Chapter 596 Say goodbye with a smile 웃으며

I ran like crazy down the aisle.

Ahn Hyun, whom I met on the way, also passed by.

And when I finally managed to find Shin in the distance....

I stopped for the first time.


It happened as soon as Shin was discovered. The ceiling, which has barely endured so far, collapses without overcoming any further collapse. Although I definitely found Shin, I thought it was too late.

Shin Jae-ryong fell on the floor. Ceiling about to collapse at the same time.

Probably crushed to death in eight seconds in that state. It's not just a stop. Because I know that no matter what I do here, I can't reach my destination in eight seconds.

What should I do here?

The cup is already spilled and the water flows out. There is nothing we can do under the current circumstances. I have nothing to do with the energy of vomit, and I wonder if I can afford it that size. If it's just soil rock falling, the ceiling itself would collapse.

…then do I have to stay still? Do we have to watch death like this?

If you can really speed up like light, or if you have a knack for increasing time….

Five seconds.

the passing moment

Light, time.


Four seconds.

I heard Victoria's glory. He began to prepare for the wave by pulling up his mana as hard as he could. It's not just a wave that ends with a single shot, but a wave that can continuously affect the surroundings after release.

Three seconds.

At a moment's notice, the circuitry of the whole body rotates hot. Starting with the two feet, the mana that travels around the thighs, abdomen, chest, heart, and head is gathered in a spiral form. Gathering and gathering, the more intense mana is pressed into a circle, and the right arm is used as a single passage to breathe all of Victoria's glory.

Two seconds.

Whoosh whoosh!

It is only then that Victoria's glory sheds light and tears over the heated sword. At the same time, a round sphere is formed at the end of the sword. I felt as if the mana of the whole body was being sucked out, but I can't stop it like this. It preserves the momentum of pushing forward like a tidal wave, and pushes the sphere at the end of the sword vigorously.

And then, shoot as it is.

One second.


At that moment, I had to feel the repulsive force of being out of breath for even 0.1 seconds, stiffening all over my body. A shock that I've never experienced before. No matter how much you concentrate on completing it without adjusting, it is never common considering that your physical ability is 100 points.

However, the effect was certain.

0 seconds.

At a close moment, light and darkness intersected.

In ten seconds, the waves quickly scintillated across the distance that they thought they would never reach.


For an instant, the darkness in the passage reverses the white light.

It was a dazzling feast of light, but I could see for sure.

A split wave slid from the end of the sword to the end of the passage, penetrating and eliminating everything that has entered the sphere of influence.

Such a continuous wave became a curtain. It was successful in blocking the ceiling that was collapsing toward Sinjiang for a while.

Yes, we succeeded.

If you had created a situation where you could save Shin, now was the last chance you would never come again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Victoria's glory, which seemed to urge her to go quickly. The body was already moving. Running, jumping, Gungshin Tanyeong, Lee Hyung-hwan...Taking advantage of the impact of the wave, I rushed by every means I could.

As a result, the interval was reduced to the extent that it could reach Shin Jae-ryong in exactly 11 seconds.

I quickly reached out my hand.

"User Shin Jae-ryong!"

And, finally, I caught him.


Rumbling, rumbling!

It was then. Suddenly the light filling the passage weakened and a thrilling sensation fell down my spine. There is no time for delay. At the same time, he gave strength to the hand he grabbed, tilted his body to the point of death, and hit the ground with all his might.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

For an instant, there was an illusion that there was noise in the field of vision. Something hard grazed the body, and something hit the top of the head. A feeling of being swept around by a tidal wave.

But now there's only one thing I have to care about. Without letting go of the heavy touch that I felt on my left hand, I used Gungshin Tanyeong as soon as my feet touched, and when my body stopped, I used it again. As if he had an obsession that he would die if he didn't run, he just put all his energy into reverting the passage that he ran unconditionally.

It's a mess!

Then, at one point, his feet suddenly twisted and he rolled hard on the ground. As I raised my eyes reflexively, I could see the ceiling that looked relatively intact. Then...

At least you're saying it's completely out of control?

"Gasp. Gasp.

I didn't feel it at all, but my breath was already up to my chin. Since the battle with Father Hagiya until now, he has been operating his body to the limit, and he has occasionally used it with anger. If you don't get tired, that's a lie.

I decided to take a breath and check out Shin Jae-ryong's condition.

In fact, I know it's better to just keep running away than to stay still like this. But that can happen under the assumption that the Divine King holds out.

The rescue was successful, but it is hardly a complete rescue. Because Shin Jae-ryong looked like he was about to lose his breath.

After checking with a third eye, Shin Jae-ryong's condition was also very serious. It was no exaggeration to say that he would die within dozens of seconds, not necessarily. If he had delayed even a little bit when he met Anhyun, he would have had irreversible results.

Anyway, it's okay. There is a sure way to save Shin. Ever since that incident, I always carry a bottle of Elixir when I go outside.


I was startled for a moment when I was about to take him out of my arms without thinking. The reason why I stopped moving was a kind of worry that has been constantly bothering me since I first decided to save them.

So it's a sense of incompatibility that I don't feel confident about.?

Slowly, he lowered his gaze and stared at Shin. And the moment I checked my cold face and calm smile.


I don't know why, but the sense of incompatibility quickly subsided.


He immediately cut off the rope to tie the elixir, and tore the cap. The refreshing smell of the golden liquid stings fresh into the nose.

I opened my mouth with a light heart.

"…I wish the king would live."

And I tilted the bottle without hesitation. …I don't know if I did a good job.

Anyway, as expected, the effect was immediate because it was Elixir. After checking the stable breathing of Shin, he finally turned to the aisle with a sigh of relief.

I think Anhyun and Ansol would have met by now, and Helena would have been treated as priests. We could have arrived at the earliest.

Then it's okay. Whether Han So-young waits or not, it is safe to say that the escape of three people is almost certain as long as Helena has been treated.

So what's left is...No, it would be more accurate to say that there's no room for this.

After carrying Sin on his back without delay, I started running on the path that was about to collapse.


Have you ever seen the ground collapse? The ground, which had already collapsed once and formed a pit, collapsed again and expanded further.

It makes you feel more scared than you can imagine.


A huge thunderous roar swept everywhere. As a result, the area began to tremble as if it were an earthquake, and the users standing on the hill stepped back with a chaotic face.

Of those users, only one woman is standing upright and gazing at the pit. It was Han So-young.

Han So-young couldn't wait until the end. I tried to wait for Kim Soo-hyun somehow, but when Ahn arrived, it was the last Maginot Line. Even the inner wall surrounding the hole was showing signs of collapsing.

Han So-young, who was almost semi-forced, worked directly to rescue the remaining personnel after handling the evacuation of the injured as soon as she came out. In fact, Han So-young is the last one to come out, so Kim Soo-hyun is the only one left.

But over time even that became impossible. As the collapse got worse, the ground of the outer pit was also abnormal.

Users who were waiting for rescue repeatedly appealed for withdrawal, and Han So-young, who endured three times, had no choice but to suppress her heart and order her withdrawal at the fourth appeal.

At first, it was intended to withdraw to the hill barrier, but it was not a safe area as long as it surrounded the pit.

Thus, he eventually withdrew to the front line of the Shadow Hill. As a result, all the roads to rescue Kim Soo-hyun have been cut off.

Of course, it wasn't without hope.

First, there is room for expectation from the user Kim Soo-hyun himself. It would not be impossible to escape on one's own if the movement was seen in combat with Father. No, it might be better than a rope.

And the second thing is, it's....

Han So-young, who was staring at the pit, turned her head for a moment and looked to one side. Where she turned her eyes, a woman was watching the pit from the same line as Han So-young. It's not just looking, it's shining all over the body.

The identity of a woman, none other than Ansol.

It was. Ansol was now preparing a miracle. I decided not to use it in the pit, but this time the target of use has changed. Since Kim Soo-hyun did not use miracles in the first place, Ahn Sol's mind is bound to change as long as the target of use is confirmed to be Kim Soo-hyun.

Ring, ring!

At that moment, the earth around the pit sank as if it were blown out at the same time as a tremendous noise. It hasn't sunk completely yet, but it's clearly in there.

Commercial Clan members, who were watching from afar, alternately stared at Ansol and the pit with anxious faces. I am well aware of the effectiveness of miracles, but no matter how much time passes, Kim Soo-hyun does not come out, so I am bound to be anxious.

And Ansol was still watching.

"Ansol, Ansol! Shouldn't we use it now? What?"

Eventually, Lee Yu-jung, who couldn't hold it in, jumped at Ahn Sol and shook her shoulder. Ahn Sol, who was squeezing her concentration to the fullest, frowned and shook her head as if she was annoyed.

"Hey, be quiet. I'll take care of it."

Your voice sounds a bit cold.

But Lee Yu-jung couldn't wait any longer. I was forced to suppress it just because I was preparing for a miracle, but I couldn't stand it any longer when I was looking at the ground that was collapsing every minute by minute. I don't know because I haven't heard the situation yet, but I know that Kim Soo-hyun didn't come out. I wouldn't hesitate to go down if I had a way.

Lee Yu-jung grabbed Ahn Sol's shoulder.

"Don't do that, huh? Quick...!

"You said it was noisy!"

All of a sudden, Ansol gave a sharp voice. I suddenly felt dazed in Lee Yu-jung's head, which had slowed down without realizing it.

"What, what…?"

"Do you know who doesn't want to use it now?"


"…You don't know anything!"


It was then.

As Ansol was about to end his speech in a almost tearful tone, the roar of heaven and earth suddenly rang in the ears of the users. The tremors on the ground have also become indescribable. Ahn Sol and Lee Yu-jung turned their heads reflexively.

It really happened out of the blue.

But not yet.It happened faster than expected by users who thought '.

Rumbling, rumbling!

The pit collapses.

It's literally collapsing in one fell swoop. What has endured so far is also reaching its limit. The earth itself sinks down, and the ground cracks like a broken eggshell, slowly, but crumbling. While suffocating by the devastating destruction, Lee Yu-jung shouted again.

"An Sol!"

No, not only Lee Yu-jung but also other Clan members shouted the same.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Ansol did not hesitate any more. Naturally, the hand holding the cane went up.

"A little luck for when you need it'』

"A little luck for when you need it'』

"A little luck for when you need it'』

"A little luck for when you need it'』

The message was continuously printed as if someone were dissuading Ansol, but ignored it and opened his mouth.


And that was the moment.

Fire, fire!

Suddenly, there was a sound of fire somewhere, and the ground that had not yet collapsed melted.


At the same time, someone from the ground soared high into the sky.

============================ Review of the work ============================

It's over. <<-<

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