it is an alien creature.

This kind of baby may be the dream of all researchers.

Perhaps a small discovery can sway the earth’s knowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology.

What Nobels, what Fields Prizes, are simply caught up.

Who doesn't want to become famous?

Who doesn't want to explore the mystery of that fascinating wuqiong knowledge?

But now, the opportunity is in front of them, how can they not be extremely excited?

Soon, more than a dozen long convoys appeared in the distance, one after another, large-scale modified trucks, dragging containers, drove into the passage of the base, and approached them.

"It's all packed in containers, it's a pity, I don't know what it is..." a scientific researcher said regretfully.

"Haha, what's the hurry? There are 2,000 tons of flesh and blood here, and you can study as much as you want by the time." Another researcher laughed and scolded.

When the surrounding researchers heard the words, they laughed happily.


2000 tons of monster corpses are enough for them to study for decades.

At this time, another car drove in.

A person got out of the car.

Lin Jun!

"Wow, Professor Lin!"

"Professor Lin, hello!"

"Professor Lin, so young!"

"Nonsense, Professor Lin has just graduated from high school!"

"Professor Lin is the one who invented the mecha. How can people like us compare?"

"Lin Shen, this is my idol!"

"Let's ask Lin Shen for an autograph, hang it on the head of the bed, and worship every day, hehe."


The arrival of Lin Jun made a group of scientific researchers very excited.

To a certain extent, Lin Jun is a big star in the scientific world, and an idol worshipped by these researchers.

Lin Jun felt the hot eyes and strong enthusiasm of everyone, and his heart was surging.

Working with this group of people, I will not be lonely in the days to come.

The next day,

Lin Jun intentionally or unintentionally affected the research direction of monster corpses, subdividing the research projects into 26, 108 technical research directions.

These 108 technologies are all important technologies that will support the rapid development of the earth in the future.

It contains important parts such as new chemical elements, materials, batteries, and biological genes.

Time goes by day by day...

Lin Jun's strength quickly gained the recognition and admiration of all scientific research workers in the entire secret base, and he began to lead the research and development of 108 technologies.

Then in this process, some mature technologies of the future world are constantly being mixed.

The speed of research and development can be said to be——

Changing with each passing day!

Advance by leaps and bounds! !

Before he knew it, Lin Jun had faintly become the scientific research leader of the base, and almost everyone listened to him.

On the 15th day, an alloy called Bone Steel, which was fused with monster bone powder, was manufactured, which was 30 times harder than diamonds!

On the 20th day, a battery that incorporates rare new elements of monster heart blood was invented. A battery the size of a power bank can last a month for a building!



At this time, the lighthouse country.

Area 51.

It's the first time that the emperor has stepped into this place.

"Hey, I didn't expect our lighthouse country to have such a place. If this kind of thing hadn't happened, it would have been hidden from me, the president."

He looked dissatisfied, and he was very upset with the concealment from his opponent.

Of course, he can only complain, because Area 51 is not under his jurisdiction, and its existence is beyond the realm.

The reason why it has such a special status is because it hides the most secrets in the world-aliens!

Soon, they came to the 23rd district.

Here, a huge...Mecha is being built? ?


ps: There is something wrong today, there are not many words in this chapter...

. .

===【49】The confrontation between the spider mecha and the spy in the lighthouse country【1】===

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