Chapter 567 Sweet conflict. ========================================================================

* There is nothing unpleasant about this episode. You don't have to skip the second half.

The long meeting, which began early in the morning, ended.

The users, who were buzzing around in groups, all closed their mouths and watched the large tent in the center. Their faces showed signs of wondering how the conclusion was made a conclusion.

Soon after, users began to walk out of the tent one by one. But the faces you see aren't very bright. Something didn't work out?

Ahn Hyun turned his eyes around in a state of being trapped by users, showing signs of wonder. I think it's almost out now, but I can't see Kim Soo-hyun.

I was wondering if he was still in the tent. When Ahnhyun tilted his head.

"What a big deal."

Suddenly, a small sigh flowed in. Among the users walking out of the tent, a woman is carefully talking to a man. Ahn has improved his hearing reflexively.

"That's what I think. But if you think about it differently, it might have happened one day."

"What? What do you mean, it was gonna happen? You two had a great relationship.”

It exploded.

Ahn Hyun listened more and more.

"In front of authority, everything is initialized. There's only one captain on one ship. It can't be two people. Maybe the commander-in-chief knew that and created the title of unit commander in advance. I'm trying to prevent this from happening.”

"Still, I've been thinking about it while you guys were fighting, and I don't really understand the Commercial Road. Even if you don't like it, you're the general commander. You're being so earnest. Isn't it too much to say that you can't cut it off?”

"Well, I rather understand that position. You're telling me the truth, haven't most of the big achievements been posted by the Military Clan? But it's unfair to keep being forced to sacrifice. Considering that, I think you expressed it in a roundabout it. Because you didn't reveal it as it is."

"…Really? Did you really mean that? Anyway, I don't feel good. I've been doing well without much trouble, but I feel like I'm creaking all of a sudden."

Finally, the man and woman passed Anhyun and disappeared far away.

Ahn Hyun lifted his head blankly.

While you two were fighting.

a great feud

The whole story is obvious just by hearing this. I didn't see the situation in person, but I could picture it in my head to some extent.

Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young bumped head-on.

Then why?

Ahn Hyun bit his hand and bumped his teeth. Unnecessary anxiety swept over my body.

It was Han So-young's division into three units that allowed the southern expedition to come this far without any major problems.

The spearhead unit was imprinted by Kim Soo-hyun with his ability, and at the same time, controlled by those who wanted to take the initiative appropriately.

The central unit is overwhelmed by Istanbul Low and Han So-young, to be exact.

The rear troops are not much to be bothered about. The blue wolf gave up its authority in the first place, and it's not an important part of the role.

In other words, it was possible because users controlling each unit under such circumstances respected and conceded to each other.

But there's a feud? And the leaders who control each unit?

It was no ordinary thing. Discord is the beginning of all problems.

Rather, it is better to fight between Clan Rods, who are the same size, but Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young's influence in the southern expedition is unrivaled. As such, the two leaders bumping into each other means that the foundation of the Southern expedition may be shaken. At worst, no further attack may be possible.

Ahn Hyun is not a fool. It's not even stupid. No matter how uninterested I am in the situation, I could see how serious what I just heard.


Ahn Hyun chewed his hand and muttered quietly. And I prayed inside while looking at the tent where Kim Soo-hyun still did not come out.

I hope there's no big problem.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

In the main tent, two men and women, who had yet to come out, were staring at each other.


Then, at one point, Bang and Kim Soo-hyun raised themselves by hitting the table hard. There is no significant change in the expression itself. But his eyes were full of signs of anger, a face that anyone could see was angry.

Han So-young had an expressionless face as always. Being a master of poker face, it's hard to read facial expressions. He just stared at Kim Soo-hyun with a cold look.

Han So-young's lips fell off.

"Stop. The meeting is over."

"I haven't agreed yet."

"No, please leave. I want to be alone."

"I can't do that. Until you reconsidered what you said earlier."

Kim Soo-hyun flatly refused. a determined voice of determination not to yield a bit

Only then did Han So-young's face begin to show subtle anger.

"That's rude. I hate to say this, but I'm the general commander of the Southern Expedition."

"Then I'm the spearhead of the unit. I think I have that authority, and I don't think I'm wrong."

"Mercury Road."

"If you still want to push ahead, I'll drop the vanguard position here."

At last the bombshell exploded. Han So-young's eyes grew slightly, as if she didn't expect such words to come out.

Soon, a feeling of disappointment slowly began to appear in the black crystal-like eyes of Kim Soo-hyun. Considering Han So-young's usual expression of emotion, it was unusual.

It was Kim Soo-hyun, who was embarrassed for a moment, but soon he clenched his fist and bit his mouth.

For a moment, there was silence.

Soon after, Han So-young, who gently touched her forehead with her hands, opened her mouth in a tired voice.

"The mechanical road is. Where on earth do you not like so much about my opinion?"

"I didn't tell you. A small number of elite units will be formed to enter the sinkhole. This is good. So why does the commander-in-chief participate in that dangerous mission?"

"If I don't participate, then who will participate?”

"Why do you think there isn't?”

a battle that is not losing an inch against each other's battle.

Yes, the reason why the two men and women are raising their voices was whether Han So-young participated in the formation of an elite unit to target the pit.

Han So-young adopted Light Lord's opinion. He also called for a new idea to target the pit by forming a small elite unit composed of minimal and top elite troops.

It was good up to here. However, the problem was that there were no users willing to participate.

By the time we were just looking at each other, Han So-young finally declared that she would participate first. And at that moment, Kim Soo-hyun jumped and objected.

Han So-young will take the initiative to encourage participation. And Kim Soo-hyun, who is worried about Han So-young's position as commander-in-chief.

In fact, based on the official justification, it is impossible to judge who is right or wrong in their opinions. They both made sense.

If there's only one difference here, it's the difference between knowing and not knowing the first episode.

To put it bluntly, Kim Soo-hyun was not in a position to directly attack the sinkhole in the first inning. To be exact, he was in a waiting group waiting outside, and only read the records written after the attack.

Of course, not all the information in the record is perfectly contained, but at least we know who's lurking in it and what happened. That's why they are so fiercely opposed.

Because I know the existence of Father, and I know what purpose he has. I don't know, but as soon as I see Han So-young, I'm going to go crazy.

It's not just him. In the first episode, Kim Soo-hyun watched how Han So-young died in person. When I think about that time, I still feel emotional and feel like I'm going to live.

As such, Kim Soo-hyun's honest feelings were that he didn't want to make room for a similar situation to then. I just can't say it as it is.

However, Kim Soo-hyun's emotions were flowing to Han So-young.

Han So-young had her mouth shut again, perhaps tired of the ongoing war of words.

In fact, I am grateful, but I am not without regret. Maybe this guy doesn't know how I feel.

Han So-young, who thought so, quietly opened her mouth looking at Kim Soo-hyun, who is still stiff.

"You're a single-minded man. If you say so, you can't participate, and should not participate."

"Yes, I can. But not the Istanbul Low Road."

"Don't you think that's a contradiction?"

"You're out of sorts. I'm in a different position, aren't I? But the Eastantel Low Road is now the center of the Southern Expedition."

Awkward? Han So-young's ARMY wiggled. However, Kim Soo-hyun narrowed his forehead as if he was really frustrated and settled down calmly. Then he opened his mouth in a slightly subdued voice, a soothing tone.

"I see what you're thinking. However, high places require action accordingly. I don't have to take part in the Istanbul Low Road."

You're feeling tight? Who's feeling really tight right now?

Han So-young gently closed her eyes.

"You should think about the rest of the users. Who's going to take care of the rest of the users when everyone's out there?"

No, no, no. The only thing this guy knows is no? You don't even understand how I feel?

I gently rolled my fist and clenched it.

"Or, is there any reason you should participate? If not....”

Yes, there is.

Han So-young finally opened her mouth quietly after thinking about it.

"…then you have to wait.”


At that moment, Kim Soo-hyun's face, which was trying to continue talking, showed signs of wonder. I didn't understand it because my voice was too small. But regardless of that, Han continues to talk.

"You said you were going to participate.Why am I…."

Still a small voice seemed to murmur to itself. It's not like Han So-young.

"I'm sorry, but I misheard."

The wonder on Kim Soo-hyun's face has become stronger as he felt similar. Han So-young bit her lips tightly.

A little later.

Han So-young wanted to speak up. But contrary to his heart, his head turns away as if to avoid his gaze.


And said in an endless crawling voice, gently lowering his eyes.

"I'm worried… I'm just saying……the mechanical load."

Han So-young's slender index finger is rubbing only the table.

"Waiting alone...I don't want to worry about it..”

The thick lips are slightly curled and the face is ripe, reminiscent of red pomegranates.

The moment I saw Han So-young sulking.


Kim Soo-hyun's heart sank.


The night has grown old.

After having had enough time to organize my thoughts, I immediately paged Clan members. It felt a little cramped, but it was a rather large tent, so I was able to accommodate about 30 people.

"I'm sure you've all heard about the formation of an elite unit."

The tent was still. No one opened their mouth. They're just staring at me with one hot look. I like the posture that you try not to lose.

"At least 4 people, up to 10 people, are required to participate in our specialty. We'll have to gather up exactly, but I think it'll be around 100 at most."

As the rough details have already been disseminated through high performance, everyone must have known to some extent.

Therefore, I decided to get straight to the point. We could enter the pit as early as tomorrow, and it's not a good thing to drag on.

"Then I'll start the appointment announcement."

Before that

"Baek Hangyeol, Vivien, you two come forward.

Baek Han-gyul rose reluctantly with a puzzled face, and Vivien still looked sullen.

"The two will participate unconditionally. Baek Hangyeol will know even if you don't say it. Vivienne. You are the last bastion. Do you understand what I mean?”

The reply returned to "Hmph." After checking Baek Hang-yeol, who hesitated forward, I turned to the remaining Clan members. So the remaining 7 digits are left.

"Go Yeon-joo, Ahn Sol, Shin Jae-ryong. Forward."

When the name was called, the three calmly rose up and walked out.

Soon I beckoned them to try to stand on one side. Then he took one out of his arms at the beginning of the year, lit it, and opened his mouth calmly.

"Three. I'll explain all the details afterwards. So, from now on, three people, including me, will designate one clan member each. A Clan One that can or can support you best, to be exact.”


an antithesis of a high-pitcher At the same time, there was a rattle between the clan members.

But I shook my head still. I meant to explain later, as I just said.

Anyway, I think I'll have to cut the first thing first.

"Then I'll go first.”

I looked around at the clan members alternating between each other. Then the man, who was alone, was stepped on and quietly opened his mouth.

"User Preference."


Sun Yoo-woon replied bluntly and slowly rose up. I looked back slowly at the performance, as soon as I saw him trudge out.

"Then let's start with Ko.”

============================ Review of the work ============================

I'm sorry. I sat down early today, but I couldn't find any comments. I thought about taking a day off, but I'm afraid he'll get into a habit. After sitting for about three hours, I was able to start practicing gymnastics in the shower.

This episode failed to control the amount. I was looking at the plan for the next episode yesterday, and I thought I could write that part in the last part, but it got longer than I expected. So, please keep in mind that the warning you wrote yesterday's review in the next episode.

And I don't know if there's anyone who's looking forward to it, but SM of Vivien family doesn't appear in the Steel Mountains of Steel. But I can't help but think that it's weird to do that.

Nevertheless, I told you that I was going to watch Nana and Kaoru because you recommended it, and I expressed my will to write it down one day. However, I don't have detailed knowledge about SM yet, so I feel a lot of lack to write it down recklessly.

To tell you one more thing, I'm going to Busan on the morning train on May 29th (Thursday). I'm going down regarding visual Nobel, and there's a company in Busan that collaborates with Jo Ara. And after one night, I'll be back on May 30th (Friday) (I'm not sure when I'll be back.) So I think I'll probably have a day off on May 30th (Friday), and I'll resume the series on May 31st (Saturday).

We ask for your deep understanding in this regard. _(__)_

The reviews got longer.

I hope you all have a good night.

PS. Broken fan. I just saw a new fan art of Ko Yeon-joo in my yard. I can't help but admire your drawing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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