Chapter 385 The end of the war =====================================================================


At the moment, the pitch-black hair was scattered on the earth.

Scarlet blood spreads out under the tangled hair.


The man breathed intermittently as if it were about to break. Every time I exhale, drops of blood pop out from my mouth.

It wasn't long before my pale lips came off.

"Suhyun, I remember what you said in the past."Don't save me. Don't save me..”


"But you...Survive. I'll somehow survive...Look at the end....”


Before the young man could say anything, the tremor disappeared from his hand.

The yellow electric current that used to occur in the body slowly dies down.

The shaking eyes quickly lost their light.


Finally, the head and hands fell to the ground at the same time as weakly.

And at that moment.

Oh, my God!


Vomiting anger and grief, the air trembled like crazy.


It's all over.

Something that had filled my head a little while ago felt like it had escaped for an instant.

I sighed for no reason and looked up at the sky.

The sun has now risen in the sky. It would be nice if there was a cool rain, but the sky at noon is so clear and clear. While walking so blankly looking at the sky, several messages suddenly came to mind.

Kim Soo-hyun, the user, has eliminated Nergal, the Mahjok of the Chopja!』

Nergal, the "sponsor's Horse," is part of a long-standing plan by Belzebub, the devil's king. Perhaps if Simon Grimes had gone back this way, the continent of Holplain would have been thrown into uncontrollable chaos.』

However, the user Kim Soo-hyun made a great contribution to stopping the devil's plan by killing a prospective awakening man who received the Devil's Seed.』

Judging from this, we will give 500.000 gold points to Kim Soo-hyun!』


Half a million points....'

I looked at the messages in a bit of a daze, and closed my eyes for a moment.

500,000 gold points.

Considering that he caught one of the last men, he was generous. Which means I was right in the end. If Belpegor was the product of an accidental summons, Nergal was certainly a mixture of planning elements. Perhaps it was given quite a high score in consideration of that.

Frankly, I'm not impressed. At one time, I have touched countless GPs. That's why 500,000 GP doesn't make much of a difference, even though it's quite a gold point.

In no time, the forest of the fields has escaped. Then, as the footsteps move forward, the busy crowds slowly begin to feel.

I closed my eyes and turned off messages staying in the air at the same time. Then, through the disappeared message, I could see the battlefield I had been going through from afar.

No. Is it hard to call it a battlefield anymore?

Obviously there were large numbers of people in sight and wandering. But I can't feel the intensity I felt when I passed earlier.

So, I walked on and on. I walked, walked, walked, and went into the place where the people were. And walked right past them.

The sun rose in the clear sky, spraying a glorious sun, brightening the field. The weather was so incongruous with the sight of the bodies scattered in the fields and the flowing blood.

The strong sunlight made my neck feel warm. I was walking in the middle of the field when I realized it.

As I passed by people, the surrounding scenes flowed into my ears one by one.

"Su-yeon! Su-yeon!" Answer me! Suyeon!

"Somebody help me! Priests, please come this way!"

People looking for someone anxiously, looking for help.

"I'm glad I'm alive…"I'm glad...We were alive!"


Those who are relieved and delighted that they have lived.

"Hey! Hey! Don't close your eyes! Open your eyes! Huh? Bro... Huh!

People crying out in front of dying users.

"Let go! No! No! I'm gonna kill them!"

"Be patient! Be patient! They're surrendered prisoners! It's all over now!"

"Who's the prisoner? The war is not over yet! You bastards!"

People who confirm death and vent their anger.

"Brother! Brother! You're not, are you?" You're lying, aren't you? Damn it, brother!

And those who confirm the death of their acquaintances and grieve....


At the moment, I felt quite used to the voice flowing into my ears, so I stopped walking without realizing it. Slowly turning his head in that condition, he soon saw a spot of dozens of people. Most of their chests had patterns symbolizing the Goryeo Clan.

"Darn it! You promised to live with me until the end! Oh, no. This is not the time. What are the priests doing there? Hurry up and don't spell the cure!"

"User Cho Seong-ho! Koryo Lord is dead. I mourn his death. But let's calm down....”

The moment I heard that, I felt a little awakening.

"Is Koryo Rod going to die?'

Then, he died just like he did in the first round.

…I don't know how he died. Still, he would not have died in vain as if he had received good reviews after his death. It just crossed my mind.

I passed the howlers with a slight sigh.

As time went by, I felt that the sound of filling the surroundings gradually died down.

The next place I arrived was when I rescued the children.

The place where Ansol was awakened and Shin Sang-yong's death was confirmed.

There was no one standing there. There were only a few bodies and traces left. Maybe Ko Yeon-joo followed me well.


Among the bloodstains that are constantly being spotted, there must be some for personal use. I stared there for a while, and then I started walking again.

The battlefield, which had become quiet for a while, soon became noisy again as I walked.

thump thump, thump thump thump thump thump.

The way you walk down is very slow. My steps were so slow that it seemed like a dream that I ran like crazy on the battlefield earlier. Maybe it's just walking aimlessly?

How far across the field would it have been?

As soon as users gathered in one place, starting to be seen from a distance, they stopped walking without realizing it.

The users you see were the Medical Clan members.

At first, I didn't know why I walked slowly. But as soon as I saw the Clan members, an idea crossed my mind, and I could find the answer intuitively.

A long time ago, still in the early days of the Commercial Clan. I remember seeing a group of users on my way back from the expedition. They were also a group of people returning from exploration, and I remember it was a very gloomy atmosphere, unlike us, who returned excitedly after a huge success. The reason is obvious. The expedition failed and would have lost a colleague.

Then the children stopped talking and just gazed at them. I was curious about what the kids thought, but I made up my mind at the time. I will never fail to prevent such a sight from coming. I won't let such an atmosphere be seen in the machine.

But as a result, it failed.

Personally, he achieved his goal through the war. But in the Clan as a whole...He put all the Clan members in danger, and most of all, he lost one.

Of course, Shin Sang-yong was excluded from the selection for the first time and changed it to a personal request. But that decision was also made by me, and in the end, participation in war was an inexcusable wrong choice.

I'd rather say I'm going alone.'

With the thought that came to mind, I stopped walking and stared at Clan One.

Whether it is the effect of "miracle" or Shin Sang-yong, everyone seems to be fine. I was relieved at the sight, but I was worried. I could understand how it felt to flow secretly even if I didn't have to approach him.

I took a step back thinking I had to go, but I soon put it back on the floor. It was when he bit his lips gently as he stepped forward.



"Soohyun! Soohyun!"

A sudden voice. As I turn my head accordingly, I see In-young running from one side. After checking In-young's identity, I drooled weakly.

My brother was running.

"Suhyun! You...! Huh…?"

And my brother, who was almost there, hesitated a little as soon as he made eye contact with me.

"Are you... okay?"

"Are you all right?"

I asked back.

It was meaningless, but it's not okay if you insist on it. As anger was deactivated again, I felt tired again. And as soon as I recognized it, my vision faltered for an instant.




The land, which was unintentionally getting close, stopped in the middle. I can see my brother when I raise my head. I think he saw me fall down and ran and accepted me.

"You're now..."

Soon after, my brother's lips fell off. But he looked at my face and immediately shut it up again. What the hell was he trying to say?

It was then.


"Mercury Road!"

The Clan members, who had been showing their backs, slowly start to look back one by one, to see if the older brother's voice was quite loud. I closed my eyes for a moment, and I stood right up with all my might.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of frustration. I'm sick of losing my mind now. And most of all, I didn't want to look weak.


Surprisingly, my brother didn't say anything. He helped me walk quietly and with his mouth closed.

It was not long before the distance from Clan One began to grow closer. I saw a few people running to me, but I immediately raised my hand to stop them. It was just a sign to stay still.

As the distance decreases, the concentration of gloomy energy increases, and the faces of eight Clan One members are clearly visible.

The total number of Clan members remaining is eight. Four people were sitting or lying on the floor surrounding Shin Sang-yong, and the other four stood up with a somber glow.

"Coughing….coughing…"It's because of me.Because of me...Sangyong....”

Among them, Ahn Hyun was especially bad. Unusual, he was lying on the floor sobbing, throwing all his equipment away.

And next to it, Ansol and Lee Yu-jung sat helplessly like crazy people. Both of them seem to have shed a lot of tears, filled with tear marks.

Before long, I saw Vivien sitting helpless for the last time. She wasn't looking back even though I came. I was just quietly looking at Shin Sang-yong.

"Su, Suhyun.

For some reason, I heard a question calling me, but I ignored it and passed it. And it was the moment when Shin Sang-yong went inside to take a closer look.

Then Vivien looked back at me. A tear was flowing down from her eyes.

"Kim Soo-hyun."


"Shin Sang-yong is dead.”


I looked down at Shin Yong without saying anything. As we saw earlier, there was still a calm, comfortable smile built around his mouth.

"He was my first disciple.I never thought I'd break up like this....”


"I don't like this kind of stuff....”

Vivienne's last words, which followed with a whimper, penetrated my heart deeply.

And I didn't answer anything. What on earth should I say in this situation?


There was a moment of silence.

It was then.

"I know how to revive it."

A calm voice penetrated the ear. At the word, everyone looked up and looked to one side.

Where the Clan members gathered their eyes, there was Kim Han-byul.

"I understand that there is an item called Sowon in the user store. It's a huge GP, but that's how much we can save the dead..”

"Kim Han..."

"What, what?"

"Is that real?”

Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung, who are rushing into it, replied, "It's just a story I've heard, but it's probably right. I grated my teeth.

However, whether Kim Han-byul's answer was not enough, Ahn Hyun immediately jumped at me.

"Hey! Hey! Are you sure?" Do you have a wish?"


I closed my eyes reflexively. The sudden memory made me confused for a moment, but I could barely answer it.

"Let's stop for now."

"Hyung! If I collect GP, can I save Sangyong again?" What?"

Even though I said let's stop, Ahn Hyun hung on desperately.

I opened my mouth holding onto my trembling throat.


When I called her name, Ahn Hyun's clinging stopped for an instant.

"Please, please, let's stop…We'll talk about it later."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.?”

I turned my head, not answering any more. But at that time, Ahn Hyun's eyes grew as big as a candle.

It wasn't just Anhyun. Starting with meeting my brother, the Clan members' astonishment and worried eyes were on me.

And only then, I could look at myself covered in blood. My whole body is so red that I can't see any skin.

I calmly took off my coat. But the coat is not strong either. When it became like this, the torn back looked like a rag. I wiped my face hard with it. One time is not enough, so I wiped it two or three times. Only then did I feel a little clearer in front of me.

"Wake up, Kim Soohyun!"

After a moment of clearing my mind, I soon opened my mouth with a forced, squeezed voice.

"User High Performance."

"Yes, yes!"

"Take care of your personal body now. And I'll get right into the battlefield."

"I see."

Then, I looked back at my brother. My brother was still looking at me silently. As I was looking at my brother, I remembered that time.

New product? Wish?

I can save it.

But is it the right choice to save him?

In the distant future, maybe....

No. Maybe not.

The reason I came back wasn't to eat well and live well in Hall Plain. It was to take his brother and Han So-young, and ultimately return to Earth safely. It was the future that I thought and planned, inevitably faced.


When that time comes, can we really think that saving Shin Sang-yong was the right choice?

I cannot give a definite answer to this question.


Once a dead user is revived, it can't go back to Earth at the end.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Daily serial save successful!

As I said before, I will try not to let the daily series go flat until the first part is completed. _(__)_

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