Chapter 337 The end. And the outbreak. ============================================================

"Of course it's true.Our Sol, she wasn't born with a disability. I've been very innocent and very soft since I was a kid, but I wasn't like this.”

Is the past story of Ahn Hyun and An Sol finally starting? I've been curious for a long time, but I decided to suppress it for a while. It's not just about listening and ending. Based on Ahn Hyun's story, we should find a clue to solve Ansol's problem. As such, it was necessary to listen carefully to every word because you don't know where the clues would come from.

I took the attitude to calmly correct my posture and listen carefully.

"Hey. My family used to be. It was a family that lacked nothing. A father with a decent job and a gentle nature. And me, who always makes trouble and walks around, and Sol, who is a bit timid but is nice. Literally ordinary…It was a family you can see everywhere. But there was only one problem."

Then Ansol's mental disorder was most likely to have been acquired and caused by some factor.

I nodded quietly and listened to what followed.

"It was one day. I had a lot of fun and came home late at night, and my father and mother were fighting so hard. Hey, you son of a gun. What's wrong, you son of course. To the point of swearing like this."

"That's a little too much. Why did you fight so hard? Was there always a feud?”

"No, it's all your fault. He was a normal father on the surface, but it turned out he was dabbling in gambling and gambling. My mother found out about it, and eventually she thought about getting a divorce.”

Ahn had closed his eyes to see if he remembered that time. Of course, a family feud is something anyone would have experienced at least once. But even with that in mind, his voice was horrifyingly calm. I felt as if I were talking about someone else.

"So that's when you got divorced? That's why he's shocked?"

"Hahaha... No. Things aren't that simple. No, it would have been better if it had been then....”

Ahn Hyun shook his head with a smile for a moment, and then slowly continued to speak.

"You're not divorced. I was right before my divorce, but at the end, my father admitted his fault and made a clean sweep. Of course, there was a condition that I would never gamble and gamble again."

"That's a relief.

"It was a good thing there. Will you give me a bad habit?"

"…are you replacing your hand again?”

"Yes, but as you promised, you didn't touch gambling or gambling. Instead, he turned to stocks."

I guess you were almost addicted.'

I kicked my tongue inside. I don't know much about stocks, but my acquaintance said it was almost a losing game unless I was in the top 1%. And with the sound of never doing it.

I opened my mouth quietly.

"Why didn't you stop it, either."

"I don't know if she didn't know...I don't know. But what would I have known then? He just sits in front of the computer and looks at weird graphs, and I thought, "Oh, you're working hard." But…."

Ahn Hyun continued with a heavy sigh, which makes no sense even now.

"I thought it was going to calm down a little, but one day I saw the red differential labels all over the house, and I figured it out. Later, it turned out that my father was in big debt because he failed to stock. Fortunately, I cut the gambling and gambling case before it went off, but I couldn't get rid of the stock. Do you happen to know? It's just a moment when a normal, normal family breaks down?”

Later, Ahn Hyun stopped talking for a while. Then I slowly looked up at the night sky. Before I knew it, my eyes were open again. His eyes glowed faintly as if recalling something.

Soon after, An-hyun's eyes fell off and got to me, and soon he slowly took off his lips.

"Still, I remember clearly."


"The day I took to the streets…My father didn't say anything. He just walked around with his mother, me, and Sol. But I couldn't give up any hope until then. But he's still my father. It can't be over like this. If it's the worst, we'll just have to start over.By the way, the man, Father, has even a grain of hope.He trampled on it."


"We arrived at the Han River with us. Han River Han. Then he trudged up onto the bridge, and he said, Let's just jump out of here together."

As soon as I heard it, I fell into a deep sleep. It was an act that was not seen as a normal father by all accounts. I was even suspicious that he was mentally challenged.

Whether he noticed what I thought, Ahn Hyun continued with a bitter smile.

"You think it's funny, don't you think? But it's true."

"…so what happened?”

"Maybe if I jumped from there, I wouldn't be here right now. My mother went wild again this time. Are you crazy? I was wondering where you were taking him, and you brought him here just to talk like this. Why do you want to kill me and my pups? If you want to die, die alone. We'll survive like hell....”

At least Ahn Hyun's mother was a normal person. If father and mother had done the same thing in pairs, brother and sister might not have really seen it here.

"Anyway, that was the beginning of hell. Honestly, what happened to my family was like a drama, right?”


"Yes. Drama. That's what I thought back then. But the walls of reality are stark. If it's really a drama, there should be a dramatic twist, but let alone a twist, things are getting harder."

"Was there anyone who could help you?”

"There was, but that's one or two times, and because I keep opening my hands, my relationships are all messed up. Whoo…."

Ahn Hyun's dry voice was slowly getting wet. He was relatively calm when he talked about his father, but he couldn't remember his mother. It wasn't long before he raised his hand and began to steal the eyeballs. I didn't want to show myself crying, but I used to yawn and press down on my eyes, but I knew so well that it wasn't it.

I am not comfortable with forcing myself to say what I don't want to say. But there's only one thing I can do for both of them that I've already started working. No matter how long it takes, you should never give up and take any form of end. In fact, I'm not confident because it's beyond my ability, but I was going to do as much as I could. For this brother and sister, and for me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, brother. I have to tell you about Sol, but I've been talking about useless family history."

"No. It's not useless at all. I don't think so at all. The night is long and there's still a lot of time left.”

Ahn nodded with a long breath. Then the liquid in the eyes gently flows down. Whether he knew it or not, he opened his mouth in a low tone.

"Debts keep piling up...Relatives are cut off...At home, we slowly lose words...It's been about two years? That's when one thing happened."

"What happened?"

Ahn Hyun's next tone contained a slight tremor. The process so far may have had a full impact, but I suddenly felt that it was the real point from now on.

And as soon as I thought so, Ahn Hyun's words surprised me quite a bit.

"Yes, my mother committed suicide.”


For a moment, there was silence. Ahn's father had no idea that his mother would have killed herself.

"It was Wednesday at the time.When I came back from school, my mother was at home on weekdays. And he suddenly asked me to go out with him...Yes! It was good. My brother and I followed along and had a lot of fun after a long time. I went to Sol's favorite zoo, and he bought me jajangmyeon...But... but....”

Ahn could not speak anymore. The tremors of his voice got worse, making it hard to tell whether he was talking or crying.

Soon after, Ahn Hyun, who moved his throat, barely started to spit out words.

"My mother told us to go home first because she had something to do. So I'm going home with my brother...Sol said this all of a sudden. I'm so nervous. Let's go find her."

"What? Why all of a sudden?. Oh."

"At first, I wondered what she was talking about, but I suddenly remembered what my mother said just before we broke up. Hyuna and Sol. I'm sorry, mom. Still, no matter how hard it is, no matter what happens, you and I have to live well together…As soon as I remembered the word, I ran. But…."

However, Ahn Hyun turned his head as if he didn't want to talk anymore. However, from the words "I could guess what happened after that," so I had a heavy head.

There was a bit of silence and Ahn Hyun opened his mouth to see if he had managed to calm down.

"The funny thing is, do you know how he killed himself? He jumped into the Han River. Two years ago, where my father asked me to die."


"It was a shock that I couldn't handle. To my father, me, and Sol. I don't know how much resentment I had. And maybe...I think that's when Sol's mental disorder started."


When she raised her eyes slightly, An-hyun replied with a gloomy look on her face.

"After my mother's funeral, she suddenly started talking to herself. It's an empty room with no one, but he talks to himself...Why don't you mumble to yourself quietly?The house has changed completely since my mother committed suicide. Until then, it was a family that had been going on, but it was completely broken. Maybe I couldn't stand the loss."

"Ha. So what the hell did your father do?”

I tried to listen as objectively as possible, but my way of speaking contained soft anger even when I felt it myself. It was the same for Ahn Hyun, but he opened his mouth with a big frown.

"I don't know either. But one thing is for sure, it's been crazy since then. It was common for people to come in drunk. All he does is blame his mother, and there's a fist and a verbal abuse..”

"What? Fist and abuse?"

"Yes, I told you. He's changed. I found out later after he killed himself, but he's also mentally ill. I have severe schizophrenia....”


I was almost disappointed beyond the ridiculous case of Ahn Hyun's curved life that kept popping up.

What kind of life have they lived?.'

Ahn Hyun looked at me with a bitter look and tapped on the empty bottle.

"I got hit quite a bit, but he hit me a lot. Do you know why? Sol looks like her mom a lot.”

"I'm so…, so…"I didn't mean to swear at you because you're my father, but you're a total lunatic. So you were just watching him get hit? No, you could at least report it.”

"Yes, but then...I was just giving up. No, I didn't like being in the corner of the house. The school started to be totally crooked...I was hanging out with the bad guys. It was just... it was like that back then. I wanted to. I didn't want to care about the house itself. So I pretended not to know that Sol was bullied at school and cried because it was hard. At that time, everything was just annoying."

Ahn Hyun sounded very regretful. I've been smothered for a while.

I don't need to say anything else. As Ahn Hyun said, it was a mess. I asked softly again, taking a new one out of my arms.

"Your father killed himself, too?"


"Did you jump in the same way?”

"No, he couldn't stand it himself, but he was found dead on the side of the road."

Can't you stand it yourself?'

What can't you say you couldn't stand it yourself. Ahn shook his head. Then he looked seriously worried about whether to say this or not, and soon lowered his eyes to the floor. Then he opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

"That day, the house was unusually quiet.”


Ahn Hyun's out of the blue just now, I suddenly felt anxious. He drooled his tight lips and immediately continued.

"Have you ever done that? I suddenly want to study.Or, suddenly, I feel refreshed. It's that kind of day.

"Oh, I see what you mean."

"Yes, that one. That's what I did that day. I haven't been home for more than two weeks when it's too bad, but it felt really weird that day."

"That's why you went home?”

"Yes, I went home and...It was too quiet. Strangely enough. And as soon as I opened the door, I saw my brother lying down in the room. The school uniform was badly torn, and the face and body were in an unrecognizable mess with blood.”

The moment I heard that, I felt suffocated. You don't think so…?

"No way Ansol...?”

"Hey, don't make that face. You didn't get what you thought. It's because you're rebelling, and it's because you're bleeding a lot.”

Whether he noticed my anger, Ahn Hyun immediately gave an additional explanation. I asked back urgently.

"So what happened?”

"For now, I called 119. I wanted to kill my father right away, but I thought saving Sol was a priority.”


"And... fortunately, I was able to save my life. But my brother's mental disorder was completely revealed there."

"You revealed yourself?"

At my question, Anhyun nodded once and said.


Then he continued in a weak voice.

"Sole, who came to her senses a few days later, didn't recognize me."

============================ Review of the work ============================

I was thinking about what to write in the review, and it's already been 40 minutes. I've read the comments for the latest episode. Some people think it's getting longer. Haha, yes. This part will be finished within the next episode. And we're going to move on to the next story, so I'd appreciate it if you could wait one more day.

It's Monday. I hope you all cheer up and have a great Monday. :)

리 Ripple (335) 『

1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on winning first place. I think I see you in the first place comments from time to time. :)

2. Evil hole: Thank you. This episode was a bit heavy, right?

3. White Crow: I've been thinking a lot about that. In the end, I had no choice but to devote more than a certain amount of fingerprints. I thought it would be weird if I opened the door to my heart.

4. Lovejin: No. It's completely random. But I couldn't help but look at something that's good to answer. :)

5. Hopefully: I'll keep it in my heart. Thank you. _(__)_

리 Ripple (336 times) 『

1. Debaran: Congratulations on winning first place. Thank you for always waiting at midnight. :)

2. Shinyaruya: Help me. I was wrong. I wanted to write more. Really.

3. Op to love 19: I don't do it that often. Lol. And it's hard for you to set the time. I don't do it at all when I write. How many rounds after the sun is out? :)

4. DSIID: Well, if you cut my wrist, how do I write from now on? ;;;

5. Master Park's Day of Concession: I guess I was too impatient. I'm going to think calmly from now on. Thank you for your valuable advice. _(__)_

Thank you for always reading it. I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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