Chapter 537 The peaceful day is over. =============================================================

The Clan One knocking on the door was Shin. It brought internal news.

Just in case, fortunately (?) it was not much news. The news that Clan members who left two weeks ago have just returned safely.

When I heard the news, I went down to the first floor, and I happened to be able to make eye contact with the two men who came in chattering from the front. It was Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun.

"Brother, I'm back after completing my request."

"Brother, I've done it right this time, too! It's already 3-0! Three wins and zero losses!"

Ahn Hyun bowed his head politely and reported his return, while Jin Soo-hyun spread his three fingers and talked excitedly. He must be very happy to see his face. 3 wins and 0 losses meant he had completed all three requests.

I replied, raising my hand.

"Yes, you did a great job.

"No, thank you for your hard work. It was just fun.”

Maybe it's because nature doesn't mind fighting, but it's because of its strong belligerence. Jin Soo-hyun waved his head and waved his hands as if he was not at all.

Looking at Jin Soo-hyun like that, I smiled inside.

For nearly two months, Jin Soo-hyun was more active than anyone else, and adapted faster than anyone else. Some have a good personality, but in fact, other reasons are greater. Because everyone feels one thing in common when they see Jin Soo-hyun.

Oh, this user really loves Hallplane.

Literally, Jin Soo-hyun was a user who truly liked Hallplane and also enjoyed it.

What I did there, in fact, was nothing special. It just satisfies the environment.

A sense of belonging, good equipment, good colleagues, a unique mission, delicious food and alcohol, and a clan house where you can come back and rest warmly. In other words, it made me not to worry about anything in action.

What's the result?

As he had been through the dark days in the past, Jin Soo-hyun was now so immersed in the environment I created that he couldn't get out of it. Of course that's what I was after.

"Oh, my."

It was then. Jin Soo-hyun, who was smiling and reclining, suddenly made a serious face and looked at me and An Hyun alternately. Then he opened his mouth in a slightly lower voice.

"…but, brother."


"The truth is. I made a big decision this time."

"A big decision?"

"Yes, I was able to hear more from Anhyun during this request. It's about personal use."

"For personal use?"

I tilted my head. Why is his name suddenly coming out?

Jin Soo-hyun's words continued.

"Just two years ago, I saved my brothers' lives in the war and died instead, and I'm collecting GPs for Ahn's resurrection. …I, Jin Soo-hyun. I was really, really impressed after hearing that."

"Oh, yeah, it's all old stuff."

"That's why."


Jin Soo-hyun, who stopped talking for a while, stared at Ahn with moist eyes. Ahn also looked around Jin Soo-hyun with slightly wet eyes.

The two, who had been facing each other for such a long time, suddenly bumped into each other' Then Jin Soo-hyun led and Ahn Hyun followed.

"Although I didn't make it to the Hallplane the same year and the same month!"

"I wish I could die the same year and the same month!"

"Uh….Eh….Uhm! I, Jin Soo-hyun, will help Ahn Hyun with the revival of the user's new usage!"

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well! Anyway, that's why I decided to become a brother with Jin Soo-hyun!"

The next word is the Empress of the Yellow River. Look carefully at this meaning...I'm going to win.

However, as if they knew only the first two verses, the two faced each other with awkward faces once more. And even biting his mouth with a painful face.

Wow. How can he act the same?

The two men, who cut off the front and the back, made a very simple resolution and headed to the restaurant, shoulder-to-shoulder.

Looking at the two, I calmly turned my eyes and looked at the garden where darkness had fallen. To be exact, it was in the direction of Shin Sang-yong's tomb.

Are you watching? New product?

Now here's a user trying to save you.



That's two of us.

"Dad, are you calling people like that stupid?”

After a while, Mar, who was in his arms, raised his head slightly and whispered in my ear. I was able to relate greatly to that remark.

Yeah, the problem is that I'm a fool.

After finishing my message to Shin Sang-yong, I slowly lowered my eyes. Mar is looking up at me with his eyes wide open.

"Why do you think so?”

"Bona, I feel strangely uncomfortable. Is this a pathetic feeling?"

Sweetheart, sometimes being too honest is a sin.

After patting Mar's back, which kept tilting its head, I followed the idiot duo to the restaurant. Since I had already come down, I was going to have a cup of tea at the restaurant and go up.

As soon as I opened the restaurant door and entered, a loud noise filled my ears.

When I looked around, I was a little surprised. There were more Clan members in the restaurant than I thought. You can see empty tables here and there, but given that there is no fixed meal time and freedom, the number of people you see today is exceptionally large.

Soon I turned my attention to Clan members who were looking at me and greeting me. Mar grabbed my collar hard as if he didn't want to fall, but I managed to force it away and sit myself at the table next to the kitchen without any interference.

"Uh. Clan Lord. Are you here again?”

Park Sang-nam, the chef of the Medical Clan, greeted him as he approached.

"Oh, I thought of a cup of tea."

"I see. Then please wait a moment."

User Park Sang-nam was a clan member with a sad impression and a soft attitude as well as his cooking skills. Regardless of age or gender, everyone called him "brother-like brother" and liked him.

Soon after, I sighed while drinking the tea that Park Sang-nam brought.

Lee, leader! Open up, did you have a good night? Ha, ha, ha, ha....'

Shin Sangyong. It's been a while since I heard that name. At the same time, there was a slight but subtle feeling. Rather than having it in mind....

When I think about what happened to Mar in the past, I feel a bit mixed up. I didn't know you'd feel helpless again.

As I was drinking such warm tea, I suddenly felt Park Sang-nam sitting across from me. As he glances up, he sees a face smiling generously.

"Clan Lord. Come to think of it, the atmosphere of the Clan is very peaceful these days. Don't you think?"

"Is that so? I'm out of my mind.”

"Hahaha, it's definitely noisy. As for me. Still, I like this noisy atmosphere. We're all working hard, no major incidents or accidents."

"In that sense, it is calm. I understand what you mean."

Park Sang-nam was staring from the side with a happy face. As you turn your eyes, you can see Clan members gathering around various tables and making noise. Among them, Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo-hyun were the most powerful. I'm already eating and drinking, filling the table with dishes, making a lot of noise.

"Brother Sang-nam! Additional orders, please!"

Ahn Hyun raised his hand and shouted, "Maybe it's not enough."

Park Sang-nam slowly rose up.

"Oh, my God. I should get up now."

"Don't give me too much. My stomach is coming out."

"Ha ha. I see. …and Clan Lord. You'll probably sleep well tonight. I mixed a bit of alcohol in the tea.”


"Your face didn't look good when you came in. Anyway, I hope you have a good night's sleep."


I looked at him in a strange mood, but Park Sang-nam smiled and moved into the kitchen.

And a little later.

When Heo Yeon steam rose from the car, I belatedly realized Park Sang Nam's consideration. The encouragement shown by one action, not by ten words.

Is this why Clan members like Park Sang-nam?

Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun were arranging the dishes on the table. He seemed to have gulped down the food, and then he looked at the table right next to him and started giggling at each other.

At the next table, Yoo-jung, An-sol, and Cha Hee-young were drinking while chatting. What else are you trying to do?

The answer soon came out.

Ahn Hyun, who soon woke up, sneaked up with a plate in both hands.

"That beautiful lady with red hair?"

"That's why I'm here...What?"

When Yoo-jung turned her head, Ahn Hyun put a plate on the table in a polite manner. And even before Yoojung opens her mouth, she points to the table where Jin Soo-hyun is sitting in a gentle voice.

"The gentleman at the table over there told me to. Bring it to the beautiful lady..”

Yoojung turns her head blankly. As I turned my eyes, I could see Jin Soo-hyun shaking, except for the fork he was holding in his mouth with a smiling face.

"Then have a good time."

Ahn turned away with a polite attitude until the end.

For a moment, there was a silent silence.

Of course, the silence was very brief.

It's a mess!

Yoo-jung raised her body indignantly with all kinds of swear words from her pretty lips. With a face that would tear them apart right away. Ahn Sol and Cha Hee-young also stood up and wound Yoo Jung's arms.

"Hey, you crazy bastards! Are you crazy about dying? Why the dishes you've eaten! What a load of shit!"

"Sister! Hold it in! You're a bunch of idiots! It's a losing game to do this!"

"Don't let go. Don't let go. Don't you dare! Those twins...!”

"Oh, sister. I'm sorry. I apologize for that. Calm down. What?"

The restaurant, which was already noisy, became even more noisy for an instant. As soon as she saw the two running away with a big smile, Yoojung screamed.

"You water-pooing bastards!"

What kind of bastard is that?

I smirked and drank the tea. And I thought hard about what Park Sang-nam said, feeling the soft tea water that melts in my tongue.

A peaceful life where everyone works hard without any major incidents or accidents. Yes. Maybe this is the happiest time.

When I think about what's going on, I may never come back, such peaceful days. Then I'll....


It was then. Just as I was about to put down the teacup, the sound of someone slamming open the door rang the restaurant.

Feeling a bit of a commotion would subside, I stared toward the entrance.

At the entrance stood a breathtaking sun cloud. He ran so fast that his back was half folded and his face was barely raised. It was a very urgent face.

"Clan Lord! This is urgent news!"

Considering Sun Yoo-woon's usual calm personality, he will not bring up useless words. It seems to be a real surprise.

"What's going on?"

"An individual call-up order has been dropped at Eastantell Row!"

"…not just a call-up, but an individual call-up? At Eastantel Low?

"Yes, yes! That's also a summons for the former Clan in Monica."


When he looked at me as to what I meant, Sun Yoo-woon breathed heavily. And as I was getting my breath together, I raised myself up and said in a subdued voice.

"We just made an official announcement from the Central Administration, starting with the evening slot. …declare an attack on the Iron Mountains!"

And at that moment, the disturbance in the restaurant completely subsided.

Official declaration of the invasion of the Iron Mountains.

…then, is it finally happening?

In the midst of attention, I slowly lifted myself up. And I opened my mouth in a low voice.

"Individual call-up orders…Send a messenger to Eastantel Row right now. The MERIALY will respond to the call."

I think today is the end of a peaceful day.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Oh, my. I'm sorry. The update was delayed by an hour today. I thought it was midnight on the road these days..(hitting)

My friend is serving in the military. He's a very close younger brother. I met him at school last year, but he's a really close brother. In fact, I think that relationships with people get deeper as you go out with them for a long time, and he broke the formula.

I was supposed to stay out in early May, but suddenly I got a call that it came out today. I asked him why he came out so fast and he said he was going to Ansan Gojan Station. He was a victim of a family. So I didn't ask any more questions. I can tell just by looking at my profile picture..

I don't usually tell my acquaintance to cheer me up. Rather than just saying cheer up, I think it's better to keep your eyes on me quietly. But now, I regret it a lot. I keep thinking that I should've comforted you on the phone.

I've been talking for a long time because I'm feeling a bit stuffy.

It's Monday. I hope you all get through the depressing Monday blues.

Have a comfortable night.

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