Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 118 What about the obvious cover

Three or two! The four of them couldn't help being moved, and even the old couple were moved.

"Go if you like, don't go if you don't! If you don't study well, you'll be lazy. What good things are you thinking about!" Mr. Qin was angry.

Su Jinyi said that the wages paid to them were ten cents more a day than others, and Mr. Qin had no temper.

My son and daughter-in-law just said such exaggerated words, and thinking about it makes me blush.

Although Qin Zhu and the four were not reconciled, they thought about the money they could easily get, and finally reluctantly said to go.

"That's okay," Su Jin smiled very sincerely: "don't forget to tell Big Brother Qin Ji tonight that Big Brother Qin Ji is in charge of this matter. Brothers and sisters, you have to do it well, otherwise we will be embarrassed! "

Qin Zhu snorted and stared, this little slut is getting more and more attractive, but unfortunately——

Qin Zhu's heart was itching, and he hated it even more!

After leaving Qin's house, Qin Lang smiled at Su Jin and said, "A Jin has any plans?"

Su Jin smiled and sighed: "I can't hide anything from you! It's not for anything else, it's not for the hearts of my parents! Do you believe they will work hard?"

Qin Lang shook his head without thinking.

"That's right!" Su Jin clapped his hands and smiled: "They are just that virtuous! How can they scold us in their hearts, how can they really help us work? You think, they rely on our brothers and sisters in law. , You must be rude to others, plus you are cheating and cheating, and you get half of the salary than others, do you think others will have an opinion?"

Do the same work, why do you get half more money than others? Well, you are your own, so I have to endure it.

But you take so much wages but don't work and show off your power. This is unbearable!

There is no need for Su Jin and Qin Lang to say or do anything, and there will naturally be countless pairs of eyes staring at them. Once everyone has an opinion and spreads it, they can justifiably dismiss Qin Zhu and the others.

With this criminal record, Su Jin and Qin Lang will be able to stand even if they don't do anything in the future.

In fact, to be honest, neither of them cares too much about this, but for the sake of the old couple.

If the four of them worked well and earnestly, everyone would be happy, but if they insisted on making trouble, then no one could blame them.

Su Jin is willing to respect the old couple, but never wants to see the old couple swallow their anger and condone the four bastards.

Because of this kind of concession and connivance, there will be no bottom line, only one retreat to the end.

But why?

Who would be willing to come to such a few troublemakers? Not to mention that there is no loss or loss, just looking at it is disgusting enough!

Su Jin explained, then blinked at Qin Lang and said with a smile, "Is it a good arrangement?"

Qin Lang laughed: "A Jin thinks so well!"

Sure enough, within three days, Qin Ji was very embarrassed to find Su Jin and Qin Lang, and then all four of them were sent away, and they were no longer hired to work.

Naturally, they wanted to make trouble, but all the people working together in the village were blaming them. Qin Zhu and the others were so angry that they could only give up.

The old couple was also very annoyed. These four bastards, who received so much wages, refused to work hard. Some people have opinions about them.

Let’s just say, how come the sun is so high every day before going out, and in the afternoon the sun is still hanging in the sky and comes back, how can this wasteland work be so easy?

Co-authoring is that they are lazy!

It's so obvious to be lazy, Qin Ji doesn't listen to his calls, and everyone refutes them when they have opinions, and there's no one left!

The old couple was really generous and paid them all their wages for the past two days. The old couple felt sorry for each other.

Mr. Fang said, "What's so much money? They have so much land, so they are not short of money!"

The always good-tempered old lady Qin wanted to beat her!

After solving this troublesome matter, Su Jin is in a good mood.

The two went to catch another fish.

Song Pingan also wanted to go, but to be a foreman, he could only watch them go.

This time, the harvest was also very rich, with a dozen or so palm-sized crucian carp, as well as seven or eight yellow and spicy diced, seven or eight catfish, and various eels and carp.

I brought it back to Aunt Song's house and kept it in the water tank in the yard. It was enough to eat for a while.

Su Jin and Qin Lang have been taking care of the eight acres of medicinal fields. The transplanted honeysuckles are growing very well and can be picked for the first time.

Honeysuckle can be picked and harvested twice a year, once in April and May, and once in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Su Jin has already made up her mind. If the Lin family nods, she plans to lead the villagers to plant honeysuckle, because it is well cared for and can be harvested twice a year.

If you get started, you can slowly add some other varieties in the future.

In the early stages, there is no need to rush.

No matter what is planted, it has to be of a certain scale before it can be sold at a price. Who will buy it if it is so small.

Su Jin imagined in his heart that it would be better if the surrounding eight villages all planted medicinal herbs together! A certain scale has been formed. Even if there is no Lin family, other herbal medicine dealers will naturally come to buy it.

Now, almost an acre of honeysuckle can be harvested in his family, so Su Jin called five or six trustworthy and quick-witted wives in the village to help with the harvest.

It will be more convenient to give them the tricks in a little subtly and slowly, and it will be more convenient to promote them in the future.

Honeysuckle is harvested when it is still a bud, and the best time to harvest is in the early morning and early morning. At this time, the buds have sufficient nutrients, strong smell and good color.

Without young buds and leaves, it is better to pick the ones that are plump, bluish-white, clean and free of impurities.

After harvesting, put them in bamboo baskets. Don't pile them into large piles when they are concentrated. They should be spread out. The longest time should not exceed 4 hours, they should be spread out to dry quickly, and they should be dried within one to two days. .

There are also requirements for drying. It cannot be exposed to the hot sun, and it cannot be turned over when drying. It is enough after carefully spreading it out.

If it is cloudy and rainy, it can be dried on a low fire, but this is also a helpless move. The color of drying is darker, and it is not as good as drying.

When picking, Su Jin carefully demonstrated to the sisters-in-law one by one, explained patiently and meticulously, some listened carefully to the whole process, and some did not listen very carefully, but only listened to how to pick at the moment.

After all, they are paid to do things, but it is not good to do bad things to others.

If you do it badly, there will be no next time. Isn't it a loss of a way to make money?

It was a light job that required a trip every morning, but it took six people a day to do it in just over a quarter of an hour. The wages are eight cents per person per day, which is simply too good to be earned, as if it were given away for nothing. Those who were chosen were very happy.

Fang and Liu were very angry, but unfortunately, the wasteland reclamation has just happened, who still pays attention to them? They can't get anyone to agree with what they say.

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