Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 340, Discussion and Return to Town

It didn't take long for Keir to go back and forth, but when he came back on horseback, the young master of the Sass family had already led his soldiers and the town's priests back to the logging field.

As soon as he saw Keir coming back from the lumberyard on horseback, this trainee knight from a noble family in his twenties came over angrily and looked at Keir dissatisfied: "Why aren't you here? Do you know that when you are not here? At that time, it was very dangerous for people working without protection?"

Kil didn't care about this. He threw the priest's staff, which was still hot in his hand, back to the embarrassed Priest Drizzt: "Go on, Priest, it's extremely hot!"

The priest's staff, which was still emitting dots of white light particles, was thrown out lightly. The priest saw the thrown staff and cautiously caught it with both hands.

Strange to say, the hot staff seemed to have no warmth in the priest's hands. Priest Drizzt did not use the thick sleeves of his robe or gloves to protect his palms, and directly touched it with his palm, as if he was not afraid of the staff. The same high temperature as above.

"Thank you, Knight Kiel. You helped me get back the weapon I just lost." After the long staff in the priest's hand buzzed for a while, everyone could see a white divine power in the long staff blending into the palm of his hand. Into the priest's arms, it seemed that the entire long staff had recovered the remaining power of the sun god.

After thanking Kiel, Priest Drizzt turned to the heir of the Sass family and explained: "Master Sass, Knight Kiel just helped me retrieve the long staff lost in the battle. He did not leave the team arbitrarily, nor did he Ignore the safety of the logging team. While the Kiel Knights are coming and going, my companions and I will temporarily guard this place for the Kiel Knights."

Knight Sass rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, but in a place where there are monsters around, I hope everyone can be more cautious. Knight Kil, please come over, I want to discuss with you what I just said I encountered something while doing this. Please come over, priests, and let’s discuss it together.”

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the soldiers following him dragged over the broken corpses of the two parasitic monsters. This thing is covered with broken and outstretched vine roots, which looks very weird, and coupled with the fact that it was originally a parasitized civilian corpse, it suddenly gave people a feeling of nausea and discomfort after seeing it.

The soldiers had just fought against this kind of parasitic monster, and they didn't know whether it was a higher level or a temporarily strengthened parasitic monster. They were in a very embarrassed state, so they were not polite when they laid out the monster's corpse. He also took the opportunity to kick him twice.

The priests were much more restrained. They were just small groups in each church, and the members of their own churches whispered to each other about the monster corpses that were displayed.

However, their expressions and contents are just different.

The two priests of the God of the Dead didn't pay much attention to these monster corpses that caused a little trouble. The two did not participate in other discussions. Instead, they worriedly talked to each other about some disturbing things about the corpses in the hands of the monsters.

Kil's ears are very smart, or in other words, after being trained by knights, his life energy has increased, and knights' ears are very sensitive. He heard two priests of the God of the Dead discussing in low voices how many corpses of dead people the flesh demon monsters had in their hands, and whether those monsters had properly preserved the corpses that had not been cremated after death.

It seemed that the two priests did not care about the parasitic monsters themselves, but were worried that after the parasitic monsters killed many people outside the town, some very bad changes would happen to the corpses that were gathered and hidden by the monsters.

Keir knew that it was probably a corpse pit similar to the one found in the bandit's lair in Bingshuguan. With more and more corpses gathering and not properly disposed of, the power of filth and darkness must continue to rise, right?

I don’t know if the flesh demon parasitic monster itself is afraid of these things.

The two priests of the Church of the Sun God failed to personally defeat a parasitic monster they were responsible for, and they also failed to arrive at the previous flesh and blood house early enough. Therefore, these two priests were quite embarrassed at this time. They felt that the priests of the churches around them who believed in other gods, The so-called whispered discussions were mostly secretly mocking their Sun God Church.

The four priests of the Church of Saturn all looked excited, discussing with each other loudly, and even had smiles on their faces. They had just worked together to defeat a parasitic monster. Not only were there no casualties, but their physical strength was not reduced after the battle, and their divine power was very little consumed. They felt that those parasitic monsters were not that difficult to deal with.

The Church of the God of Agriculture has a large number of people. Not only does the four priests present have the largest number of people, but also among the church forces in Yemei Town, the church of God of Agriculture has the largest number of priests. If all the church members who can fight are gathered together, Maybe they can do more in this flesh demon incident.

The two priests of the God of Wealth looked cheerful. Not only were they discussing something with each other, they were also talking friendly to the elite soldiers of the Sasse family. These soldiers faced the parasitic monster with curses on their faces, but faced the priests of the God of Wealth with smiles on their faces. They kept saying humble compliments, and they all looked forward to the two priests wearing gold and silver. Reward them with more property.

Another face again.

All this was seen and heard by both Keir and Sass. At this time, Kil took off his helmet, raised his chin towards the two priests of the Church of the God of Wealth, and signaled to the Sars knights opposite.

The other party waved his hand indifferently and walked over to Keir and told him what happened at the lumberyard house just now.

"What do you think of all this? Kil."

asked the heir to the baronet.

Kil whispered: "Just now, the two people from the Church of the Sun approached after a monster. I helped them deal with it."

Hearing this, the heir to the baron raised his eyebrows and glanced at the priests of the Church of the Sun God with contempt. It’s not that this person looks down on the Church of the Sun God. After all, the Sun God is a powerful god among human gods, and the church’s power is almost everywhere in the world. It is not his turn to be a young man who is not even a baron or a formal knight. despise.

What he looked down upon was just the two church priests who came with him this time.

Kiel continued: "I don't think this guy is that good."

Faced with this, Bel-Sath retorted: "The problem is not between you and me, Kil. You and I are both trainee knights. Although they have not been officially recognized by the Noble Council, we feel that monsters are not difficult to deal with. Ordinary soldiers And the people are no match for those.”

He continued: "The monsters themselves are stronger than ordinary people. Even my soldiers have a hard time fighting them. I can only hope that there will not be many such powerful parasitic monsters. You have to know." When he said this, his fingers were on Xu pointed around.

"You know, there are monsters everywhere. We don't know how many damn monsters there are, and we don't know if they will get stronger. The situation is not good, Kil. So I hope you And your people can help me, help my town.”

Keir licked his itchy scalp, causing the heir to the baron across from him to frown.

"It's this again. Knight Sars, I have my mission. You know, I said it yesterday. It has been delayed for a long time. I have to solve this matter as soon as possible. I know you have a lot of responsibilities. Heavy, but believe me, I am not small here. And just now, didn't you and your people do a good job? Gather more strength under your men, including not only the soldiers of your family, but also the guards in the town, or Priests from various churches. The merchants in the town must have a lot of power. I know that everyone in the chamber of commerce and caravans who go out to do business can fight. Don't underestimate them."

Kiel continued to wave his hands and said: "Not only that, you also have to organize the wealthy people in the town to let them understand the dangers they face, instead of covering everything up. Tell them what happened, and then organize them, Hammer, Pitchforks, iron pans, and wooden mallets can defeat parasitic monsters."

"There are also nearby villagers gathered outside the town. They have more people, stronger physical strength and fighting ability! Organize and train them, and pair them with people you trust as leaders, plus the assistance of the priests, I believe that when you order When they take back their own village, these people will explode with power you can't imagine."

Faced with Kiel's eloquence, Bell-Sass snorted: "It's easy to say, which of the above things does not require human organization and management? Which of the above does not require the support of wealth and materials? Which of the above does not require the support of people? Do you have the status to authorize and take final responsibility? Me? Or my aunt? Or my second grandfather? You have seen them and know that this is impossible! Only my father has the manpower and power to implement these things you said."

He finally sighed: "I am just the first heir of the family."

He lowered his head and muttered: "I can't help but think about the future..."

No one heard the muttered words clearly, and Keir didn't care what the other person muttered. When he saw the other person's rebuttal, he didn't care: "I'm not a local, not even from the southern province. I'll help deal with monsters when I see them. As long as the other party doesn't block my way. You still have to solve your own problems, so what's the point of just coming to me? If the people with you have this time to talk, why not kill more?"

"After all, the parasitic bodies of the flesh demons are just radishes with human faces. If they want to move around and do bad things, they must rely on the parasitized human body. According to what you said, most of the local population has gathered in advance. Into the town, these parasitic monsters that would have been a big trouble now can only wander around instead of completely ravaging the local area."

"Kill one, and there will be one less. Maybe if you keep killing, those monsters will take the initiative to leave here and wreak havoc in other nearby places."

Hearing the 'method' given by Keir, Bell smiled bitterly: "How can it be so easy?"

"I don't think it's that difficult. Just ride a war horse and go out and kill dozens or twenty people every day. In a few dozen days, I believe your troubles will be gone." Kil proudly patted the blood licking beside him. The straw horse head made a loud banging sound: "You know, we are knights! Those monsters are not as strong as us, their protection is not as good as ours, their physical strength is not as good as ours, and their mobility is not as good as ours, so why should we be afraid of them?"

At this point, Keir was confused: "By the way, I haven't mentioned it yet. Why did you come in a car when you went out to collect wood this time? Where is your horse?"

When Keir asked this, Bell was embarrassed. He turned his head to the side and hesitated: "Uh, this, that, you know..."

"What do I know?"

Bell gritted his teeth: "I have my own war horse, but my father rode it away. Yes, he rode it away as a backup war horse!"

"But I think there are no horses in Yemei Town? Don't you have a cavalry team? Why not temporarily ride the horses of your cavalry?"

Faced with Kiel's questioning, Bell finally gave an hesitant answer: "Oh, oh, actually my knight training has not yet progressed to mounted combat training. Although I have been riding horses since I was a child, you know, the general cavalry follows We knights are completely different."

Kil's eyes were filled with tears and he didn't know what to say. As for the knight's mounted combat training, he had never practiced it. He was imitating the two accompanying knights in the county and groping along the way. Come.

As a result, because this person had no serious studies, even if he could ride a horse, he would not temporarily get a horse to ride on and fight.

I don’t know what I am stubbornly insisting on.


Time passed quickly, and with the efforts of the lumberjacks, the huge logs stacked one after another were chopped with axes into pieces of wood that were easy for people to carry. The log piles can be held by one person or two people together. After carrying it, the results of these efforts were piled into the carriages that had been waiting for a long time.

The source of the logs is not one kind of tree, and the volume and density of the wood from different trees are also very different. Some are dense and heavy, and some are soft and light. Therefore, when stacking and loading into the carriage, the volume and weight of the firewood need to be loaded separately.

Heavy wood should be loaded on sturdy Chamber of Commerce carriages as much as possible. Even if the firewood in these carriage carriages is just above the edge of the carriage, it has already reached the carriage's load-bearing limit. For the sake of the mobility of the fleet in the future, it can be reloaded but cannot be loaded additionally.

The soft and light wood is mostly placed in the fleet of Kiel's team. After all, the vehicles under his command are not in very good condition, so they can be installed as much as they want. This time, the bulk of the vehicles are mainly from Yemei Town.

"Okay, retreat immediately after loading!" the baron heir ordered loudly.

He had taken people out to fight twice before, but those parasitic monsters had become much more cunning. Perhaps they saw that the people coming were not good-natured, or maybe broad daylight was not conducive to fighting monsters with night vision, so even if they gathered outside the lumberyard, There were many parasitic monsters, but they didn't have a good fight with these people in Ye Mei Town.

Every time Bell and the others move out, the parasitic monsters facing them turn around and run away. Except for a few stupid monsters who are self-sufficient and come forward to die, most of the monsters turn around and flee far away.

But fortunately, the strength of the parasitic monsters outside is not as strong as the monsters in the big house of flesh and blood in the lumberyard. They are about the same strength as those they met on the way here. The soldiers can charge forward as soon as they are slightly strengthened by the church priests. Knock down a small number of parasitic monsters with three strikes, five strikes and two strikes.

Therefore, when the convoy finished logging and retreated, the elite soldiers of the Baron family were all high-spirited, with their chins in the air. After climbing onto the carriage with the woodcutter, they never stopped bragging.

However, Kiel's lumberjacks are not very afraid of parasitic monsters. After all, the armed squads in the team have defeated several groups of enemies in the past two days. In their opinion, the enemy's strength is only that much. It is expected that the sword can cut down these enemies. Monsters, their woodcutter's logging axes are more capable of defeating monsters, right?

On the way back, the speed of the convoy was not as fast as when it came.

The drivers of the carriage waved their whips one after another, not really whipping the animals pulling the carriage, but making noises to urge the horses and donkeys struggling to pull the carriage.

Even so, the speed of the entire convoy was still very slow, almost the same as a normal person walking. This made the baron heir standing on a carriage look back and forth, quite uneasy.

When Kil passed by him on horseback, he said, "Are those guys following us? Kil, you rode with your eyes high, did you see them?"

Shaking his head, Kil said: "There are only a few fast-moving people tracking us from a distance, and most of the others have not followed us. At least I didn't see any nearby."

"Be careful. I think if I were them, I would definitely not let go of the slow convoy." The baron heir looked certain, without taking his hand off the end of the heavy ax he was leaning on in the car.

"I'll be careful. Don't be so nervous. If they come, let's fight."

Keir promised, patting his chest.

But in the end, their convoy had a safe journey and returned to Yemei Town at noon.

Their way back was to take the team camp in Kiel on the south side of the town. After all, the entire perimeter of the town was blocked by trenches dug by the villagers. At this time, there was only this temporary road available.

When everyone in the convoy heaved a sigh of relief and crossed the trench and entered the camp of Kiel's team, Kiel pointed at Bell and joked at the trench blocking the road: "Just in time, in the future, Yemei Town will no longer have to expend manpower to dig out A moat! You already have one! What those monsters brought is not all bad."

The heir to the baron was relieved to see him return to his territory, but his expression still did not relax: "Our Sasse family will have a city and its own moat, but to be honest, it is not now."

He added: "My family has long had plans to develop the plains below us, as well as plans for the development of the territory."

He stretched out his hand and made a few gestures on the trench that surrounded the entire town behind him: "Ye Mei Town will definitely become Ye Mei City in the future. The area inside the current wall can be used as the inner city in the future, and outside we can build a larger one." Outer city. These trenches now are too close to the town, so they have to be filled in afterwards."

"And these nearby lands outside the town belong either to my family or to various churches. Hey, if something hadn't happened and the situation hadn't been bad, how could it have ended up like this now."

With that said, the entire convoy passed through Kiel's team camp and came to the gravel road under the town wall.

About to enter the town.

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