Chapter 267 Crazy wizard and broken ones ===========================================================

If you squeeze it, it will break, Baek Hangyeol carefully handed over the shining sphere. Soon after accepting the sphere, he put it on his palm and examined it closely. It was literally just a shiny round sphere. However, for some reason, I had a rough idea.

The cane that Marvolo took out against me. Ordo, who later kicked him. There must have been some secrets hidden because I saw it stretched as long as a cane in my hand.

Did this appear in the first episode? I can't remember.'

Tilting my head, I immediately activated a third eye.

"Ordo of Order"

(General description: Ordo of order, the key to Magia, the magical city used by Marvolo de Eileit, the ancient Hallplane wizard, and evidence of the head. It's a sphere that's like an integer of ancient magical knowledge. If you are recognized as the owner of Ordo, you can be delegated full authority over Magia.)

(Detailed description: 1. Exclusive equipment for wizards, alchemists and priests.) 2. There is a process of holding a sense of ownership. 의식에 성공할 경우, 질서의 오르도는 해당 사용자에게 귀속됩니다.(단, 사용자 사망 시 귀속은 자동 해제됩니다.) 3. 사용자의 모든 마법적 속성에 대해서 150%의 출력을 낼 수 있습니다.(신성 계열 주문도 포함합니다.) 4. 사용자의 마력 회복률이 30% 상승합니다. 5. You can restore 100% of your mana. However, this is only for those who qualify as owners and will be recharged from 7 days. 6. Dispel orders can be used 3 times a day, based on your horsepower and lucky capabilities. It will be recharged from the start of the day. 7. Basic magic resistance increases slightly. 8. You can learn the latent zero-speech ability.)


'Oh, my God.'

I stared blankly at the messages that came up in the air, and quickly caught my mind in the eyes of the three people. He maintained a calm expression on the outside, but his heart was pounding as if he were hitting a bat. I'm about to drool and laugh. Forcing his lips to keep going up, I returned Ordo's sphere to Baek Hangyeol.

"Hanbyeol, where did you get this?"”

"Well, I don't know where you're from. When I brought my brother, the wizard flew over the fallen place. He was floating on top of it. So, come on..”

"Well packed. Let's put it away and analyze it when we get back to the city."


Objectively speaking, the expedition received a full and overflowing reward for getting one Ordo. But of course it wasn't over here. I'm sure there are items I remember sleeping in Marvolo's home. When I thought about taking it all, I struggled to open my mouth wide.

I calmly collected myself and waited for Ko to return. I wonder if it's been 10 minutes since then. Over there in the distance, I began to see In-young walking across the bodies that had fallen to the floor. You can tell who the swings are without looking. Finally, Ko Yeon-joo, Ahn Hyun, and Lee Yoo-jung came back after exploring the surrounding area.

Ko looked relatively calm, but Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung's cheeks were swollen. The city had lost much of its grandeur. You must have been quite disappointed to see that the crystal window, which you had missed on your way here, had now turned into rags.

"Suhyun, you're up.”

"Brother, I'm surprised. Really."

"Oppa, are you feeling well? Doesn't it hurt?”

Soon after we came to where we were waiting, the three of us said hello with a look of relief when they saw me up. In any case, the fact that he was worried about his physical condition first made me feel grateful. In return, he bowed his head once or twice and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"It's a little weak, but it's not to the point where it's uncomfortable to move around. Anyway, I heard you were exploring, how was the area around you? Did you happen to find any signs of a foxhole or rescue team?"

Ko Yeon-joo said with a bitter smile, as soon as she was greeted and asked about the exploration.

"No, there was nothing, let alone a trace. It just feels like a desolate ghost town. I've just been through a few nearby buildings, but nothing bothers me."

"Well, you haven't crossed the bridge yet?

"Yes, I thought it would take longer to get there. First, I waited for Su-hyun to wake up."

"Okay, I got it."

As soon as I got up after talking to Ko, I felt dizzy coming straight into my head. However, he did not show any signs of falling again, perhaps because he cared about balancing. Ko recommended a break again to check my condition, but refused flatly. Rather than taking a break that didn't seem like a break here, it was much better to hurry up and finish work and go back to the city and rest.

I stretched out greatly and turned to the bridge. It was a bridge that was considered a second goal, and the boss could be cleared before crossing. As I slowly take the lead, I now see clan members automatically shaping.

I was about to say, "Then let's go get the reward," as I watched the construction of the dust, but I thought for a moment and changed my words.

"Maybe it's late."


"Those who came here first…I'll be on my way for now. There's no particular danger around, so I think it's better to go fast in many ways."

I finished speaking and literally set out on a fast-paced march for rescue and exploration.

After crossing the bridge so quickly, we went straight ahead along the wide open boulevard. Clearly, there was a subtle difference between before and after crossing the bridge. But the place I was aiming for wasn't another building. Only one of the towering castles you see in front of you was aiming for.

Mana elixir, weapons, classes, etc.You can get Marvolo's research results. Hayeon and Vivien will like it. Wow, I'm excited.’

When I beat Marvolo in the first round. I understand that quite a few clans paid off for participating. However, we are entitled to monopolize it. That's why I tried to drag the Clan members somehow. Magia is like a treasure trove. This is because many gold and silver treasures that have been asleep for 300 years are asleep.

Several buildings were built around the boulevard leading to the castle. It was filled with buildings full of wizards' tastes, not dull buildings. Still, the buildings across the bridge were not to the point of being called ruins. As the castle, which had been seen from afar, approached larger and larger, I felt that the level of destruction was gradually improving. Of course, there was still a pathetic atmosphere, but it was a rebuttal that the children's expressions were gradually relieved and their excitement was lingering.

Anyway, as a result of walking in front of other buildings in the name of saving users, we were able to get to the front of our destination faster than we thought.

"Phew. We're finally in the castle. By the way, are there any users here?”

"He certainly did. You said some of them were locked up. Then it's most likely that he's locked up in his home castle."

I looked up at the castle in front of me, answering Ko's question in moderation. Literally, it was a castle where the word "old castle" matched well. The appearance showed the dignity of the old glory and a little bit of dignity. But that was it.

The bricks in charge of the wall had a blackish glow, and loose joints were visible everywhere as if they would break apart if they were kicked hard. Some places even had holes in them. The overall appearance was well established, but the atmosphere of a dead castle came out.

"Eh... this is your last name? Something smells like dog fur.

"Hey, Lee Yoo-jung. We're here to save the users. What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about? Who doesn't save you? So you're just gonna save them and go back?”

"Just kidding, kidding. So I meant, let's not look forward to it in the first place."

Would it be possible to have a conversation like that even if my colleagues were trapped inside? It was a sad phenomenon when I thought of children at the first rite of passage, but it did not deter the two from talking. In a way, this was the process of adapting to Hallplane.

Listening to the children's conversation, I moved into the castle, where there was a sense of desolation. In the first place, the gates were wide open and there was no pressure to enter.


Unlike the scenery outside, the interior of the castle was relatively well-organized. Although it was comparative to any extent.

As I entered the entrance, I saw a statue of a wizard holding a cane beautifully on both sides. Most of the statues were made of marble, but there was something shiny at the end of the eyes and cane. It was a jewel.

I'll have to take it all out when I get out of work.’

I was going to search every corner of the castle anyway, so I decided to take my time to think about compensation. After entering the entrance like that, we walked through a long passage, looking around the wall of a portrait on which no one knew who it was.

It was not long before we arrived at a hall with a very large space. Beautiful decorations hanging from the ceiling, and a two-story staircase that goes up with a soft U-shape. And even the square windows that are stained but are upright.

But the most powerful of them was the huge fireplace that you can see in front of your eyes. The interior of the fireplace, which looked two meters high and one meter wide, was very dark.

'Now we have to go underground.’

Most of the children's eyes were on the second floor. The interior structure continued from the second floor to the third floor, and again from the third floor to the fourth floor. I thought about going up the stairs because it might be different from my memory, and suddenly I looked back at Ko.

"Ko Yeon-joo. Did you re-sense it?"

"As soon as I came in, I turned it around. But at least the 1st and 2nd floors don't feel any response. Well, you'll have to go up there to find out more.”

"So where are the captured users?”

"Well, if you're asking for my opinion as shadow queen....”

Ko paused for a moment and raised her foot upwards. Then he continued, hitting hard.


"If you look at it now, the mana is transmitting all the way down. I made a similar basement for the inn that used to run in Mule. I bet somewhere in this castle there's an underground door, and there'll be users there.”

"I see. That's what I think. Then it's important to find a door that leads underground."

"Ho-ho. I got it right, didn't I? Now, then…."

"Well, what do you mean, yes."

Ko burst into laughter when he replied as if he snapped back. I sighed across the center of the hall.

It increases the density of mana and changes its detection to a fan shape. As he began to turn calmly from the rear, he could feel the signs of Clan members slowly following him behind his back.

In fact, I already knew where the door to the basement was. However, if you enter the castle and find it as if you already knew it, you will definitely get suspicious eyes. That's why I gave Ko a little rhyme. It was a little frustrating, but I decided to think that it was a process of checking because I told him to knock on a stone bridge and cross it. When the sense of mana slowly turned around and brushed against the fireplace, I could feel something foreign.

"The fireplace is suspicious.”

"It's definitely a little odd in size."

After looking at the fireplace for a while, I went straight inside. It was so big that I could enter without any burden. The smell of old squishy stung into my nose, but it was tolerable.

"---. ---. Light.”

Kim Han-byul, who is quick to sense, memorized the light spell on her own even though she did not give any instructions. Soon a ball of light, the size of her fist, enters the chamber.


As expected, the interior of the fireplace was deeper than necessary. Wright floundered in about five meters, stopping at a point and brightening everywhere. And...

"Huh? What's that? What's in there?"

"It looks like a door. Wow.There's a door in the fireplace."

We could find a heavy iron door locked tightly inside the fireplace.

"The iron door in the fireplace. I can smell it."

"Let's hurry. Rescue comes first."

Rushing the Clan members, I quickly stood at the door. And when I looked carefully at it, I noticed the door wasn't locked. Ahn Hyun stuck his head out to my side and said in a quiet voice.

"Brother, is this the underground door?"

"It's highly likely."

"Oh, well, here....”

"Let's just open it and go in. But just in case, grab Jin and take out your weapons. And Hanbyeol, can you maintain the light magic?”

I waited for a moment for the Clan members to make their own arrangements. It was not long before the swings confirmed that they had completed all the preparations and reached straight for the round doorknob.


An unpleasant noise is heard from the joints made of iron. But the iron door, which had been tightly closed, was slowly opening. And the moment the door handle was pulled completely, a long dark blue staircase appeared in front of the eye.


Light magic went in first and lit the stairs. Looking at the slightly brighter interior, I could see that the length of the stairs was longer than I thought. After telling the screaming Clan members from behind to be careful not to slip, I slowly started walking down the stairs.


The strange scent filled the stairs and the unpleasant air, which was indescribable, weighed heavily on the atmosphere. About 20 minutes after coming down the stairs. Although they came down carefully one by one, the underground stairs continued longer than expected.

But I felt intuitively that this staircase would be over soon. Because the scent that was flowing into my nose was getting stronger. No, it wasn't a scent anymore. It was a combination of various smells, such as the smell of blood, chestnut flowers, body odor, and liquid smell. The smell was getting stronger, and eventually I stopped my smell-boosting mana.

It was then. The sphere of light, which was going down, did not move forward as if something had been blocked. Leading the way from the top, checking the scene and stalling down. And as I carefully examined around Wright, I could see a large wooden door painted black ahead of it.


The son-in-law was silent. The battle is over, but another kind of tension begins to circulate. I made up my mind that I could always go to the Japanese bayonet, and I reduced the distance from the wooden gate. When I stopped walking right in front of the door, I could see a single word written just at my eye level.

It was written in ancient language but had some knowledge of the field. As I was still interpreting the letter, I felt a touch on the shoulder from behind. Looking back, Ko put her finger quietly to her mouth and poked the inside three or four times. It was a kind of signal that the reaction was felt inside. I nodded my head and quietly pulled out the Japanese sword.

And just before I opened the door and went in, I read the words on the door once again.

'Remember that day. Let's abandon our emotions and be one beast."

============================ Review of the work ============================

Round, round, round~ Round, round, round~ Let's go around and dance. Clap your hands. Singing a song~ Lalalala, let's have fun writing! Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut!

PS. We'll do the re-reply in the next episode. I have to go to bed early because I have to go out at 9 a.m. today. ㅜ.ㅠ

PS2. Readers. I'm really sorry about the cutting hole. Please put down the stone in your hand for a moment.

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