Chapter 176 ecstasy =========================================================================

"It's been a while since I called you. What's going on?"

After sitting at the table, Vivien opened his mouth with a smile. I was lost in thought, staring at her for a moment. I thought about whether to talk about Shin Sang-yong first or about the Young Yak platform first, but I thought it would be better to talk about it with the Rare Class .

"I called you because I had a lot of things to tie. There's one about user identity, one about platform."

"Aha. What did I tell you last time?”

"Yeah, it's time to make a decision about Shin Sang-yong. I'm sure you've been watching pretty closely. What do you think of the user?”


Vivienne closed her eyes and looked troubled. Soon after about three minutes, she opened her mouth, nodding her head.

"I honestly want to give it to you. I don't think there's a flaw in my personality or personality. He's diligent and I think he'll be a good match for his ability. You probably won't regret it.”

When it comes to competence, it seems to refer to the marbles of harmony. I and Vivien are bound by a contract. That's how hard she would have carried out my request, and what she just said would have given her the maximum possible answer. It's a very subjective judgment, but I was also able to make up my mind immediately because I didn't differ much from her opinion.

"I think so, too. In a way, it might be too late, but rare classes are worth it. Then I hope you can give him the Chimera Alchemist as soon as possible and train him accordingly."

"All right, I've always wanted a student this size because it's hard to find. Hehe. I'm excited. You'll be surprised, won't you?"

Vivienne smiled like a child and looked excited. There was already a bitter smile about how much he would say thank you if he knew about it. In the meantime, there was nothing bothering me because I couldn't take care of him without knowing, but this made me feel a little relieved.

"Then let's wrap up Shin Sang-yong's story like that.Let's get down to business."

After I finished talking, I put the things I had prepared in front of Vivienne. Under-80 +4 physical elixir, under-70 +2 physical elixir, Vivien's fleet, the heart of the superior Ma Pegor, and Ma Jung-seok of Horrence. They were all mouthwatering ingredients for alchemists to look at. As expected, Vivienne, who checked the ingredients, was drooling, not drooling, but drooling enough to be considered a pawn.

"Wow. It's fascinating to see."

Looking at Vivien exhaling admiration, I lifted the under-80 +4 stamina elixir.

"Users of this elixir can increase their physical strength slightly. All I want is to increase the increase. What do you think? Do you think you can do it?"

"You've added stamina pills and the new man, Ma Jeong-seok. Mm-hmm."

His innocent expression disappeared. As an alchemist, Vivien is always serious and serious. She was staring at the ingredients with an unusual sharp look. Sometimes you move your hands like this, and you're probably doing a lot of calculations in your head by now.

I was a little nervous, but I didn't do anything stupid to yell at you to answer quickly. I just sit back and wait for a positive answer. A few more minutes have passed. Before long, Vivien raised his head and looked up, as if he had finished the calculation.

"Well, what do you think, can you do it?”

"Kim Soo-hyun, do you remember what I said before?”

It's a waste to fly these materials in such a poor workshop environment. She remembered clearly because she had rarely spoken coherently. With one or two bends of his head, Vivien sighed loudly and continued.

"You said you were leaving Mule, right? When are you going to leave?"

"Soon. I'll leave Mule as soon as I'm ready. Why not?"

"Okay, then I'll take care of these ingredients for the time being. I think we should go into research."

"Oh, that sounds like a possibility."

When I saw her collecting ingredients, I could see hope. But Vivien shook his head with a solemn face.

"It's not easy. No, I honestly don't know. If it weren't for Shin Sang-yong's marbangjin, there would have been a higher chance of failure. You know I can't do it right now, right? We have to build a workshop in a new home, and at least a week's platform. There are a lot of side ingredients. Anyway, I don't think I'm going to have to make it in Mul soon, so I'll do my own analysis."

"That's enough. Then, please."

"Leave it to me, I'm going to make this Vivien La Clacidus successful.”

"Hey, you're so confident. And if you fail....”

Vivien looked even cuter because she only chose pretty words today. When I saw her just getting up, a wicked mischief sprang up in the moment. So, as soon as I tried to say, "I know how to bully you," I shut up reflexively. I don't know why I shut up. However, it seemed that something irreversible would happen if I brought it up.

"What if I fail? Are you going to punish me?”

There was a strange tone to her voice. No, I didn't punish you even if you bothered me. Vivien was realizing for himself the irrevocable things, the things that might not be him. I was able to change my words calmly, thanking my instincts.

"…What a bee. I know you'll do your best, but I can't help it. But I'll be very happy if I succeed. You know, stamina is a very important matter for me right now. If you succeed that much, I'll grant you a wish."

"So... Won?"

"Of course, it's impossible to be very vain. But if you listen and think it's reasonable, I'll grant you a wish literally.”

At that moment, I could see a blaze raging in her eyes. The spirit was so great that I wondered if I had made a mistake.

After a while, Vivien got a definite answer from me one more time and turned around to leave the door. And at her steps, there was an unknown spleen.


Time seemed to fly faster after returning from the Cave of Scream. Before I knew it, the dark dusk and the cold wind were telling me that it was a dark night. It was a time of night that Ko said in the morning. I lit a fire at the beginning of the year and sucked it deep into my mouth.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. After sucking in a total of ten times, the end of the year was slowly visible.

Bouncing the butt towards the ground, I quietly opened the door and went into the inn. Everyone in the party must be asleep by now. The lobby on the first floor, where the lightstone was turned off, was a scene that I've seen before, but it was somehow eerie.

When I turned my head to the kitchen, a weak light was leaking out. As I moved toward the place, I could reach the door in less than a minute. After taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

knock, knock

A couple of dull sounds rang, followed by a soft voice from the high performer who said, "Come on in." As I carefully turned the handle and walked in, I could see her hand gestures, which were making fun of the felt pen, on the small desk.

"Oh, wait a minute. I'm almost done. The vagrants who fled by the plan to exterminate the vagabond are showing signs of a bit of anxiety, but I'm not sure yet, so I'm putting together the information that came in."

I didn't say anything. Rather than not telling me the information, I think you couldn't tell me the information because it wasn't intact. Her intelligence, which already noticed Nan in about a month from now, gave me a feeling of wonder. This is why in the first episode, "Istantel Low" put Ko on top of his spine.

Ko was devoted to recording for a while even though I came. Sometimes he tore up and rewrote the records he had been writing after looking at the map and other records that had been scattered around him. I sat on the bed and stared at her back.

"Oh. It's over. I barely wrote it down."

Ko threw the quill pen to the point where it snapped and stretched as hard as he could. Then she turned to me and shook the records she had written. I rose unconsciously and reached out to the record, but she quickly pulled it out and made a false move.

Ko twisted her head in many ways and opened her mouth with her eyes drooping.

"If I give you this record now, I think you'll just get it and leave."

"I don't know."

Whether she didn't like my vague answer, she narrowed her brows slightly. She soon left a record on the desk and flicked her finger. Lightstone, which was shining with the sound of finger flesh, lost its light for an instant.

So the light disappeared and darkness came into the room. In that faint darkness, I could notice Ko rising from her chair and creeping up to me.

"I've been telling you all along. User Kim Soo-hyun needs to take a rest. I think I'm starting to get started again these days."

How did you get so close? I felt a sweet breath tickling around my neck. After swallowing once and looking straight ahead, the Shadow Queen stretched her arms and grabbed one side of the finely tied "Glory of the Sun."

"Then here's the problem. What's the reason I called you here at this late night?"

"I don't know."

"You know, but you pretend you don't know. Or are you sure you don't know?”

When I gave the same answer as before, I felt like Ko Yeon-joo's voice was a little louder. I closed my eyes. I felt like I was burning with him at the beginning of the year outside the inn, and I felt like I was coming back to life. One character kept coming to mind. The identity of the character was not Han So-young. It was the user Jung Ha-yeon.

I wasn't sure why I was doing this all of a sudden. Since the first meeting, Ko has consistently expressed her feelings for me and seduced me. And I didn't hate her either. It's nothing to spend the night on Hall Plain with compatible users. I've already told her everything. When I opened the door, I thought it was okay, but why am I doing this all of a sudden?

Just as my head was getting complicated, I opened my eyes to the sensation of dysentery I felt in my waist dance. As I lowered my eyes down, I could see the red belt coming loose. In time, the belt, which had been completely loosened, was dropped with one hand held by the high performer and the other touching the ground.

At the same time as the beginning of "Glory in the Sky" opened, Ko took a step forward and made a motion to lean on my heart. And at that moment.


I took a step back without realizing it. Ko stopped her head to lean on my reaction and looked at my eyes with a blank face. I had no choice but to avoid that gaze.


Nevertheless, with the unabated gaze and uncomfortable silence, I managed to turn my eyes back at her. As I tried to read her faint expression in the dark, I soon saw her face, which was slowly being colored with an indisputable wound. As soon as I saw that face, I suddenly thought of what she had said to me all this whole time simultaneously.

Yes, I was a bar girl.>

Also, in modern times, a woman who worked at a bar, who was looked down on by people....>

Finally, I'm kissing you.>

That I've taken a step back now was a sign of rejection. And there's one case where Hallplane refuses to have sex. I don't like you.I don't want to have a relationship with you.>

Of course I don't think so. It was a reflective act that came from a combination of the desire to accept Ko's performance and the desire for user Jung Ha-yeon. However, there was enough misunderstanding for the other person to accept.

Soon, Ko's lips slowly opened.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

User Jung Ha-yeon must have had a lot of influence on user Kim Soo-hyun. Suhyun is also a pure-hearted person. Hahaha. I want to write a long review, but I'm so sleepy because I worked all night. I think I need to take a nap and study today. Have a nice Sunday, everyone. :)

PS. For the happiness of the high performer.

리 Ripple 『

1. 天 :: Congratulations on winning first place. Hahaha. I think Kurozion and I are fierce these days.

2. Human life: Congratulations on your resurrection. I hope you get rid of the pain of breaking up. Oh, and please don't post all the comments. I've asked you a lot of questions so far, but if you're going to do it again this time...I think I'll be a little upset, too. Of course, I'm sure you won't be plastered anymore. As many readers use the comment section together, please refrain from posting anything on the wall. ^^

3. Melpurean: Haha. Thank you. Strangely, Ko Yeon-joo is popular. Hanbyeol is the prettiest in my eyes. :)

4. Groover: Hahaha. Of course I remember. You know, I am. :D

5. Broken Fan: The problem actually happened to Su-hyun. Hahaha. He's not used to being loved, he's used to losing love. :)

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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