
This machine,

Is it going to guard against the sky?

Tell me, this war machine... who is it going to deal with?

Put it on the battlefield, it is an invincible existence!

Is it too bullying the enemy?


"Student Lin Jun, are you sure that this mecha can be made?" The vice principal swallowed and looked at Lin Jun.

"If all the materials are complete, it can be made." Lin Jun said lightly.


At this time, the dean of mechanical engineering asked curiously: "Can this plasma cannon really be made? Is there any related technology? In addition, I saw a refrigerant launcher. What is it for? Why not make something else. arms?"

This is also what other people are curious about.

Lin Jun did not answer directly, but directly clicked on the holographic projection.

With a flick of your hand,

A huge design drawing appeared in front of everyone.

Project: Plasma cannon design drawing

Subject: XXX

Energy: XXX

Technical parameters: XXXX...

The data is very detailed, and the design drawings are also very detailed.

Everyone present can be regarded as a big-time figure in the scientific world, and their level of strength will naturally not be bad, but when they saw this design drawing, they were all confused.

"Old Liu, do you understand?"

"I don't understand~~"

"Oh, of course I understand."

"What do you understand? Explain to us..."


"Cut, if you don't understand, you don't understand, your own person, don't pretend to be forced~~"

These old guys, who were several hundred years old in total, kept bickering while watching dumbfounded.

Lin Jun watched the play from the sidelines.

He knew that these people couldn't understand the drawings, so he showed them openly.


ps: A book friend asked me to say: "Material money does not need money?" At least hundreds of millions? Where does the protagonist get the money? …Emmm, the rich second generation has no money?

. .

===【12】The official announcement of Long Academy of Sciences University: Lin Jun is the father of mecha! ===

Lin Jun: "Okay, now there is one last condition left."

"Needless to say, I will agree to any conditions!" The vice principal waved his hand and was very emotional.

After Lin Jun explained to them a little bit about the technology of the plasma cannon, the vice principal and others have completely fallen in love with Lin Jun's shocking knowledge.

Such talents, let alone recruiting vigorously, let me hold my thigh.

Lin Jun: "My goal at this stage is to build the first-generation machine of the Ranger mech, so a lot of materials are needed, and the capital must be at least 5 billion or more, and it is the first capital. With a funding of 100 million yuan, I don’t know if the Long Academy of Sciences University can be the master."

5 billion...

And it's only the first...

The vice principal has a toothache!

He has only realized now that so many special materials are definitely not low in value, 5 billion is considered low.


Long Academy of Sciences University does not have so much research and development funds. The national financial allocation is only more than 4 billion a year, and the research and development funds only account for 1.8 billion, which is only a few million for each research and development project.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he proposed: "Can I invite the country to participate in this project? If this is the case, money is a trivial matter."

This mech contains so many black technologies that the country must be very excited.

What is 5 billion?

It's just a feather in the country's finances!

Lin Jun nodded: "As long as it does not affect my ownership and control of the Wanderer, I can agree."

Lin Jun smiled inwardly.

His purpose was to make bait through Long Academy of Sciences University, then fish, and attract national power to participate in the development of Wanderer mecha.

As long as you master the core technology (others want to learn, they can't learn it), let others do the rest of the details, sit on the Diaoyutai and reap the fruits of victory.


This meeting ended perfectly.

The vice-principal immediately drove back and went back to school, and asked the principal to report, and then enter the national-level report in half an hour.

The country attached great importance to it and began to send a team of experts to Lin Jun's house.

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