Medical Sovereign

Seven hundred and ninety eighth first shot

On the second day after the incident, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection received an anonymous courier. There were two hard drives in the courier. One recorded the video of the customers fleeing in embarrassment after the Bishuiqingshan clubhouse caught fire, and the other was most of the members of the "Wife Swap Club". The data and surveillance video materials pushed this "Tiger Fighting Action" vigorously to the climax/tide.

After the bigwigs of the Central Bureau received the report, Long Yan was furious, and held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss how to deal with this major case, and finally reached a resolution. He simply took this opportunity to launch the "anti-corruption" operation in advance, no matter who was involved, They will be punished severely.

The Central Bureau made a decision, and the anti-corruption and anti-criminal action was kicked off ahead of schedule. The incident became more and more troublesome. Ren Nanxiang, the official person in charge of the Bishuiqingshan Club, couldn't stand the interrogation, and finally flirted with it, and confessed to Zhao Zifeng, the behind-the-scenes boss. .

Now it's all right, the Zhao family entrusted a lot of relationships to get Zhao Zifeng out, but because of this case, the date of Zhao Zifeng's release has become far away, and the Zhao family has also become a turtle on the cusp of this crisis. , not daring to speak for Zhao Zifeng anymore, but to stand up righteously and angrily denounce Zhao Zifeng for his misdemeanors, which is simply discrediting the Zhao family and announcing that Zhao Zifeng will be expelled from the house. What he did has nothing to do with the Zhao family.

As soon as the anti-corruption campaign started, no one but Mr. Wang paid attention to the investigation of Ding Ning's extortion. Even though he was furious, Vice Minister Yang could only helplessly smile and told him that Ding Ning had no time to commit crimes at all. In the Ninghai Sanatorium, I performed surgery on patients and did not leave all night.

Mayor Du and Ding Ning have a good relationship. If his guarantee is not credible, then even Mr. Wang would have to believe the guarantee given by Commander Guan and his daughter, Dean Qin, Team Xiao and the medical staff in the nursing home, let alone Qin Yuan. The chief also provided the surveillance video of the night in the nursing home to prove that Ding Ning did not leave the nursing home all night.

Mr. Wang was dumbfounded, did Wang Haiqing see a ghost? Wang Haiqing was called to interrogate him carefully, and asked him if it was Ding Ning that he saw that night. Wang Haiqing swore that it was definitely him, but he couldn't provide any evidence to prove it, which made Mr. Wang feel very strange. what's the matter.

But soon he didn't have time to worry about this matter, and his trouble came, because Longteng Group directly sued the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.

As a rice-funded enterprise, Longteng Group's investment in the local area is a great thing for the local government to attract foreign capital to drive local economic development and increase employment for local residents. The branches of Longteng Group make all kinds of troubles, and those who have nothing to find trouble call stop at every turn. Such an investment environment is worrying. If the government cannot give a reasonable explanation and compensate for the losses, Longteng Group will sue the thirteen local governments. In the court, even if the fish is dead and the net is broken, it will not hesitate.

The Minister of Health of the Ministry of Commerce reported this badly affecting complaint to the Central Bureau immediately. The bosses of the Central Bureau were furious. After learning about the situation, they directly sent a working group to the city to conduct an on-site inspection. The inspection results were obvious. The thirteen branches of the company did not have any violations, and the local government was purely deliberately making things difficult.

After the bosses of the Central Bureau received the report of the real situation, they directly sent the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to form an investigation team to intervene in the investigation, and asked them to give an explanation for the responsibilities of the leaders of the thirteen prefectures and cities.

In the end, someone couldn't hold back the investigation, and admitted that they deliberately suppressed the Longteng Group according to the instructions of some people above. The investigators took the lead, followed the clues, and conducted investigations and conversations step by step according to their instructions. In the end, all the clues pointed to Mr. Wang.

Even the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection did not dare to investigate at will. The deputy national leader rushed back to Yanjing to report to the Central Bureau in detail.

After hearing the report, the bosses of the Central Bureau were so black that water dripped from their faces, and asked Mr. Wang to come to Zhongnanhai overnight for questioning.

No one knows what the bosses said in Zhongnanhai that night.

Only the next day, Mr. Wang submitted his resignation and retired early on the grounds of poor health.

What Mr. Wang didn't know was that the day before he resigned, Ding Ning secretly entered Zhongnanhai under the pretext of delivering tea, had a secret meeting with the No. Video material of secret talks.

Mr. Wang's resignation was just the beginning, and the matter did not end here. On the day of his resignation, Wang Haiqing was secretly taken away by the national security department for questioning for two and a half hours before he was released. After he came out, Wang Haiqing suddenly fell ill and was admitted In the hospital, his life was in danger. Mr. Wang searched for famous doctors but was helpless, so he had to scrape together ten billion and beg Ding Ning to help him.

Ding Ning has a broad mind. After receiving tens of billions of consultation money, he treated Wang Haiqing. After his recovery, he generously expressed that he would give a big gift to Mr. Wang. He could help Wang Haiqing adopt artificial insemination to leave a queen for the Wang family. But the price is that Wang Haiqing will never raise it.

Between the grandson's sexual blessing and the continuation of the family's blood, Mr. Wang chose the latter without hesitation. Although Wang Haiqing was in great pain, he finally showed the tolerance that a descendant of the Wang family should have, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Ding Ning!

In this series of combos, only a few people at the pinnacle of power knew that on the day Mr. Wang resigned, Chief No. 1 visited Mr. Qiao's family in person, and no one knew what the two said in the study.

Only after the No. 1 head left, the old man of the Qiao family immediately summoned the descendants of the Qiao family to hold a clan meeting. At the clan meeting, he enforced the family law against the three descendants of the Qiao family who were of good status, revoked their family's right to discuss matters, and returned The three of them were sent overseas to take charge of the family's overseas affairs, and what followed was that Qiao Yuhan, who had been in charge of family affairs overseas all the year round, was transferred back to China to take charge of the management of the Qiao family's domestic business.

Mr. Qiao hasn't lashed out at such a thunderous anger for many years, and everyone in the Qiao family has forgotten his iron-blooded killing aura. Seeing the three Qiao family children being beaten to pieces and dripping with blood, everyone fell silent. He bowed his head in awe.

But there are also many people who are sensitive to smell it. Qiao Yuhan, who has always been neglected because he was born as an illegitimate child, is about to rise, and he is very likely to be the next head of the Qiao family.

Although I don't know why the old man would suddenly use Qiao Yuhan, but it will not delay them to change their course and actively move closer to him. After all, in the Qiao family, although the old man has been indifferent for many years, he keeps his word and no one dares to go against his wishes, even The current Patriarch, Qiao Zhengrong, did not have this energy either.

Only Qiao Yuhan had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew very well that he was able to return to the family and become the future helm of the family because of one person, that young man who once beat him up because of a misunderstanding, but was humiliated by him in every way.

How long has it been since that young man who was looked down upon by him and thought he would never be worthy of his daughter in his entire life has gained such a terrifying influence in deciding the successor of a powerful family in just over a year? Maybe he didn't know the inside story, but as Qiao Qiao's father, how could he not know that the boy from the Bai family took advantage of Ding Ning's influence to succeed in his position.

This made his mood mixed, complicated and difficult to understand. Looking at the envy in the eyes of everyone in the Qiao family, a sentence involuntarily emerged in his mind, it is better to bully the white-bearded man than to bully the young and poor. Wearing a phoenix, don't believe that I have holes in my trousers.

Even Ding Ning didn't realize that, unconsciously, he had grown to the point where he could easily change the direction of the domestic situation by turning his hands into clouds and rain. ended with an overall victory.

But this turmoil did not end here. It was still fermenting and brewing a bigger turmoil. The leaders of the Central Bureau unified their thinking and took this opportunity to resolutely launch the "anti-corruption and anti-criminal" action in advance to ensure the smooth progress of the next reform. Clear the way.

Following the issuance of the Central Bureau's document "On Strictly Carrying Out the Special Action against Corruption and Crackdown", government agencies and departments in various provinces and cities across the country have launched vigorous activities to study the spirit of the document, and implementing the spirit of the document has become the top priority. As one of the tasks, the discipline and supervision departments at all levels have announced the reporting hotlines, and welcome the supervision and reporting of the people.

When the news spread, there was an uproar all over the country, and the people cheered and applauded, actively implementing the right to supervise and report; officials with a clear conscience carried out self-examination and self-correction activities, and encouraged them if there were any changes; officials with shit on their buttocks They are guilty like grasshoppers after autumn, terrified all day long, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, it's not that they will not be rewarded, the time has not yet come!

In this awe-inspiring atmosphere where everyone is in danger, there are still many people who miscalculated the determination of the Central Bureau this time, and went their own way with disapproval, thinking that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. This situation is only because of the clear water and green mountains. The aftermath of the corruption case is nothing more than that, after a period of time, it will naturally calm down, causing them to ruin their future and even their lives.

In Ninghai, Secretary Du responded to the Central Bureau's call and took the lead in firing the first anti-corruption shot. Taking the huge traffic accident as an opportunity, he turned passivity into initiative. After Hu Quan turned into a tainted witness, he first secretly arrested Gao Meiling, a key figure. After overnight surprise interrogation, the case soon had a major breakthrough.

With Zhang Changshun, deputy head of Haidong District, Chen Aiguo, deputy head of Haidong District, Zhao Mingkai and Chen Kaiyang, deputy directors of the District Public Security Bureau, Sun Zhiming, director of the Haidong District Office, Wang Bailang, director of the Bailong Town Police Station in Haidong District, and others were arrested one after another. The huge network of entangled contacts slowly revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The members of the special case team worked tirelessly to visit, investigate, and interrogate day and night. Under the fatigue bombardment of taking turns to rest and go to battle, these officials who refused to speak were exhausted, and finally collapsed their mental defenses, and began to explain to their officials one after another. Collusion with the underworld, and the intricate interest entanglements with the local underworld forces.

Subsequently, a joint investigation team formed by the military and police arrested the people involved in the case, and wiped out the underground evil forces Dong Gang and Evil Tiger Hall who had been entrenched in Haidong District all year round. Suddenly, the Ninghai Detention Center was overcrowded.

In the name of the company, these two gangs have been doing evil in Haidong District all year round, relying on the people in the court, bullying the market, taking advantage of the common people, and disregarding human life. In order to compete for development projects and construction markets, there have been many vicious cases of armed fights, resulting in The social influence is extremely bad, but some officials who have accepted bribes use their power to suppress it.

Tasting the sweetness of the blessing of power, these already lawless black and evil elements intensified, raped, robbed, murdered, lent money to force people to use their wives and daughters to pay off debts, organized women into prostitution, smuggled arms, sold drugs... bullying men and women did everything. !

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