Chapter 1041 Omnibus - Sovereign Of Sword. =========================================================

After Kim Soo-hyun's declaration that he would leave, Ko Sung, who had been calming down to some extent, was shaken once again.

Kim Yoohyeon and Jegal Haesol.

It may not be difficult to accept the same thing just a while ago.

But the feeling of the Commercial Clan One was one thing that was surprising then and now.

The man who saw the smartphone photo, however, Zhugel Haesol was more than enough to create confusion.

As soon as I saw her, there were a lot of Clan members who took out their weapons.

If Kim Soo-hyun hadn't come forward and explained it himself, there would have been a mishap.

As a result of desperate efforts for a considerable amount of time, Kim Soo-yeon and other coalition members seemed to have managed to understand the current situation.

Of course, it was a long way off to hope that everything would go smoothly.

"What happened?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was weighing on his temple, stared opposite him with a troubled face.

With dozens of people surrounding her, Kim Yu-hyun was sitting upright in a chair.

He had a very expressionless face.

Zhugel Haesol, who sat next to him, was looking around without sitting still for a moment to see what was so exciting.

"How do you....”

"I thought it would be fun. I begged him to follow me."


"My husband negotiated with Zero Code.”

Zhugel Haesol replied with a wink.

"I've never seen a zero code make such a fuss. They were all supposed to come, but what did they say? You said that it's on a different level for a man to fall for and for a god to fall for..”

Zhugel Haesol continued, enjoying the eyes focused on him.

Kim Soo-hyun looked at his brother with a look of whether he was real.

However, Kim Yu-hyun had been silent for some time.

It's not the usual attitude.

It means there's something I don't want to do.

Kim Soo-hyun realized only then that his brother was not looking at him.

Kim Yu-hyun's eyes were slightly on the side, so she was glued to her younger brother and crossed her arms.


Did he have a hunch that the atmosphere was going strangely?

Kim Soo-hyun scratched his cheek as if he didn't know what to do.

How long has it been?


Kim Yoo-hyun, who had been silent for a while, finally opened her mouth.

"You don't seem very happy that I'm here."

It was a hoarse voice.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was pulling his arm out, stopped acting.


"Why didn't you come back right away?"

"Oh, that's a bit of a situation..”

"Things? Wasn't this another world?"

"Oh, did you know?"

"I heard from Zero Code."

Kim Soo-hyun made a poor expression.

It was a fact that no excuse would work for you.

More than anything, it was hard to deny that if he really had a heart, he would have gone back.

"I was going to, but....”

"I did."

"I'm interested in this world.But I tried to go back. I'm telling you."


Kim Yu-hyun sighed to make the ground go away.

"I don't want to blame you because it's not your will to fall into this world. But in a multiverse world. It's a world where you can't and shouldn't interfere in the first place."

Kim Soo-hyun's shoulders drooped at the stern scolding.

He had nothing to say to the point of view.

There was a little commotion around.

This is because the scene of Kim Soo-hyun, who was amazing, hesitated seemed unfamiliar.

Some were really true brothers, but there was a woman nodding her head convincingly.

Kim Soo-yeon has been looking at Kim since she opened her mouth.

In the eyes of the beholder, the feeling of envy for some reason is clearly revealed.

It's because Kim Yu-yeon is said to be a symmetrical character, but her personality was completely different.

She was a qualitatively different person from her sister, who always said she did well no matter what she did.

He scolds his brother and scolds him for his scolding and scolding him for his scolding, but his way of talking and gestures shows his concern for his younger brother.

In fact, I secretly imagined it when I saw the picture.


That's what I've always dreamed of....

Kim Soo-yeon secretly blushed when she thought of the word "oppa."

It hasn't even been a day since we met.

But even though she knew she was about to leave, she was confused as to why she felt such a strong attraction.

On the other hand, it seemed a little understandable why my sister died and couldn't live to Kim Soo-hyun, who hadn't seen her for a few days.


Kim Soo-yeon muttered like a monologue.

"It's not just that."

Meanwhile, Kim Yu-hyun continued to look only at Kim Soo-hyun.

"Even so, do you know how worried your wives are?"


"What do you think the disciples would think of you now?”

"…Huh? Now, wait a minute. This is a real misunderstanding."

Kim Soo-hyun, a flagship, floundered and pointed at Kim Yu-yeon.

"This sister, she's an older brother."

You're older than me?

Kim Yu-hyun had no choice but to stare blankly because she didn't understand what she was saying at the moment.

"You said you knew. It's a multiverse world. Just as there is another me in this world....”

"So that woman is symmetrical to me?"

Asked to stop talking, Kim Soo-hyun nodded quickly.

On the other hand, Kim Yu-hyun squinted her eyes and showed strong distrust.

It wasn't that I couldn't believe it as much as my younger brother said, but it was a rather unreasonable explanation to accept that.


Zhugel Haesol also smiled in vain as if he were full of spirit.

"That's funny. That woman? Why? Why don't you say you're a woman, too?"

"That's right."

Kim Soo-hyun calmly agreed.

Zhugel Haesol, who was wondering what else to say, blinked with his mouth open.


"I told you so. He's a figure that's symmetrical to me."

Both men and women's eyes turned to the left at the same time.

Kim Soo-yeon, who was quietly watching, made eye contact with Kim Yu-hyun and laid her eyes down.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach burning.

At the same time, Kim Yu-hyun's eyes became as big as a candle.

As he tried to rise reflexively, he looked back and snapped angrily.

"Kim Soo-hyun! Why are you lying...!”

However, the cry did not last until the end.

On the contrary, Kim Soo-hyun's expression of resentment could not find a single lie.

In addition, the surrounding reaction was also implicitly informed that it was true, not false.

"I'm not lying."


"I was surprised when I first arrived. That's why I'm interested."

"Hey, that's ridiculous."

Kim Yu-hyun managed to say, holding back her whole body shaking.

"I, I can't believe it….What the hell…."

I came here after hearing what he said, but it was way beyond expectations.

"…Don't be ridiculous."

After a while, he shakes his head hard and forces himself to calm down.

Then out of the blue, he screamed for a long time.

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Was it that shocking?

The roar was so loud that the ears of the gathered power rang.

"My brother..."

Kim Yoo-hyun, who looked at Kim Soo-hyun once, stepped up from her chair and strode toward Kim Soo-yeon.

Kim Soo-yeon stepped back as the pace accelerated.

But soon he bit his lips and took a big breath.


He looks at Kim Yoo-hyun with his eyes full of energy.

"Oh, hello."

Kim Yu-hyun's footsteps stopped.

Kim Soo-yeon stared at the handsome man in front of her with nervous eyes.

Recently, Kim Yu-yeon made only Kim Soo-hyun's wrap, and Kim Soo-yeon was feeling left out.

Kim Yu-hyun's presence in the name of worrying about her younger brother was also a fresh shock to her.

"Listen, I'm Kim Soo-yeon, the 7th year user and the mechanical clan road of the world."

A clear and clear voice rang out.

In addition, he bowed his head and said hello politely.

Glossy hair dripped down.

"I know it's hard to believe, but...It's true."

The way he put his head up and slowly swept his hair back behind his ears.


Kim Yu-hyun's face turned white.

I opened my mouth wide, but I couldn't hear anything.

I was so embarrassed that my mind was blank.

"What the... It's....”

Kim Soo-hyun gently touched his shoulder, as if he felt sorry for his brother, who was stuttering with a devastated face.

However, Kim Yu-hyun blankly punched out the hand and focused all her attention on the woman in front of her, leaving her younger brother behind.

"So you'really...Su-hyun and Symmetric...?”


"That is… my… brother….brother…My sister...?


"No, no, no, no.It can't be...Sue, I'll admit that Suhyun has her own sense of desire....”

"Yo, you're asking for....”

It wasn't something to say at first sight.

However, for some reason, Kim seemed to take it as a compliment.

"Go, thank you.Oh…."

He lowered his eyes half way and put the back of his hands on his red cheeks.

"Well, I hope you don't look at me like that..”


"It's just... it keeps making me feel weird.I don't know."


Now, Kim Yu-hyun shook her head and groaned while watching Kim Soo-yeon, who didn't know.


Maybe she heard the sound, but she twinkles her eyes.

"Oh…. Yoohyeon oppa…"?”

It was that moment.

Kim Yoo-hyun, who had been constantly brain-capped, flinched as if she had been struck by lightning.

He bowed his head and didn't open his mouth for a while.

I just stand still like a crazy person, as if I'm going to collapse if I touch him.

"Hey, are you okay?

There is no answer even if Kim Soo-hyun calls.

Maybe he's been traumatized.

Kim Soo-hyun hurriedly activated his third eye, even though he was not sure.

Kim Soo-yeon approached him with a quick step to see if he had similar thoughts, and gently grabbed Kim Yu-hyun's arms.

Then slowly lift up your toes and carefully bring your face closer.

And he said.

"Oppa, are you okay?"

It was a moment when a faint beauty tickled Kim Yu-hyun's ear.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was behind his back, was clearly visible.

Two messages popped up in the air.

사용자 User Kim Yoo-hyun detected a change in user information.』

The real name of 'brother fool' is evolving into 'brother fool'!』

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