Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 224: Fight in the sea

Except for a few children who did not work on the boat, most of the others were running back and forth.

Corleone grabbed the first officer by the collar and questioned him loudly, "Is there any other way to solve this monster?"

"Oh, no, no, we are dead..." The first officer seemed to have given up hope, just repeating these words repeatedly.

The huge silver dragon eel continued to turn around on the bottom of the sea, intending to collide with the sailboat again.

If the bottom of the boat is knocked out a few more holes, the people below will definitely not have time to mend it.

Corleone pushed away the crying snotty first mate, and then stood on the swaying railing.

The sea is howling, the wind is screaming, it seems that everything will be crushed by layers of waves.

A strong sense of oppression, as the sea breeze hits your face, the sky becomes dim, and they are like sailboats struggling under the waves in oil paintings.

Corleone no longer hesitated, tore off his equipment, only put on a pair of underwear, then bit the hilt of the scimitar with his teeth and jumped directly into the sea.

"Chief!" a subordinate exclaimed loudly there.


"Is this man a lunatic?" And the sailor showed an incredible expression.

The smiling face clutching the railing cursed, "Fuck! This kid is really desperate. He dared to jump into the sea in this kind of weather."

"Wow, Bippu must find a way to help him." After Bippu said, he hurried to the cage where the manticore was placed.

He quickly opened the iron cage with the key and directly released the mighty and vicious manticore.

"Little Scorpion, you'll get Corleone up in a while, you know?"

The manticore showed a disdainful expression on its face, and then it flung its scorpion tail, stretched its gray wings, and flew towards the location where Corleone had just jumped.

When Corleone jumped into the sea, he waved his arms desperately, and dived into the water with a sharp jab.

The black mist enveloped his arm, strengthening part of his strength.

He held his breath, swimming desperately, and soon spotted the sea monster.

The dragon eel in the bottom of the sea also noticed the "little guy" who was chasing over. It showed a hideous expression and rushed towards Corleone.

In the gloomy sea, Corleone saw this huge silver-white figure, approaching him quickly.

And he picked up the scimitar from the corner of his mouth, waiting for the right time to come.

At the moment when the two were about to come into contact, Corleone swung the scimitar in his hand with lethal precision from above.

While slashing, his body rolled upstream, avoiding the bite of the dragon eel at a thrilling angle, and cut its right eye with a scimitar.

The dragon eel roared in pain, and blood flowed down his right eye. After the roar, it was still cursing wildly in aquatic language:

"Humble humans, the sea is my home ground! You will die of desperate suffocation!"

The dragon eel was constantly launching attacks under the sea, but Corleone evaded them one by one, and his injuries were increasing.

But Corleone was almost unable to hold his breath, he headed toward the sea.

The sea monster won't miss this opportunity. It twisted its body and rushed forward again.

This time the dragon eel aimed at Corleone's leg, intending to crush the human's thigh and let it sink to the bottom of the sea.

The huge open beak is full of sharp teeth. Such a powerful charge can break the thick hull. How can the flesh and blood of ordinary people contend with it?

At the moment when the giant beak was about to bite Corleone, he supported the upper beak of the dragon eel with one hand, and then pressed the lower beak of the dragon eel with his feet.

The sharp teeth can't bite Corleone's steel body, that is the talent [reinforced iron bones] at work.

Then Corleone pierced the dragon eel's left eye with a machete, and was about to use this terrifying combat technique to tear the blood apart, completely slashing the sea monster's brain.

The dragon eel, who was in violent pain, planned to throw away this human being. In the chaos, it lost its sense of direction and sprinted upwards vigorously.

At this moment, Corleone was lifted out of the water by the dragon eel and thrown into the air. He used his psychic energy to speed up the fall, and he clenched the scimitar in both hands and roared louder than the dragon eel.


At the same time, he used [Fearless Strike] to tear apart the enemy's defenses, making this sea monster even more vulnerable.

Corleone, who was covered in black mist all over his body, looked like a black armor.

An astonishing murderous aura burst out of his eyes, like a demon with awe-inspiring evil spirit.

"——Stab!" A cry.

Before the dragon eel rushed out of the water had time to fall back into the sea, it was scratched from the chin to the abdomen by the sharp blade, and a large amount of blood and organs spewed out.

Corleone broke it completely with this brutal attack!

After a wave of waves, the corpse of this dragon eel sank into the sea, and it can be regarded as returning to its original place.

While in mid-air, the manticore flew swaying against the wind, and then rolled the scorpion tail into a hook shape so that Corleone could catch it.

Fortunately, Corleone didn't wear any equipment, so the manticore can easily lift him up.

Many sailors saw the scene where Corleone personally killed the dragon eel. Although it was only a few seconds, it was so shocking!

"Oye, good job, Corleone!" Beep clapped and praised, looking at the manticore flying towards them.

When Corleone fell on the deck, all the crew looked at him with awe, **** body and a knife in one hand.

The manticore was no longer a defiant look, but lay down under his feet cleverly, like a big docile cat.

Dare to jump into such a rough sea, and dare to kill a powerful sea monster alone without wearing any armor. Is this a feat that a mortal can accomplish?

The first officer couldn't believe his eyes at first It took a few minutes to react, and the dirty thoughts in his heart disappeared completely.

He thought to himself: Confronting such a cruel person will definitely end badly, so let me be honest. . .

"Lancelot, are there any other dragon eels?" Corleone still did not relax his vigilance, and asked toward the Constructor Knight.

"Confirm, only this end exists in the current area."

This is good news for everyone. Most of the main dragon eels live alone. Except for breeding and raising cubs, two dragon eels will not appear in the same area.

But if you really want to gather the dragon eels, they can destroy a huge fleet. For this, the kingdom of Palestine has already realized it.

"Hahaha, the storm is getting smaller! We are safe!" The old captain laughed loudly and told others the good news.

After another four hours, the sea gradually became calm, and all the sails were unfolded again under the command of the captain.

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