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A stream of light dropping from the sky fell directly onto a green mountain.

Yang Feng opened his eyes and touched his aching head, holding a crimson rhombus crystal, and turned his head to look aside. A humanoid robot, the size of a human being, sat opposite him, as if made of gold with a metallic luster.


“The unlocking process is complete. Xi Clan soul fluctuation imperceptible. Judging that Xi Clan has disappeared. According to rule number 372, start looking for a new Master.”

“Scanning starts!”

The Humanoid robot’s eyes bloomed out one after another red light, and a weird wave flickered towards it in all directions.

The crimson rhombus crystal in Yang Feng’s hands burst out the rays of light of one after another crimson, and gave off horrible heat.

“It’s hot!” Yang Feng just felt that the right hand like a was burned, his face was distorted, and he yelled. The crimson rhombus crystal immediately flew up and got into his eyebrow.

Yang Feng only felt that the sky was spinning and then passed out.

“Lock the new Master! The new Master gets Level 1 permission.” Then the Humanoid robot blinked and came to sit next to Yang Feng.

2nd day In the early morning, when the sun fell on the ground, Yang Feng woke up slowly.

“Master, you are awake!” Yang Feng just opened his eyes, and a voice came from the side.

“You are! Robot? Artificial Intelligence?” Yang Feng was awakened and looked at the Humanoid robot, heart startled blurted out: “Master? What does this mean? I don’t remember I bought a Robot!”

The Golden humanoid robot said: “I am one of Xi Clan’s inheritance robots. I am responsible for the inheritance of the civilization and technology of Xi Clan. The last Xi Clansmen in the universe has disappeared, so I was activated, and I chose you to become according to the regulations My new Master. “

“Inheritance robot! Artificial Intelligence! So to say, I am going to make a fortune! Great! This is the first real artificial AI robot on Earth! Great! I want to make a fortune!” Yang Feng, a vulgar man His eyes burst into ecstatic rays of light, and very vulgar directly rolled a few on the ground.

A real artificial AI robot above Earth is definitely a treasure of great value. As long as it is used well, it is absolutely no problem to earn a few 100000000 million RMB. A few 100000000 million Renminbi is enough to make Yang Feng spend a lifetime in luxury.

Haha, when I get rich, blonde, blue-eyed western girls, black haired, fresh and pure eastern girls, luxury cruise ships, beautiful beaches, and world cuisine, I will all enjoy it all. I am such a vulgar vulgar!

Yang Feng rolled and elated thinking about his future.

The Golden humanoid robot said: “Master, I am very sorry to tell you that this is not Earth, but a planet with an estimated value Rank that is 10000 times higher than Earth. In the popular saying of Earth, you have crossed!”

Yang Feng’s smile was stiff, blond, blue-eyed western girls, black haired, fresh and pure eastern girls, luxurious cruise ships, beautiful beaches, and world cuisines all seemed to be directly broken.

Yang Feng got up from the ground and asked nervously, “How high is your Battle Strength?”

The Golden humanoid robot said: “Bio-beasts below Level 3 are not my opponents at all. If according to the standards on Earth, I can punch a ferocious beast like a lion or a tiger. But I am not a fighting class robot. Any Battle Robot Battle Strength above Level 4 is higher than me! “

Yang Feng looked ugly: “What do you have?”

The Golden humanoid robot said: “Master, my skills have been imprinted in your mind for a long time, you can know my ability by just thinking about it!”

Yang Feng started to think back by words, and countless messages immediately poured out of his brain. He also basically understands the capabilities of this Golden Humanoid robot.

In this golden Robot, there is a powerful AI. The computing speed of that AI is an astronomical number. The computing speed of all computers on Earth cannot add up to one trillionth of a trillion of this Golden Robot AI. One compared.

In this Golden Robot’s AI, there are countless technologies about Xi Clan, all the technologies that have developed from Xi Clan’s weakest time to its strongest time. At the same time has countless weapon blueprints. If any design drawing is placed on Earth, it can definitely be sold at a high price. Just taking out several technologies can make Earth’s technology have Heaven and Earth turning upside down. apart from this, this golden robot also has the horror ability of Void Creation, as long as the energy is sufficient, you can make any weapon out of thin air.

Yang Feng opened his eyes and stared at the Humanoid robot. “What should I call you?”

“I’m 3796th Inheritance Robot, Master. You can call me No. 3796, or whatever you like!”

“Then I’ll call you No. 3796! No. 3796, turn on the mimic system, transform into human shape!”

“Yes! Master!”

No. 3796 complied, the body was distorted for a while, and quickly deformed into a human-sized man with the same size as Yang Feng.

Yang Feng continued to issue an order: “Turn on the scanning system and look for the nearest village near Human! If there are no people within 50 kilometers, look for places with water and no strong lifeform.”

No. 3796 Although Battle Strength is not strong, it has many powerful auxiliary capabilities, and Life Detection is one of its capabilities. And as long as it has energy, its detection range can even be as high as 5000 kilometers or more, but the larger the detection range, the more energy it consumes. No. 3796 requires energy for all actions, and Yang Feng naturally dare not waste wasted precious energy.

“Yes! Master! Turn on scanning mode, with a scanning range of 50 kilometers in diameter, and Energy consumption is at 0.1 Kun per hour.” No. 3796 Red light flashed in both eyes, a powerful detection ripple spreads in all directions with it as the core. go with.

Kun is one of the units of Xi Clan’s unit for measuring energy. It is also the smallest energy measurement unit of Xi Clan.

“Scanning is complete!”

No. 3796 The red light disappeared and he pointed towards a western trail: “There is a village where Human lives 5 km away along this direction. There is a dead body on the road. The dead time of the dead body should not exceed 9 hours.”

Yang Feng said: “Then go to the corpse first to get information about this world!”

“Yes! Master!”

Under the leadership of No. 3796, he walked for about a kilometer, and in a lonely grass, Yang Feng found a black hair and black eyes wearing a Western medieval ornate hunting suit, about 21-22 years old. Young man body.

Yang Feng ordered: “Read his memory!”

No. 3796 Although the Battle Strength is not strong, it is the lowest level of existence in the Xi Clan battle sequence, but it has many terrifying auxiliary capabilities. As long as the brain is not completely corroded by microorganism, any lifeform can read the memory of that organism from the brain.

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