Chapter 248 Partial income =========================================================================

Resident guards salute us vigorously as we leave the east gate. When I saw that, I could feel the difference between Monica and Mul. The armor worn by the guards was different from Mul's sloppiness, but most of all, the scenery as soon as he left the gate made him nod.

Through the vast expanse of green land, the well-cleaned roads were divided into many branches, with milestones embedded in the stupas in the distance. When I look around, I can see a large number of users gathered under the walls of the fortress or under the trees built around it, although it is clearly outside the city.

"Wow! It worked really well. I'm going back to the love house with flowers. You were so out of it! It's just sticking close to my arm....”

"Wow, I'm jealous. By the way, where did you get the money to buy the energy-boosting potion? That would be a little expensive."

"LOL. I think you did something on a trip recently. I was lucky to find a goblin village in the woods. I got some gold coins and accessories from there."

"The goblin village? Is it still there? Wow, that's a raw meal."

Compared to Mule, which was almost like a wasteland, this place is probably a park. And I was under the illusion that those people might have gone on a walk and picnic in the park.

"But even if it's a village, it's hard to get over 2,300 gold unless it's a big hit."’

He tilted his head for a moment, but soon after he saw the back of one of the people he was talking to, he could see the situation. Judging from the Clan pattern, they seem to be quite skilled combat users. If it's enough to be in the Clan, it'll be easy to deal with regular goblin. Then I guess it means that he earned some free money. Anyway, since it had nothing to do with me, I decided to stop paying attention.

I picked up the map, roughly measured the direction, and led the expedition to the second route from the far left. At least for today, no matter how many times I walk, there is a 0% chance of exposure to danger, so I was going to lose as much progress as possible even if I went on a fast march.

"Now we're going to start a rapid march. Please follow me carefully so that I don'

After ordering me to look back and speed up, I slowly began to increase the tempo of my leisurely walk. Then, I could feel that the cycle of footsteps rolling the earth was getting shorter in proportion to my pace.

For a while we focused on the march with little to no talking. Maybe because I adjusted the speed according to my abilities, not to fit my children, I was able to move forward incomparably. With such rapid steps, or we walked endlessly, almost with a light run.k.a. run.

About six hours later. In the meantime, perhaps because of maintaining a rapid march without a break, the sound of heavy breathing behind the scenes began to increase one by one.

I looked up at the sky, catching my breath for a moment. The sun, which had been hiding in the clouds when it started in the morning, was apparently shining in the scorching sun. When the smell of sweat from Clan members mixed into the refreshing air flowing into the nose, I thought it was enough, so I decided to slow down little by little.

It was two more hours later that I stopped marching and declared a break. The place where we stopped now was the beginning of a forest where the ground sloped and rose a little high, or where the hills were creeping up. Climbing up one of the hills, tall trees, gathered tightly, obscured the view.

As I first climbed up and looked around, I could see the clans coming up one by one with their sweaty hair. At the moment, I heard the sound of a slap from the bottom and lowered my head, and Ko Yeon-joo was splashing with her feet dipped in the wide and concave ground of the pan. She smiled broadly at me and waved her hands as if she felt my eyes.

"Science, science."

"Ha, ha."

"Hak, hey, what are you, the sound of you running out of breath, is that's it. It sounds like, gasping, crane."

"Ha, it's noisy. I'm tired. I'm dying. What's wrong? Whoosh."

Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung grumble and climb up the hill. I was wondering if I could catch up because I was determined to run, but it was a close family and I didn't think my training was in vain.

Soon after, when the two took a slow deep breath, Ahn Sol, Baek Han-kyul, and Kim Han-byeol appeared one by one to the other. The breathing seemed fine, but all three of them looked white because they had weak stamina.

Ahn Hyun took a deep breath and repeated exhaling, and asked me in a calm voice if it had gotten better soon.

"Brother, the pace of this march is no joke."

"I know, but I'll keep this pace for a while.”

"Oh, no. Of course, I or Lee Yu-jung would be fine. Can the other Clan members follow me?”

"Other Clan members?"

As they glanced at Ahn Hyun's words, the three shook their heads with determined expressions. It was a silent sign that it was okay to follow. As she shrugged her shoulders, Ahn only blinked with a blank face.

If this was a dangerous area or an unexplored area, they would have marched with care of their physical strength. Because we didn't know when or where the battle would take place, we had to save our stamina for that time. But as I said earlier, Monica is a very well-stabilized area. So now I just wanted to get out of the stable area quickly.

Now why I'm in such a hurry, Clan members are probably focusing on the structure of the users who went in first. But we already knew what their fate was in the Hallucination Gorge.

After I told the Clan members that we were leaving in 10 minutes (someone's silent scream seemed to be heard here). It jumped down as it was.


Stomping on the leaves scattered around and raising his bent knees, Ko Yeon-ju still had her feet dipped in the water and smiled languidly.

"Did you find anything out?"

"Yes, at least so far. That's truly amazing. Follow the trail at this speed without a hitch.”

"I just roughly measured it. It's no match for the shadow queen."


When he slightly flicked it up, Ko closed her lips in a circle and smiled softly. Then he rolled up his feet, put on his shoes, jumped up and did somersaults. In time, she landed in a place where grass pointing in one direction, although very lightly won, had grown.

Ko lightly swept the ground and shook her head to open her mouth.

"There were 10 on the edge of the fox, and 14 on the first rescue team. Idiots."

"Are there any other signs?”

"There is, but the direction is twisted around. If you think about the time you told me in Istanbul Low, the traces I'm looking at will be correct.”

"Then we'll have to leave the forest in this direction, and we'll have to find our tracks again.”

I turned my eyes eastward. According to the distance on the map, it will take about a day from now to get out, but if I can maintain the current speed, I think half a day will be possible. And out of this forest, there is a wailing plain, which is a less stable area (?

As I was bouncing abacus inside, I could feel the Clan members on the hill slowly descending. I'm sure you told me to rest downstairs, but why did I follow you up if you were going to come down anyway? I sighed and lined up the clan members who came down.

"Ahn Hyun leads. Ahn Sol, Baek Hangyul, center. Kim Hanbyeol, right behind you. Lee Yu-jung, go back. Go? Go into the keeper."

And as soon as they got out, they immediately resumed their rapid march. With the sound of leaving.


Before long, the sun has set, and a mirror-like moon rises instead of it. There was a fierce struggle with the moonlight, perhaps because the dark dusk was trying to occupy the land. Eventually, thanks to the rapid march of most of the day, we were able to escape the dense forest and enter the Wailing Plain.

Honestly, I thought about going on a night march, but the distance I walked today was enough, and I thought it would be better to stop at this point for Baek Hang-yul, who is still a rookie.

Baek Hangyeol. He definitely had something. As I am not used to it yet, I may fall behind once or twice, but I clenched my teeth and followed without complaining. That made me admire a little bit.

I didn't waste much time choosing a campsite. Since we're in the middle of the plain, we can see it from there to there. After preparing for camping with Ma Jeong-seok for expedition everywhere, we were able to solve the dinner thanks to Ko, who showed off his skills in a long time.

Ahn Sol and Baek Hangyeol turned off their heads in a friendly way, as if they were suddenly sleepy after dinner. As the two will fight for the first and second rankings if they compete against each other, they will be given a little consideration to return them to the last order of the Immaculate Burn.

Tadak, tadak.

In case of a fire, the grass is removed and a subtle light leaks through the branches in the dugout pit. Ahn Sol and Baek Hangyeol had long been in their sleeping bags and breathed out colorful breaths. Ko Yeon-joo and Lee Yoo-jung had just gone to bed because they were on their next watch.

Deep night. Only I, Anhyun, and Kim Hanbyeol were looking at the campfire sitting around in a circle without saying a word.

A little time passed, and Ahn Hyun, who was only looking at the bonfire, raised his head.

"Hey, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I know, at the meeting, my brother went to the Hallucination Gorge....”


At that time, a wailing sound flowed into my ears in the plain wind. Ahn Hyun-do, who was about to continue talking, and Hanbyeol, who was just sticking out his eyes while hugging his knees. They both looked around in a flinching way, perhaps hearing the sound. I looked up for a moment, checked the shape of the moon, and opened my mouth in a calm voice.

"Keep talking."

"Oh, no. I'm sure the howling just now....”

"I told you earlier. The place where we are now is the plains of wailing. It's not a big deal. Never mind."

"Ugh. Are you a ghost? I hate ghosts."

I was going to say something ridiculous, but when I saw Hanbyeol's throat moving, I just laughed. However, Ahn looked around Yeonsin, wetting his lips with saliva, as if he was not exaggerating.

"Oh, my God. I'm worried about nothing."

"It's nothing. It's supposed to be like this. Wailing plains are a very large area. Oh. In a way, the characteristics of this place are very interesting.”

"What characteristics do you have?"

"Every now and then, just a senseless wailing echoes throughout the plains. Haha. Don't be so scared. This is a place where stability has progressed quite a lot. Maybe once it rings, it'll be quiet for at least a few hours."

"Oh, really? Then....”


However, as if to laugh at my words, another wail rumbles right around the campsite.

"Oh. Twice?"



Ahn Hyun and Kim Han-byul's eyes are on me. When I thought I heard something wrong for a moment, I could feel someone picking up his body, thinking he was sleeping soundly. The person who woke up was Ko. She must have been annoyed by waking up from her sleep, and turned her head around with a frown.

"Suhyun, did you hear that?”

"I heard."

"How many times have you heard it?”

"Two times."

Ko's voice was a little hoarse. But the moment she answered twice, she stood up bouncing and began to watch her surroundings with sharp eyes. As it was, Ko opened her mouth once more.

"Once in a while, everything's fine. The second wail is...What was it?"

"Somewhere in the Wailing Plain. It's a sign that something bad has happened. It's a danger warning."

I lifted myself up from my seat, smacking my lips. Ahn Hyun and Kim Han-byul were looking at each other alternately with confused faces. It was the moment when he took his hand to the Japanese sword around his waist, giving the swing a signal to wake up.

Oh, my god!

More than ever, a clear wailing was heard. I wasn't the only one who heard it. Everyone who was awake now was rapidly hardening.

"It's the third time. This is…."

Certainly awake, the voice of the high performer had returned to its original form. I sighed loudly and concluded her words.

"Where bad things happened. It means someone's dead. Ahn Hyun and Kim Han Byul. Wake up everyone who is sleeping now."

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Oh, thank you very much. I was really sorry for not being able to re-reply, but I'm just grateful that many readers understand. _(__)_ Study hard, and I'll take part in the series after the exam!

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