Chapter 325 The future, warped. ===================================================================

The milky white skin was shining even more brightly under the radiant light of the moon as if it had been milked.

A woman in a pavilion stares at me with her eyes filled with blue moonlight. I also looked straight at her. Soon after, the beautiful eyelids of the woman moved up and down quickly three or four times.

After looking at each other like that and swallowing the silence that came, I calmly sat in front of the woman.

As expected, the identity of the woman was Lee Hyo-eul. She was showing signs of embarrassment that didn't go with her cold-looking appearance. As I was still looking at my face, a creepy energy swept through my back for an instant. The expression did not seem pretentious, but the eyes were frozen as cold as ice.

"It's fun. Are you saying that you had some time?"'

A guardian of the northern continent would be a user who has gone through hell and high water.

1. Name : Lee Hyo-eul (8th year)

2. Class

Guardians of the Northern Continent: Activating

일반 General wizard (Normal, Mage, Master): Deactivation

3. Country: Barbara

4. Clan: Clan Rank: B Plus

5. Real name and nationality: a person who guides light; South Korea

6. Gender (Sex): Women (27)

7. Height · Weight: 168.7 cm · 49.3 kg

8. Propensity: Neutral (True · Neutral)

[Muscle 35(-12)] [Integral 50(-13)] [Integral 58(-11)] [Strength 28(-11)] [Magic 92(-7)(+3)] [Lucky 99]

(The residual capability point is 0 point.)

'You've recovered a little.'

Recalling Lee Hyo-eul's user information, I calm myself down so that I wouldn't let my guard down.

"Hey, that's ridiculous. What the hell are you....”

Lee Hyo-eul still stuttered without erasing the embarrassed light. I slowly took a cigarette out of my arms and bit it in my mouth. Light the ignition stone and take a deep sip. Then he opened his mouth in a calm tone, exhaling long smoke.

"Yeah, I heard you wanted to talk.What's the angel's takka to me?"

The smoke from the mouth spread like dancing, drawing a deformed shape. And when the smoke completely melted into the air, Lee Hyo-eul's face, which had been hidden by a hazy gas, appeared again. The feeling of embarrassment, which had been turning a blush until just a moment ago, had already melted away.

Soon after, Lee Hyo-eul gently smiled. The eyes bend with soft curves, and the pink pretty lips draw a thin line.

"What does that mean??”

Lee Hyo-eul muttered in a high-pitched voice. With a much more organized voice than before, I no longer stutter. I had a rough idea why she came to me. As such, I wanted to decline the tiredness of pushing and pulling each other's tiredness. That's why I intentionally threw a stone fastball from the start.

"You don't have to pretend you're surprised, you don't know. Tarkari."

"Ho-ho. You're talking coldly because you're not Kim Yoo-hyun's brother. And can you stop calling me that since I've been picking on you? I'm not happy to hear that."

Lee Hyo-eul's witty answer made me laugh. She swept her hair back with both hands and then continued, rubbing her back to make a noise.

"Why is my brain so complicated...Anyway, I'd like to thank you for saving my life. Thank you. Of course I don't like what you called informal speech and ttakkari, but I'll let it go because it's a benefactor.”

"You spoke informally first, and the clippers are true.”

Technically speaking, all users, including Lee Hyo-eul, could see it as a takari. There is only a difference in degree. However, he did not say this out loud. I wanted to save my breath on this part. I know some of the guardians of the North, but I don't know the extent of her access.

"…you sound so mean."

"Anyway, I want you to stop talking nonsense and get down to business."

Lee Hyo-eul rolled her eyes sideways for a moment, but nodded if she agreed with the idea of getting to the point.

"Then I'll ask you again. Why did you want to see me?"

"It's simple. I called you out of curiosity. I've been hearing you a lot lately, so I was really curious about who you are. No, you thought it was weird when you saw Mul's PR record in the first place? So I was gonna call you in and see if you could....”


"Don't look at me like that. I think you know a bit about me, but honestly, can you not be curious about me? They excavate the ruins every month. Clan One plastered with secrete and rare. Don't you know I'm the guardian of the North Continent. It's not like a zero-year-old user. Even if you ask angels, they say Tanay something, that you don't know because you don't have access, and that you should be close to them and help them as much as you can. In this situation, wouldn't you be curious?”

As expected, I didn't think he was just here. He must have researched about me with his own pet peeve in advance. Of course, it doesn't seem to have much to offer. I shrugged after bouncing off the burnt-out beginning of the year.

"The angels didn't tell you, but do you think I'm gonna tell you?"

"I've been thinking about the method in many ways. First, I tried to pretend to have something to show that I'm the guardian of the Northern Continent. And I tried to seduce you...Your own abilities have been seen through your mysterious abilities, and you know that you're a guardian? Come to think of it, what are you capable of? How did you stop your guardian ability?"

As honest as she was, she was also curious about many things. Of course, Lee Hyo-eul's curiosity to me was natural as a user, but that was her situation. So when I answered with a snort, I could see Lee Hyo-eul's face turning pale.

"Phew. Then just tell me this. How the hell did you know I was the guardian of the North? This is a very important matter, so I hope you answer it."


"Please. If you answer, I'll answer one thing you want.”

This was a slightly attractive offer. I was still lost in thought and then nodded.

"I just knew. And haven't you already been to your angel? If there was a problem, the angels would have taken action earlier. Apparently, it didn't go wrong, so that's enough."

"…Gabriel wants me to tell him. Please keep the secret. And I'm waiting. Come to think of it, what does this mean?"

"Now it's my turn to ask questions.”

"Oh, I'm going crazy."

Lee Hyo-eul distorted her face for the first time and began chewing her lips. Regardless of him, I asked the question calmly.

"What do you have to do with my brother?"

Lee Hyo-eul, who couldn't shake her face that she had lost a lot of money, stared blankly at me and burst into laughter. I know why she is laughing. But this was the most important issue for me right now. For now, she was able to decide on her future punishment depending on what she thought of Lee Hyo-eul. Let it live, let it die, or cooperate.

"Pooh. I'm afraid someone's not a brother. Anyway, to answer that question...I'm in my seventh year as a guardian. And the last person I chose to lead is your older brother. Of course, it was only two years ago."


"It's rare for a guardian to stay in one place for two years. A year at the most? Of course, the angels don't seem to say much because it's worth it to Kim Yoo-hyun.That's the end of it. Anyway, what's left by my own will is the biggest. I'm a woman in heaven, too.”

"I see."

It took a while to say, 'That's it,' but I answered calmly.

"Well, honestly, if I could quit now, I'd like to quit right now. It's a problem because I can't. I don't have a successor. I don't have a successor.Phew, damn it."

Lee Hyo-eul sighed and shook her head with her arms folded. Then, suddenly, he began to give a strange look.

"There it is. Maybe it'll be between my brother-in-law, so can I ask you one more question? Of course you can do it, too.

"I don't accept what you said before, but I'll let the latter say so."

"Okay, you don't seem to want to elaborate, so just say yes or no. Are you the new guardian?”


When she answered immediately, Lee Hyo-eul pouted with a very disappointed face. There must have been some expectations.

"My turn again. I heard you're going to hold a pretty big convocation soon.”

"Huh? Yeah, but it's not that big. I'm only going to call the kids who know me.”

"I suppose so, then let's ask. How far along are you guys talking? And what's the purpose?"


Lee Hyo-eul tilted her head to my question. It seemed to be too comprehensive, so it might need to be scaled down a little.

"Not long ago, Starlight Clan came into Monica. He was originally a clan in Halo, but he was scouted by Istanbul Lowe."

"Oh, my God. Soyoung made a mistake on this...No, it's not. Well, it's gonna happen soon, so it doesn't matter?"

Lee Hyo-eul opened her rabbit eyes to see if she had gotten the hang of it, but quickly smiled and said something meaningless. No, it wasn't nonsense. The keywords "mistake" and "do you think it doesn't matter if you pop it?" came out. Perhaps she noticed that I asked two questions at a time and gave me a euphemism. Then I said I would answer both, but I thought it was a very unpredictable user.

"And the purpose...I think this is going to be a little too long.Well, the angels have horses and young masters, so it's a massive bleeding service. Do you happen to be...You know your mother was murdered, don't you?"

"I know."

"Sche. You don't answer so hard. Anyway, I personally thought that there were many things that were unclear about your mother's death. So I took action to solve it, but you know, I was rather lost. I survived thanks to you, but when I woke up, things were happening. That's why you showed up with the vagabonds while I was in agony. The purpose of the summons is the vagabonds you brought. Oh, I'm telling you just in case, but please don't misunderstand. I'm not trying to deprive you of your authority, I'm asking you."

You're acting to solve the mystery?'

My brother explained that he was attacked while exploring the ruins. However, Lee Hyo-eul's words were different. Then it can be divided into two cases. Either she's lying, or she can't tell others.

I quietly opened my mouth trying not to reveal such an idea.

"So you're saying it's the vagabond who killed the godmother?"

"I'm glad you're smart. Yes, I have something to point out. It smells a lot when you relate it to the current situation. To be honest, it was a time when I desperately needed a vagabond, but I was able to catch Baek Seo-yeon, so I'm really grateful for that. He's almost a top student, so I think he knows a lot about this and that. Maybe if I'm right, he could have joined the murder of the godmother."

For a long time, Lee Hyo-eul touched her lips for a while and then gently held her hands together and continued.

"Oh, by the way. I was only drinking kimchi soup. You're going to take part in the second convocation, right? Of course, Kim Yoo-hyun is one of the participants. What?"

I don't know what the hell it had to do with it, but I stared calmly at Lee Hyo-eun. Her thoughts and mine are similar. No, it's similar to my memory. Anyway, I still can't believe it completely, but today's conversation has convinced me of one thing. It was a good idea to treat her.

After organizing my thoughts for a while, I made up my mind with a smile on my face.

I'm going to keep it alive for now.

============================ Review of the work ============================

I'm five minutes late today. I'm sorry. I'm suddenly out of control after starting school. Haha. Oh, and I'm going to change the picture of Ko Yeon-joo hanging on the notice soon. I asked the person who drew it to revise it to a painting that covers the chest a little more. :) And...Those of you who have keen eyes might have gotten a sense of something in today's episode. Even if you noticed, I'd appreciate it if you could say something for other people. _(__)_

리 Ripple 『

1. Angmachirida: Congratulations on winning first place. Are you sure he's the one? Hahaha. :) If yes, it was a pleasure to meet you!

2. TrueEyes : 네! I'd like to dedicate my riffle here. Flap! _(__)_

3. Monday and Wednesday: Think of the curse of harmony and reflection. Not all abilities are the same. :)

4. Dream bow: Well, it's hard to compare them because they're used differently, but if you assume they're complete, you can think of them as Hwajeong > Third Eye.

5. The Sun and the Moon and the Star: Yes. Lee Hyo-eul has enough influence to surround the South and the East. I'm going to reveal it in the draft in the future.

6. Podytop: Lee Hyo-eul was not in Kim Soo-hyun's memory. Originally, in the first round, Lee Hyo-eul died because he could not solve the curse of Ban Si, and it was long after Kim Soo-hyun joined his brother's clan. If you are curious about the guardian of the continent, I recommend you to read the conversation between Simon and the vagabond captain again. :)

7. Yurikenne: Isn't the name Hyo-eul very pretty? Haha. I think Suhyun's string would look good on her. :)

8. Refill: Apparently, a third eye is a fraudulent ability. Ha ha.

9. J.F : In Suhyun's case, he is the current owner of the sword. So I'm loved by all the swords. Ha ha.

10. Sunset: I was looking at it warmly until the middle of the beginning, and I was surprised that the boy who looked like the main character was lying bleeding. -_-a And at the end, I was surprised and turned it off again, but it looked like I was holding my neck. ㅜ.ㅠ

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