Chapter 169 Unexpected meeting =====================================================================

Everyone's eyes were on me, but I kept a calm face. If he shows embarrassment here, he will fall into the plot of a high performer. After such a light blow from the nose, I began to explain calmly. At the same time as briefly explaining what has been going on, the deal with her ended yesterday, and she has been newly joined by our new Clan. In the meantime, it was only a small talk that they had time to check each other's skills.

My words were greeted with various reactions by the party. Those who were surprised that there was such a deal between me and Ko Yeon-joo, those who were surprised that Ko was officially entering our clan, and stupid residents who were not interested in my story and were surprised by the generous food that Ko Yeon-joo brought. I was just a little sad because no one seemed to pay attention to the fact that I won the semi-finals. Of course, I did change the subject completely.

I thought the food would come out on the way because I talked as slowly as I could, but unexpectedly, she brought the food when she was almost finished. You can stack a bunch of food on the cart that holds the dishes. Ko Yeon-joo's face had no first disheveledness, and she was putting down her food one by one with a smile on her face.

"Wow. User Ko Yeonjoo. I heard from my brother. Welcome to the Clan."

"Huh? Ho-ho. I guess Su-hyun already talked about it. Anyway, thank you.”

Ko spoke informally even though no one allowed her to, but no one challenged her. This is because it is a matter of course considering the age and current position. The children didn't seem to care much about her tone, which was a great improvement compared to the pain she had at first. Rather, Ahn Hyun was pointing at each food with an excited face.

"What is this meat? I can't help but drooling just by looking at it. And sprinkled on top of it....”

"Ah. A herb named Pagra. When you eat it with food, you can get rid of the unique smell, especially for men's energy."

"Yes, yes? Oh, I see. Then this food....”

"Sliced potatoes, stir-fried them on a grill and topped with melted cheese. Of course, it's not modern cheese, but cheese from Hall Plain. It's especially good for men's energy."


"Oh, this is a fresh and crunchy vegetable salad. Try it. It's especially good for men's energy."

Ahn seemed to refuse to ask any more questions. Nevertheless, Ko continued firmly. And every time I put a piece of food, I looked at myself, and the three foods I mentioned above were pushed close to me, so I could see it as a deliberate act. I didn't expect to set the fire this way again, so I was quite embarrassed this time.

"Ha ha... Sa, I think I'm going to break my table leg."

Around the awkward atmosphere, the user Shin Sang-yong smiled bitterly and evoked the atmosphere. Looking at Vivien, who is only happy with plenty of food in the narrowed gaze of some of the party, I've just decided to cancel what I said was a stupid resident.

After that morning's happening, we, or exactly, managed to finish the meal. Although anger soared at the behavior of Ko Yeon-ju, who kept recommending the foods mentioned earlier, he chewed them up, pledging that one day he would pay them back properly.

After breakfast and lunch, the first story that the group brought up was Chaos Mimic. The children looked anxious to open it right now, but I shook my head with excitement. Even if I opened it, I could take out all the smoke, and I had to bring a sword and a bottle of remaining Elixir.k.a bottle of Elixir. Of course, I couldn't tell you the reason behind it. So I nailed it to release it after I got rid of all the chaos. Even if I lose my acting right now, I don't think I'll be able to lose it until this evening, so the release was after that.

After laughing bitterly at the sullen children, I gave them some encouraging news. That's what gives me a day off today. I will leave some pocket money to the user Jung Ha-yeon, so I told her that it's okay not to train today. Everyone seemed to like the word a little, but there was a way to do it. Looking forward to the children's return later, I talked to Hayeon to come to the office after eating.


The table chair in the special room on the 3rd floor. I just look down at the scribbled record. I always had a habit of recording and then organizing things when they were complicated, so it was a kind of habit.

Two performance certificates issued. Submit your exploration report. Chaos Mimic release and performance processing. Application for the creation of the Clan. Joining Ko Yeon-joo. I drew two lines on the last of them to sign Ko. Then, I scribbled a quill pen to add one more content to the top.

Gathering information needed to find out what was going on with the current plan to exterminate the vagabond and the Golden Lion Clan. Perhaps Ko Yeon-joo is working hard to gather information by now, so she will be able to hear from her by tomorrow evening at the latest. And before that, I thought it would be okay to get the kids out of here and figure out the atmosphere of the city.

knock, knock

At that time, I heard someone knocking on the door while I was lost in thought, spinning the quill pen. "Come on in," he replied, and soon saw the door of the office opening slightly. The user who entered the door was an elegant-looking beauty with bobbed hair.

"Suhyun, you called me."

"Yes, Hayeon. Come closer."

She closed the door tightly at my call. Soon after, there was a sound of something locking up. While I tilted my head, she approached the table, pulled the chair next to me, and put her hips together.

Hayeon's face was very calm. It felt as if it had been created. There was something strange about it, but I decided to bring up the introduction first. Then, he went through his arms and opened his mouth, taking out a pocket of money that he had prepared in advance.

"Hayeon. I called you because I had a favor."

"Are you taking care of your kids?”

"Ha ha. It's similar. Would you like to take a look at the city for a while today?”

"I don't think it's just a sight."

Looking at her still sharp, I punched my head. It was time to get down to business.

"Yes, that's right. It's been less than a day since I came into Mule, but the city is so quiet."

"Well, I don't really understand what you're saying."

"It seems like users are slowly coming in. Then there should be at least something to talk about. Even with the plan to exterminate the vagabonds, the Golden Lion Clan's advance to the Steel Mountains, or excavation of the ruins. But I can't hear anything."

"Well, maybe because it hasn't been long since I came in. The Golden Lion Clan could be targeting. But it's certainly doubtful that there's no response to the excavation."

As expected, her head spins fast. I was pinpointing exactly what I was taking issue with. I pushed the record in front of her and continued.

"Yeah, so I'm thinking of going to the temple right now. It doesn't make sense to say that the two remains are not as far away as the Cave of Scream, and that they haven't been investigated in three weeks. I think there's something else."

"Aha, so I and the other users can walk around the city and gather information.”

"Yes, but don't go around too hard because it's a vacation. You just need to rest properly and eat delicious food to understand the atmosphere."

"It's not that difficult. But…."

Hayeon hesitated for a moment while looking at the record. Her eyes were on the bottom of two lines. After a while of hesitation, Simuruk lowered his eyes and grabbed her pocket.

"Oh, no. Then I'll be on my way out."

"Wait a minute."


I grabbed Hayeon's arm, which was just trying to get up, and forced her back down. She sank again with a puzzled look, perhaps she didn't expect me to do this.

"What's wrong? You don't look so happy."


Hayeon avoided my eyes without saying anything. But as she kept staring at her face, she ended up biting her lips.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"Well, me. I suspected Su-hyun this morning. And I was relieved after hearing the explanation.”

"I'm sorry. I just fought 1:1 and I haven't done it yet, so don't worry."

"Not yet…."

Hayeon repeatedly said, "Not yet," and smiled sadly. I felt a slip of the tongue and was about to open my mouth again. She shook her head quietly, blocked my words, and calmly opened her mouth.

"I guess I haven't given up on the feelings of modern times yet. This is Hall Plain. Of course, it could happen. I think I take it too sensitively even if I think about it myself. I'm sorry I shouldn't have worried you."


"It's a funny jealousy. I seduced Suhyun and hugged her because I wanted to. From the children's point of view, she's the same bad girl, and I have no justification to arrest Su-hyun..”

It's not like the usual. He seemed nonchalant on the outside, but his gibberish seemed to be a tight tangle in his head. What should I say at a time like this? While thinking for a while, I suddenly remembered the stories that the two users exchanged during the first round.

I fought with Hyeran again. What the hell's wrong with him? He gets angry for no reason. I'm so sick and tired of it's so sick of it.>

You're wrong, you idiot. Is Hyeran just a user? She's your girlfriend.>

What are you talking about? What the hell did I do wrong?>

There's no point in being called a hole plane. It's not a big deal, but if you say it like that, it's not a big deal, it's not like you're just a overnight user. Don't you know one night? One night? You treated Hyeran as your partner.>

What kind of nonsense is this? Why would I...No, then how should I have acted.>

You want me to do that chicken thing? My hands and feet are going to cringe before I even speak.>

You don't know a woman. So I think I know why you fight with Hyeran on a fictional day. Just break up. Then why are you dating? Whew. Poor thing. Poor thing.>

I looked up quietly and stared at Hayeon. She, who had always been calm and intelligent, was now showing her face dyed red and at a loss for what to do. Her expression looked sad, but that sad look and all her attitudes were somehow giving me a pleasant feeling. It was then.

Heart beating.

It was only one time, but I could feel the beating of my heart in my chest. At the same time unfamiliar and not bad feelings spreading throughout the body. No, I don't think it's unfamiliar, so should I say lost feelings? I didn't think about anything, I just reached out to the drawer reflexively. It is because Horrence's beads, which he left in the drawer last night, were placed.

However, I couldn't give strength to the hand that held the handle.

I could see Hayeon's anxiety. Perhaps if it were Ko, I would have laughed it off. However, in that respect, she was still a user who had not completely removed the earth's modern shadow. Moreover, purity, or first experience, seemed to be giving greater meaning to him.

On the other hand, she's a well-adjusted user, but apparently the part with the plague doesn't seem to heal so easily. She was obviously confused by the gap between modern and hallplain about relationships between men and women.


It's not that I couldn't give strength, it's that I didn't It was an act of my own volition. Before long, I let go of my hand holding the handle. Now, I felt like riding on this flow of emotions that spread throughout my body.

Before she knew it, Hayeon kept her mouth shut, realizing that she was rambling. I hope the conversation between the two users I remember is effective, and I gently reached out to her shoulder. Hayeon trembled as if she wanted to run away when I reached out, but she didn't avoid my touch.

And the moment I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her slightly.


Like a lie, she came into my arms. I drew her trembling body and opened her mouth slowly stroking her hair.

"Hayeon, do you remember the day when we first shared our affection?”

"How can I forget that day. I remember."

"That's when Hayeon did. Can you be one of the people you care about?"

"And you said you couldn't be hard enough to throw away someone who liked me, gave me for me, and wanted to lean on me. People who hate me, of course, don't care about others. I'm busy taking care of people around me. I asked if that was a bad thing."

As I recalled her words, she also spat out the words I said next. Knowing it so accurately, it seemed that he really remembered the day with intensity. That means it was a day that impressed her. I hugged her even stronger and continued.

"Yeah, I'll tell you now. Like I said then, I can't let go of anyone who wants to lean on me. If something like Hayeon happens again, I might do something that will disappoint Hayeon.”

It took more courage than I thought to say this. Frankly, I was also thinking about seeing her tears at worst. But I was already lying to my party a lot. Even if it was an inevitable lie, it was a lie. I wanted to tell the truth to the people who trusted me, except where I could at least reveal it. And even more so if it's a complicated thing like a relationship between a man and a woman.

However, Hayeon immediately shook her head in my arms.

"Uh-huh. No. Actually, I knew it. To be one of the precious people, not to be precious. Since then, I've known in my head since I said that. It was just hard to accept with my heart. I'm really sorry. Ho, it's Hall Plain. I don't want to look like I'.”


"…I showed you."

It seemed like I was being too hard on myself, so I cut myself off on the way. However, Hayeon managed to finish her sentence. I calmed down my pounding heart, pulled her out of her arms and looked straight into her eyes.

I took a deep breath and tried to catch my breath. She was no longer playing a calm expression. It was just staring at me with a mournful face. Thanks to her expression, she gave her voice more strength and opened her mouth.

"I promise here again now. As I said that day, as long as you want me, I will never neglect or abandon you either. So... this one more time, and won't you continue to trust me?”

============================ Review of the work ============================

(I'll take a day off from re-ripple today. 168 reps will be combined with 169 reps and 170 reps. We ask for your understanding.)

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Oh, I'm so sorry. It's 11:59 right now. In the past, I used to finish writing in a leisurely manner, but these days, I think I've been writing until midnight. My day was so...It's 12:00. I'll get ready to upload it soon. :)

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