Chapter 197 Opportunity to Come ====================================================================

The city, though a little bit, was regaining its tranquility. Of course, I was just trying to get it back. There was still a disturbance in the streets.

Passing in front of the bar at the end of the boulevard, the users of the bar bump into each other's cups. Seeing the heated discussion, I could tell what they were talking about without having to listen. In the past, I would have kicked my tongue thinking that it would have been better to just sleep, but now I have no other thoughts. Only one fact filled my whole body.

The portal to The Inn of the Beginning was opened.

In Hall Plain, the importance of The Inn of Start is, in other words, a jaw-droppingly high part. The emergence of new users, whether viewed throughout the continent or within the Clan, was highly sensitive. This is because at least one of the incoming users, whether many or few, has the potential to develop to a high level.

There is a saying that is sometimes said in small jokes on the North Continent. "I'm not jealous of one or ten well-bred users." Of course, volume can be a major strategy, but it means that one right user is much better than ten people.

It may be an extreme example of a slightly different case, but I can be an example of myself without having to look far away. A female user who had pigtails when she left the "Morning Sunlight" inn. Did you say your name is Kim Dahye? I can't beat myself even if I have 100 users like that. That's what it meant to recruit new users with high possibility.

This is just a story I heard, and even before the establishment of the User Academy, Hallplane existed. Also, I heard that there were so many users that they couldn't compare to now. It was said that there was even a time when there was no rite of passage, and there were 1,000 and 2,000 people who came in, which was unthinkable at this moment.

Of course, it was an oral story without a living witness, only to assume that it was in Holplain's early days.

However, as time went by, the portal was opening longer, and the number of incoming users was also on the downward trend. As such, the value of new users is bound to be high. In the beginning, there was a reason for treating him well as he went into the second half, even if he was a little strict to adapt.



As I suddenly lifted my head, the gentle night breeze gently wound around my hair. When the wind hit, the dizziness that filled my head seemed to be wiped out a little. I sighed for a long time and then speeded up. Passing through the straight streetlights, I passed the bridge that I was rushing to earlier. In the wind, I forced myself to calm down. Then I felt like I had found a little bit of a reason that I had lost for a while.

Walking slowly down Barbara's street at night, he recalled the information he had just seen with his third eye.

"Start Inn"

Passing Ritual Participants: 587

Passing ritual survivors: 252 (currently day 7).

Passing Ritual Deaths: 335 (7th day now).

Number of people currently completed: 2 people (Day 5 completed.)

Let's think about it. There are a total of five inns. And an average of 10 to 30 survivors per house was common. That means based on the latest figures, about 100 or so users are new to Hallplane.

This time, let's look away as a rite of passage. The terms of passage of the rite can be divided into two in total. Arrive at Warp Gate in seven days, or hold out seven days. A total of 587 people participated in the rite of passage was now seven days later, with 252 surviving. As many as 252, two of them passed the Warp Gate on Day 5.

Since it's been over seven days, more than 200 people will come in at the very least. Above all, the two proved their qualifications in five days. It was quite a surprise.

Then the situation can be divided into two categories, depending on whether the Boss Monster will be revived or not. Seraf did. The original rite of passage, the boss monster, is beyond capture. It can only be pierced by escaping on the premise of the sacrifice of users over a minimum life span.

There's no boss monster. If you think so, you can understand that 252 people survived. Without Boss Monster, the difficulty of the rite of passage is very low. I can understand that two people completed it on Day 5. On the contrary, however, the fact that only two people passed the Warp Gate in seven days was a bit disturbing.

If you think there is, it becomes full of questions. It would be hard for 252 people to survive, but some users completed on Day 5. Of course, I can think about running away on the premise of sacrifice, but I couldn't help but tilt my head. Or there was some sort of way to deal with the Boss Monster..

The moment I thought that far, I shook my head vigorously. This was because it was not realistic no matter how much I thought about it.

I thought in many directions, but there were one or two flaws that took place in either direction. There was no complete answer. On top of that, as the flow of the hole-plane coincided, the head began to get complicated again. Anxiety recurred in the mind that had been forced to calm down. It's an obsession.

I'm quite fond of planning. When it was inevitable, I could not help it, but I had to prepare for the number of cases and act in order to maintain my peace of mind. However, when such unforeseen events occur, irritation rises and anxiety rises. But at the moment there was no sharp way. Maybe that's why it's even more frustrating.

In the end, there is no choice but to prepare for the lack of information. When a twisted future approaches, I must somehow change the twist in the direction that is beneficial to me. It wasn't easy.

I was walking thinking about this and that, and I arrived at the inn . I was wondering if I should smoke at the beginning of the year or just go in. Rubbing my hand into my arms, I constantly reduced my distance from the inn. It was then. In front of the inn's entrance, I could find a user who was not unfamiliar.

The distance was further reduced after the barely caught beginning of the year. There was a woman with bobbed hair hanging around in a thin gown and her arms wrapped around her. The identity of the woman was Jung Ha-yeon.


When she raised her hand, Hayeon looked back with a surprised face. Soon after, she opened her mouth, exhaling a thin breath, whether she had checked my face.

"Oh, Suhyun. You're here now. Did you go outside?”

"Yes, by any chance, have you been waiting?”

"It's just... it's invisible, it's a little worrying.”

I don't deserve to be worried about the military. But the feeling of being worried by someone, unexpectedly, wasn't so bad.

"There was a little commotion. I just checked the situation."

"Oh, I heard that, too. I heard the inn portal at the beginning opened."

"Yes. Hayeon heard it, too. Whew."


It was just a meaningless sigh. It just came out of a complicated state of mind. But she looked up and stared at me with her eyes, as if she had taken it in a different way. Then, the streets often approached me with their steps.



"You don't look well again."

"Huh? I don't really....”

While answering, I avoided looking at myself. Ko Yeon-joo, Jung Ha-yeon, and I had a talent to recognize my current mood. I felt guilty when I saw those clear eyes for me and worried about me guilty. What is this guilt really about?

"I told you last time. Suhyun tends to push herself too far.”

"Ha, Hayeon. That's not true. It's a misunderstanding."

"I've been feeling a little better lately, but I think I'm getting better today. What the hell are you so nervous about?”

"It's just a little complicated in my head. I'm not nervous."

She quickly relaxed and spoke in a soft voice, but she didn't seem to believe it. He squinted at my answer and then drew my hand, dripping beautifully.

"Go in. Go in, go to bed."

"Yes, Hayeon, hurry up and go in."

I gave her a cool answer. Because I didn't want to worry her anymore.

After being led into the inn by Hayeon, we went straight up the stairs. It's a bit of a privilege, but I had a separate room. It was the moment to say good night to her after arriving in front of my room. She opened the door herself and dragged me in, as if for granted.

"Ha, Hayeon?"

Hayeon didn't answer my question. Instead, he let go of the hand he was holding, and soon climbed onto the bed and gently knelt down.

"Hayeon, this is my room."

"Oh, I know. Hurry up and come to bed and lie down here.”

As I turned my eyes along the direction pointed with my slender fingers, I could see Hayeon's gentle thighs. Her words flew in as soon as she blinked with a blank face.

"Boo, I'm sure you won't sleep much if you're alone. I-I'll give you a pillow on your knee, so...Sleep here, state, state."

Hayeon stuttered around and managed to close the conversation. Soon after, she slid her eyes out and stuck out her lower lip. Looking closely at the figure, the thin eyelids were shaking fine and the earlobe was burning with a light red light.


After scratching my head with embarrassment, I calmly approached her. If it would work, I would say, "No," because I thought she'd get hurt badly. At first glance, Hayeon was also quite ashamed.

"I'll sleep well if you don't do this."

"Don't lie to me. It's not like we've slept together once or twice."

"Oh, not once or twice?”

"Hoot. It's three times in total.

As Hayeon asked, he put his head on his thigh and muttered, and a coy voice returned. When I cut her thigh, I felt very comfortable on the back of her neck.

"Okay, close your eyes."

His coy voice soon turned into a calm voice. Her soft hands cover my eyes. In that state, I blinked a few times on purpose, and my palms wriggled a few times. It's itchy.

After lying down for a while, I felt a careful stroke on my head. I laughed a little bit inside. It was definitely comfortable, but I wasn't a child. You wouldn't fall asleep if you did this.

Still, I felt grateful. My mind has been very unstable since I just watched "The Inn at the Beginning". It was complicated, forced to calm down, and repeatedly anxious again. But when she gave me a pillow of her knees, I felt like my tangled inner side was melting a little. My full mind is emptied and I feel at ease. And...

………. ………. ……….

Having been free of all thoughts for a while, I felt my body had already. It felt like a dream to me to touch my head, covering my eyes. I felt like I was floating in the middle of the ocean, and then I was sinking down little by little. Yeah, to be honest, I felt good.

But I couldn't stay like this forever. She has to sleep, too. So I was about to open my eyes to say that I can stop now. As soon as I woke up, I felt something strange around my head. When I opened my eyes gently, the focus was very blurry.

Surprised, I blinked in that state. Every time I blinked, my blurred vision was returning to normal. I soon recovered all my sight and, for a moment, I breathed in a moment.


I called her, but the answer didn't come back. No, I couldn't see Hayeon's face above my head in the first place. When I woke up and looked around, the blanket that was covering my body flowed down.

I felt very embarrassed, but I calmed down and looked around again slowly. And as soon as my eyes touched the window, I could see the bright sunlight shining through the window.


Don't tell me... am I really asleep?

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

I have something to tell you today to announce the change of settings.

1) Change of order: From the Order → Declaration of West Continentality → Declaration of Independence, the Order → Declaration of Independence → Declaration of West Continentality. There is no big relationship between the two parts, but I thought it would be better to announce it just in case. (All modifications have been made to that part.) For your information, the part that was entered and the part that was expected of the main character were modified. In other words, future clutter may result in additional or change in parts of the deployments.

2) Class change: I am thinking of changing Han So-young's class as the basic setting. Of course, we're going to keep the internal settings intact and change the name by one letter, so there's no big change. I mentioned this part once, but I'm currently looking for the episode number. :)

리 Ripple 『

1. Sensitive: Congratulations on winning first place. Kurozion's winning streak ended. As expected, it's not easy. Hah, hah, hah.

2. Broken fan: Pat, pat. I can't win first place either. I gave up. It's easier if you give up. Of course.

3. Refill: Perhaps, Hanbyeol's process is expected to have great difficulties. :) Will it eventually be recruited or will it fall through? Please be looking forward for it!

4. Firework: NO. Not both users. In other words, one of them is currently on Hallplane. Hahaha, there's just not enough fame yet.

5. Sansa Tree: Anhyeon's Piancée is currently scheduled. And it hasn't appeared yet. Hahaha. Please wait a little bit. :)

6. Lapirandzint: I think a lot of people will be curious. One thing is for sure, no one has hit it perfectly yet. Ha ha. I'm quite proud of myself.

7. Potatoes: Yeoncham! Sounds good. After today, I can finish all the urgent tasks. I'll try to do it on the weekend. (__)

8. GAG: LOL LOL. Lol. Wow. That's what you might think. It was tempting! Unfortunately, however, not. :)

9. sch6469: Thank you for the coupon. (__) Maybe tomorrow, we'll start working in earnest. Please look forward to the next episode! Suhyun and her group are finally on full alert.. hahaha.

10. Sunset: Oh. You got Su-hyun's agony right in the next episode. That's amazing. :D

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I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

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Then I'll leave you alone for today.

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