Hell’s Kitchen late at night is still brightly lit.

Each building is like a giant glow stick, glowing in the dark.

People who come and go here are like ants, constantly climbing these glow sticks, hoping that one day, they will be able to reach the top.

However, no one noticed that tonight’s Hell’s Kitchen seemed to be a little more dangerous and tense than before.

Inside the underground parking lot of a building.

The scarlet blood flowed irregularly like water, making it scarlet everywhere.

In the dim underground, nothing can be seen clearly.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this that people’s hearing can be more sensitive.

“Snap! Click! ”

The sound of someone stepping on a puddle sounded in the empty underground parking lot.

If there are still living people in this underground parking lot at the moment, they may be shocked by the sound effects that are the same as horror movies.

One blood-stained foot landed on the ground, followed by the other.

It was a brown-skinned man of Middle Eastern descent who was draped in a white robe, and all the skin on his upper body was exposed.

Mysterious red lines crisscrossed his body, looking very strange and hideous.

And if you look closely, you will actually find that these lines are not irregularly distributed on his body, but cooperate with each other to form a certain text, and it seems to be a certain pattern.

However, whatever it is, these lines ultimately symbolize the same meaning.


This man was holding a knight’s epee in his hand, a heavy weapon that needed to be held in both hands, and possessed this powerful lethality on the ancient battlefield.

However, in this man’s hand, it was as light as a branch.

He is SCP-076, the most dangerous and intractable of the three contained objects currently known to New York.

At the same time he has another name, Abel!

Abel carried his imposing heavy sword, which was still dripping blood, and walked step by step towards the outside of the underground parking lot.

At the exit of the underground parking lot at the moment, there are several people gathered together to swallow clouds.

“Why hasn’t Brocade come back yet? Didn’t you let him pick up the car? It took so long? ”

“I don’t know, but it’s really a little too slow, but Boss Kim told us to find that Middle Easterner before tomorrow and kill him!”

“Or shall we go and see if this kid is touching himself in the car?”

A yellow-haired punk with a chicken crown head said and made a gesture in front of him, which immediately caused everyone to laugh.

However, just as they were laughing maniacally, a cold light suddenly flashed in Huang Mao’s outstretched hand.

Huang Mao’s smile solidified on his face, and then hot blood spilled on the faces of several other punks.

The laughter disappeared completely at this moment, replaced by everyone’s stunned and surprised eyes.

The knight’s epee in Abel’s hand was covered in blood again, and then the blood quickly drained from the sword and fell to the ground.

Several punks looked at Abel in front of them, and then looked at their companions who had been divided into corpses, and their dull expressions gradually became angry.

“Damn it!”

One of them suddenly let out a roar, and then pulled out the pistol at his waist and shot Abel.


The moment the spark formed by the explosion of gunpowder erupted from the muzzle, the bullet also shot at Abel’s forehead.

However, Abel just tilted his head and easily dodged the bullet.

This scene directly made these punks dumbfounded.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

Able to dodge bullets?

This is not making a movie again, do you think it is the Matrix?!

But Abel did, and Abel was still drawing closer to them.

Such a strange scene, coupled with Abel’s appearance, immediately made these punks all react.

“It’s him! Kim and Boss let us kill the Middle Easterners! ”

As soon as they heard this, all of them immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at Abel as if they were facing a big enemy.

However, before they could shoot, they found that Abel in front of them had disappeared, and then a figure rushed in front of them.

“Shoot …”

A punk wanted to beckon the others to shoot together, but before Abel could finish speaking, he had already arrived in front of them, and the heavy and huge knight’s epee was as light as a piece of paper in his hand.

The blade streaked through the air with a cold light, and several punks had all been killed.

Like the yellow hair before, they also fell in a pool of blood.

The body was cut into two segments directly from the waist.


After solving these punks, Abel also muttered a golden word, and then disappeared into the night.


Late at night.

Kim is practicing boxing in his mansion.

A wall that was half a meter thick, under his fist, only lasted less than three seconds before a big hole was smashed out.

And Jin Yong’s fist didn’t have even a single abrasion.

As the biggest gangster boss in the entire beautiful country, Jin Yu’s strength is not only in his insidious and cunning.

And his great strength.

In American comics, he is considered to have the strongest combat power of mankind like the Punisher.

Of course, this is limited to normal humans.

He’s not a mutant, but he’s more like a mutant than a real mutant.

Because he once suppressed superheroes such as Spider-Man and Daredevil in one-on-one battles, and even the Fantastic Four and X-Men have clashed with him.

The reason is actually very simple, because 40% of the criminal industry in the entire beautiful country is inextricably linked to him.

If Coulson is the novice village chief, then Jin is the experience baby who must be brushed.

He has not ruined Kim’s criminal deal twice, and he is embarrassed to go out and talk about his superheroes.

But even in this case, Jin’s industry is still getting bigger and bigger, and as the sworn enemy of many superheroes, he can live safely until now, all of which is inseparable from Jinhe’s strategy and his strength!

After the warm-up, King was just about to continue his efforts when suddenly a servant on the side handed him a phone that had been connected.

“S.H.I.E.L.D.” Jin looked at the number on the screen and frowned, but picked it up anyway.

“Damn it! Kim and I warn you, now stop all actions against that Middle Eastern, do you know how many people you have killed now? ”

“300! Because of you, that Middle Eastern man has killed 300 people and counting, you stupid groundhog !! ”

Listening to Fury’s thunderous voice on the other side, Jin couldn’t help but frown.

“What do you say? You stewed egghead, that Middle Eastern man killed 300 of my subordinates!? ”

“Nonsense! You this…”

Fury’s angry scolding had just begun, and the phone had been directly pinched into a pile of waste by Jin He.

“300 people? That Middle Eastern is a mutant?! ”

Kim yelled angrily, but then calmed down again.

“Let the mutant killer squad go out, you must kill this damn Middle Easterne!!”

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