Chapter 160 Process Of Growth ======================================================================

"Earrings for now…" As soon as I tried to say that I'd rather have Yoojung, I immediately shut up. The party knew that I was a secret class and that I had a special power related to fire, but they didn't know about the third eye. If you tell me the information of the equipment here, of course I'll be wondering, but it didn't look very good to just distribute it freely. "Ee." I dragged the horse out of the ruler for a moment, and I continued with a nonchalant face. This is because there was something I had prepared for this time.

"I think it's a good idea to evaluate everything else, including…. It'll be a headache if you use it carelessly and there's a curse on it.”

"I think I know the earrings roughly. Judging from the fact that the wind mana remains, it seems to be related to the wearer's But the other two items....”

"Hayeon. Did you forget what kind of things your bag is for?"

Tilting her head with a troubled face, she blinked a few times when she heard me. Then he turned his bag round and round, and soon opened his mouth and gave a short exclamation.

"Oh, I forgot about the Commodity Appraisal Order. I have no idea what I'm thinking. Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

"I forgot about it, too.”

I answered honestly. On that path she opened her backpack and rummaged through it, and carefully took out three ocher records. Before going on an expedition, I prepared a small amount of things that I thought I needed, but I felt fortunate that I had something to use.

Hayeon laid the order sheet on the floor and carefully placed the newly acquired items one by one. And the moment I muttered "Goods Appraisal" between my fine lips, I could see the light leaking from the order yellowing the stuff on top.

The process did not take long. The light, which had been painting the item for about 10 seconds, seemed to fade little by little, but soon hid the light in the record again as if it were being sucked in. Still, I bought a high-end order sheet, but at first glance, it seemed to be worth the money that the letters were written in full.

She immediately handed me the orders, and I accepted them and read them slowly. It wasn't written in as much detail as the third eye, but it was still recorded similarly. I measured the equipment and the party for a while, but I thought it would be better to distribute it as I first thought. So, I picked up my earrings first and read the record aloud.

"Earring of Wind." It is said that the Spirit of Wind stayed for a long time. When worn, you can gain the strength of the wind, which allows you to move your body more quickly and have a wider view than usual. As user Jung Ha-yeon said earlier, it affects Mincheop, so I think it's better to look at it in the direction of agility rather than direct ability."

I finished talking and looked around the party for a while. They weren't all bad faces. In particular, the eyes of female users were secretly filled with expectations. Obviously, the colored earrings in my hand now looked pretty beautiful. Certainly, in modern times and in Hall Plain, it was rare for humans or users to hate to decorate themselves. There is only a difference in degree.

"Lee Yoo-jung. You'd better wear these earrings."


At my call, Yoo-jung roared and rushed in. She dodged her rush lightly, and immediately threw it high in the air. She jumped up and caught the earrings, just as a seal snatched the fish from her trainer. So one was dealt with, and the next batter was Jewel of Amplification.

"This jewel is a magic aid made in ancient times. It's said to be imprinted outside the body, but in a way, it's similar to a tattoo. Of course, you can always take it off, so don't worry too much. It helps the internal mana flow faster and increases the purity of mana. And it also has the effect of reducing the mana that we consume when we use magic."

"Didn't it show exactly how effective it could be?"

"It didn't come out that far. However, the quality of the jewelry itself is high-quality and it is made in ancient times, so it will be incomparably superior to the mass-production equipment that is coming out now."

I gave her a jewel and answered. Hayeon stared at me with a blank look when I held out the jewelry, but soon lost her expression and stammered.

"Oh, no. I didn't say that for me."

"I know, but the best user for this jewelry is Jung Ha-yeon. I was determined to give it to you anyway, so don't feel pressured."

She was able to use double casting, memorize, and sublime. Adding a Jewel of Amplification to this would make all of the above more efficient. So far, Hayeon has been two or three steps ahead of the comparable level of wizard users. But this time, by getting bail, the difference was doubled again. With faster completion of the spell, more powerful magic can be done. I had high expectations for what kind of performance I would show in the future.

Hayeon seemed a little hesitant, but soon she reached out and grabbed the jewelry. I handed over the records together and told him that it would be better to go back to the city after exploration because it would take a while to imprint in vitro. She answered instead with a gentle nod. There was a subtle expression on his face, but he seemed very satisfied with the thin line around his mouth and putting the jewelry in his arms.

Now there was only one item left. And personally, I was evaluating it as the best of the three items I got this time. Shield of Defense was a high-level defense spell that priests usually learned. There was no need to look at anything else. The fact that one has one's own ego alone makes the beads in front of one's eyes worth a fortune. The chances of being assassinated while sleeping or killed in an unexpected surprise attack are significantly reduced. It was an item that users focused on Survival would turn their eyes on. And since it's imputed equipment, there's no fear of losing it.

When I briefly explained what was written on the record, most of the group looked very eager to have it. Everyone was expressing nervous expectations about who would be the owner of this equipment and me this time. Even the high performer, who had little interest in the previous two items, had a tempting face. But I betrayed their expectations by adding a word.

"…but it's only for priests. That's also an imputation.”


This awkward silence. Ansol looked around for a moment when he heard it was only for the priest, and soon ran to me screaming, "Wow." She put her pinkie on her hands and gave me the attitude of saying, "Give me," and I put a white-colored bead on her straight palm.

"The way to attribute it is simple. As soon as you inject your mana into this bead, you are registered as a user. Try it right now."


Ansol replied with a big smile, as if he was very happy to have the good equipment. She put her hands on the beads like a puppy, and I could see the beads responding with white light, as I said, as if they had pulled up the mana right away.


Soon there was a gentle vibrating sound coming from the shield of the Improved Model. The vibrating cryer soon rose slowly into the air and twirled among the surrounding party as if he were searching. The one who had been walking between us for a while soon stopped in front of Ansol and dug into her arms at an instant speed.

"Oh, my God!"

It was all good, but the dug-in position was quite ambiguous. This is because it penetrated into the open inside of the robe. Ansol was surprised and pulled himself together, but despite that, Bead was still trying to get into her flesh, throwing up her tears.

"You bastard!"

Ahn Hyun, the representative of the Sister Complex in South Korea and Hallplane, could not have been watching that. He immediately roared into a wild roar and ran with his spear twisted. No, I couldn't understand holding a spear, even if I gave in to running a hundred times. What if you hurt him in the wrong way? However, the results that followed proved that my concerns were nothing but inclinations.

The bead, on the verge of success, stopped digging into something strange. When he saw An-hyun rushing "Get off me! You punk!" he quickly jumped out of his arms. And just as An-hyun was about to reach out, the bead spread white light round the whole body.

Whoosh! Boom!

Boom boom! Boom!


Oh. Reflect. You said it's an improved version, but you definitely added a few more functions. Ahn Hyun ran into the defense magic of Bead and became ugly. Bead entered Ansol's arms again, as if he had done his job, and rubbed with a clear cry. It was as if I was looking at a little child asking for compliments.

And Ahn Hyun, with a shocked face, was stuttering and his mouth-to-mouth.


I looked around just in case, but I couldn't find anything else in the room. At most, only a few records and a few books. The reason why I came here in the first place was to catch Chaos Mimic, so I was able to end the search without any hesitation.

Ansol continued to pursue the beads that rolled around his body with a strange look. Lee Yu-jung fiddled with her earrings hanging on her ears, and Hayeon was smiling lightly.

Looking at them like that, I turned to Ko. It's because I've been feeling a little uncomfortable about being quiet since earlier. She was deeply troubled with a different face than usual, with her chin resting in my eyes. After watching her for a while, she caught her eye again. As soon as the expedition is over and back to Mule, my relationship with her will be either.

Anyway, with a small happening behind us, we were able to complete the distribution of equipment. It was inevitable in human emotion that the distributed users envied the distributed users. On the outside, everyone said congratulations, but there was a hint of envy in the eyes.

Of course, there were users, or residents, who openly expressed regret.

"Swing. I didn't get anything again. Decomposition."

"Ha ha. S, teacher. What are you angry about? Wouldn't it be a good thing if the same group received it, and the caravan's power was strengthened? And there are still two more boxes left, so don't worry too much."

"Ugh. I'm glad you're comfortable. Just be honest with me. You're a little disappointed, aren't you?"

"Too much greed is what makes you angry. My fountain is enough to be taught by my teacher. I'm so happy just to meet the leader and teacher."

Shin Sang-yong calmed Vivien with a smile. Sighing heavily at his words, she soon turned her head to Shin Sang-yong with a coy look. Shin Sang-yong cleared his throat with a cough, slightly blushing at her eyes.

Vivien, who stared at Shin Sang-yong for a while, shook his head and opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to be bullied by you and I don't want to be beaten. Anyway, I'll thank you for your heart."

"Oh, no. What do you mean....”

Shin Sang-yong sweated with a puzzled face at Vivien's unexpected answer.

"Phew, what a sin to be pretty.”

And as I saw Vivien leaving the room with a little sweep of his hair, I promised myself that I would pick a day and train him firmly.

============================ Review of the work ============================

1 One time vs. Jo Ara Memorize Capacity Test 『

If you were a member of the caravan above, describe how you felt when you saw Ansol, who got the upgraded shield. (Free answer, the more comments you got, the more points you'll get.)

(Model Answer (157th, Nickname Hyunoh): Oh my gosh, look at An Sol-jeom. It's sticking again. I'm sure it's a low-key skill that lets you sneak through anything. Look at Joe the little girl acting like a cat. Some people have to say this and that in order to get recognition, but they're recognized for being sneaking in on the right track.

Quest compensation (if a comment is found): One additional consecutive visit on April 3.

리 Ripple 『

1. Kurozion: Congratulations on winning first place. I can't believe it's three times in a row. It's all over the place. You won the first prize for the first time in three consecutive years. That's amazing! :D

2. Astrain: Yes, that's correct. How did you know? ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Haneuri: 3.. What will come out? I've already decided most of the things to come out. :)

4. Blami: Haha, thank you. I was going to make it a meme, but I thought it would be too boring, so I changed it a little. I'm so proud that many people enjoyed it. :D

5. GradeRown: Congratulations on your 10,000th comment. Well, that's going to be a little hard. LOL

6. Noroo Squirrel: Is that so? I can't believe you think Callock is cute. Lol. Well, now that I think about it, I think it's kind of cute. It's just that there's nothing in reality. ㅜ.ㅠ

7.31te: Modification completed. Thank you.

8. Passion: Thank you for the coupon. (__) No, it's not. As I always write in the reviews, comments and questions are always welcome. Thank you for reading it! :)

9. Officetourb19: What? No way.I believe the last word is a joke. You're not, are you?

10. Amu: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I will do my best to repay you with more interesting contents. :)

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

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