Chapter 213 A living conflict ======================================================================

There is a saying called Easter Egg. It means fun things that the program producer hid in his work, or things that surprised him.

Of course, there are many different aspects to this metaphor, but when I found this place, I felt like I had found Easter Egg. It is not just filled with buildings on this large site, but I didn't know that I could feel the fresh forest atmosphere at the user academy. Furthermore, the fact that he didn't know this place in the first inning further encouraged fresh emotions.

The smell of fragrant trees and fertile fields made me feel refreshed. I've already had a lot of sleep lately, so my head was complicated, but when I smelled the refreshing scent after a long time, I felt a little but energetic. It was a short break that was essential for smooth activities in the future.

There was a square piece of cloth next to me. And on top of that lay several delicious-looking cookies. I was told that it was a snack that Hanbyeol brought to Jeong instructors. It looked quite luxurious to be a simple snack.

Since the expedition failed, the funds in the Clan would be quite tight, but I couldn't understand the use of money for such small things. But there was nothing wrong with being understood, so I was willing to reach out for the nearby cookies. A sweet smell flowed in my nose. The cookies smelled so delicious that Vivienne could go crazy when he saw them.

"You seem to have changed a lot."

A calm voice flew from the back while cleaning up the powder that fell on the clothes. As I turned around, there was a female wizard staring at me with a polite, expressionless face. It was Kim Han-byul.

I stared at Hanbyul with a sour face. Until now, each other's conversation has been mainly about instructor work. Even if we say hello or condition, it has often ended simply. In other words, it is the first time for her to bring up something that has room for her to dig into in private.

Finally, lightly dusted the collar and asked in a voice that sounded bland.


"Well, in the past, I thought you had a tendency to do something nonstop."

"Yes, I understand. I'll just have to get up now. You can just tell me to stop resting and work. Why are you beating around the bush?”

"…I didn't mean it that way."

Of course it was a joke. Hanbyeol slightly spilled me with a coy face and soon closed her mouth. I reached out my right hand to her, and I picked up a cookie bag with my left hand and handed it to her. Hanbyeol looked worried for a moment when he saw my hands. She soon settled the underarm payment plate in my right hand and accepted a cookie bag.

"Doesn't it suit your taste?"

"No, it was fine. By the way, I finished all my work this morning, is there anything left in the afternoon? Oh, you should try it, too.

"It's okay…."

"Let's see."

When I handed over the payment board roughly, I saw letters written in sophisticated handwriting. While reading each one carefully, I could find one strange content. I tilted my head for a moment, and then I raised my head to ask about that part.


Kim Han-byul was carefully biting a cookie. Then, when I looked at him, he let out a sound of air dripping from his mouth as if he was embarrassed. Because of that, the cookie that had been bitten at best rolled to the ground.

"I have a question, what is this afternoon's education control support?"

"This is a request from Instructor Na Seung-hye, who is in charge of pilot training in the mana talent field. He asked me to help him control the training because it's too crowded."

Hanbyeol answered very quickly. I tilted my head even more because English didn't go.

"That's ridiculous. You want me to support a controller to teach magic talents?"

"It's because it's not a professional training, but a pilot training. We've targeted all of you."

"Oh, I see. But it's a little weird. Aren't there a lot of control officers available if you've targeted everything?”

"…I asked him to join me for dinner after the training. It's a message from the Korean Clan Road."

It was only after Hanbyeol's additional explanation that I could understand what was going on. Since Sung Hyun-min and Na Seung-hye belong to the representative clan of different eastern small towns, they must have asked Han to do so at Dalbam. I thought I'd get a bite after three weeks, but I didn't expect him to start acting in just a week.

He sighed and covered the billboard. In any case, Sung Hyun-min was enough to strengthen his friendship. For some reason, I felt like I was constantly courting him since the call-up, but I just hope it wouldn't go in the wrong direction. For example, coming out.

"Then I'd better get going.”

I exhaled loudly, thinking in vain. It's been about an hour since lunch, so the education staff will be gathering soon.

Listening to the faint shouts from afar, I slowly moved on. Then, I could feel Han-byul following me with a gentle sound of footsteps. What is this strange hint?


When a user teaches a user, the method of teaching depends on the individual. In large terms, it can be divided mainly into theory and practice, but if you go into detail, the branches become quite complicated, such as there are many interpretations of pure literature.

The more advanced the process, the more efficiency there is according to the method. However, most of the basics were similar. In other words, it is meaningless to discuss the difference in level in the basic process.

Mana can be seen as the most important ability as all classes use it in common. In the user academy, the definition of mana and basic theory education are first introduced. Since then, based on the theoretical training received in the first week of the pilot training, it will teach you how to create and deal with mana.

The origin of the incident came from a user's To sum up the question, "There is a difference between what was learned in theoretical education and how it actually happens now." If Na Seung-hye, who was an education instructor, had given up one step, she could have let it go. There could be some differences depending on personal interpretation, so following existing methods without emphasizing one's subject could be sufficiently solved.

But Na Seung-hye did not. After raising the user who asked the question, he listened to the theoretical education one by one and showed a blatant sneer.

"I didn't expect you to be taught so poorly and inefficiently. I'm sorry, but you'd better forget all the horsepower theories you've learned so far."

"Aha. Is that so?"

"Yes, you have to learn well when you first learn. I don't know who taught me like this, but most of the things I don't understand. Are you determined to bring down the level of new people?

The place also featured a controlling instructor from other clans besides me and others. No, it had to be a problem because there were instructors who were in charge of the first week of training in the first place. The eyes of the new people immediately turned on the former education instructor, and she left the training site with a red face.

For now, the pilot training could have been completed somehow, but of course it couldn't have been buried. After the training, new users left, the instructors of the Moon Night Clan and the Geumeumdal Clan flocked. Their leaders were Na Seung-hye and former education instructor Cho Eun-young, respectively. When I checked with my third eye, Cho Eun-young also had good skills. Of course, I couldn't deny that I was better off than Na Seung-hye.

"Oh, by the way, you can't change your teaching instructor. You have to teach me again from the beginning.”

"What, what? Oh, my God."

"I tried to let it slide, but I couldn't open my eyes. Do you think horsepower education is the same as physical education?"

"Hey, you're being too harsh. No matter how rare you are....”

A week after Park Hyun-woo put his head together, the replacement of an education instructor led to such a abolition. However, it could not be concluded only by Park Hyun-woo's fault. I couldn't see the sight in front of me more than just nitpicking or cutting.

While watching the fire across the river, I heard Cho Eun-young's sharp voice, which had burst. Her voice trembled with great resentment and resentment, even mixed with a slight cry.

"Then what do you want me to do now? If you don't like it, tell me in advance! What am I supposed to do now when you didn't even come out for the first week of training?”

"Oh, it's noisy. Because my voice is too loud. Well, I don't really want to do anything about it. You can't trust me and take away my precious time. Anyway, if I'm not good at it, I'm just quietly watching. Don't step up for nothing."

In the end, Cho Eun-young was about to explode at Na Seung-hye's acrimonious vitriol. Several clans arrived just in time, and they rushed to mediate between the two clans.

The clash between the two clans fizzled at their end, but the incident was no less a sign of a resurgence of the conflict that had barely been curbed by the Mother's mediation. Under the pretext of promoting Clan to new employees in the future, it was impossible to predict how much they would keep each other in check.

While returning from stopping Na Seung-hye, Sung Hyun-min came to me and apologized that he should postpone his appointment this evening. After I replied with a smile that I was okay, I decided to take Kim Han-byeol back to the accommodation.

It was on its way to the instructor's quarters. Suddenly, the unstable atmosphere hovering around the user academy was felt throughout the body. It was in stark contrast to the refreshing feeling I had after lunch. Looking at the cause, I could recall a face.

Park Hwanhee. He was the user that I watched in the square. And it was the user who asked questions to Na Seung-hye. I also attended her education, so I could see his face, and I could feel the incompatibility I felt then again. He didn't ask questions out of curiosity, but he had a strange face that he was aiming for something. It wasn't just him. Most of the new people around Park Hwan-hee had a strange look on their faces.

The current that I just sensed was that something unstable was going to happen over the user academy.

It was quiet around. It's, the stillness just before something happens...The thought of it as if it were a storm eve flashed through my mind.


"Shall we go back for today?”

Ko stopped for a moment. Then six users who followed her stopped walking at the same time. In that state, Ko twirls her body half-round and hits the user behind her hard.


Ahn Hyun, who was kicked by Ko Yeon-ju with a puck and a sound, rolled around the ground. The reddish liquids left traces on the floor where he rolled. It was not the blood that he had spilled, but the things on the surface of the equipment seemed to have been swept on the floor and left marks.

No one stepped forward even though he rolled around like that. Everyone seemed to be nervous and not trying to raise Anhyun. No, it's not that I don't, it's that I can't. Ko looked down at him with a distant look and opened her mouth in a cool voice.

"Do you know why? You little boy."

"Yes, yes."

"I don't know how many times I've said it. I asked Soohyun to teach me well since she's talented. Is he wrong or are you not willing to listen to me?"

"I'm sorry."

An-hyun bit her lips and pulled herself up. Ko looked at him with a fierce look, and shook his head in excitement.

"I feel frustrated when I see people who can't understand even if I tell them once, unlike Su-hyun, who is kind-hearted. There's a lot of work to do besides this, but if you keep holding me back, I don't want to do it no matter how much he asks me."

"I'll be careful."

"Yeah, be careful. Next time you come out, don't bring a shield. I'm not really going to let it go then."

Ko exhaled coldly and turned to walk away. While watching the scene quietly, everyone threw their sad eyes at Anhyun and followed Ko Yeon-ju.

Ahn Hyun, who was looking at the backs of the swings, also started chasing them. His lips were marked with clear teeth marks, as if he had bit them hard enough.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

The scorching heat hasn't gone away these days. It's okay in the morning and evening, but lunch is really hot. Happy birthday to OptoLuv19. Hahaha. You asked me to congratulate you in the comments, but since it's your anniversary. :D I hope you get lots of presents and eat lots of delicious things on your birthday. I'll be stuck in the university until the afternoon lecture. ^^^

I'll update the re-reply soon. :)

리 Ripple 『

1. Midnight: I'll turn it off. Congratulations on winning first place. I've seen a lot of new people these days, but the old(?) is gaining strength again. :) hahaha. Anyway, please enjoy this episode.

2. Zapak: Yes. I'm scared, too. I can't comment on the midnight series. I gave up now. It's easier if you give up. Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahahaha.

3. Rikuru: Well, what will happen to Hanbyeol? You could be held in a golden lion, you could be abandoned, you could go somewhere else, and the protagonist could take him! :D Please look forward to what's coming~

4. Yawoo: Thank you for the coupon. (__) When I was a reader, I used to wait like I was on an x-line when I didn't see the novels that were always posted. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Mukhyang Cousin: Oh. Your memorize is as sweet and sour as yogurt, isn't it? Haha. I'm kidding. Uh, but suddenly I want to eat frozen yogurt. Gulp.

6. User Gandalf: Hempower = Endurance~ Originally, it was supposed to be cannabis, but I changed it to antima.

7. SIRLOU: Well, bear with that. You cannot write while hanging. You have to let them jump around and play so that they can see the comments. Oh, my God!

8. Techno: It's probably very likely that Suhyun's luck skills are developed in different directions.(whispers.)

9. Lancelot Durac: I'm curious. Is it you or another self?

10. Lunaluce: Thank you for the coupon. _(_)_ I will continue to repay you with better and more fruitful content!

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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