Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 276: I'm dead?

The smoke from the poisonous incense burner continues to burn, and the monsters in the maze are getting more and more crazy.

Su Lun knew very well that the people in the Luying Royal Legion below knew that if they failed to extinguish the incense burner, the interception operation must have failed.

Then someone will definitely be sent again.

Three Tier 4 failed to stop, the next time they come, they must also be higher-level professionals.

Su Lun is also ready to fight and evacuate at all times.

But he didn't expect that the commander of the dignified sacred ruling legion, Tier 6 professional "Beast" Barrett, would come in person!

With Su Lun's current methods, he is confident that he is able to fight against Tier 5 professionals. Although he can't beat him, he still has the ability to save his life.

But for the sixth level, there is only one word, run.

Besides, this is still not an ordinary sixth-order.

The sixth rank who can be the commander of the army in Luying's royal family must be the elite of the elite.

This Barrett has even seen two Tier VIs more than he has ever seen. The two captains of the North Sea King "Frost Troll" Gal Popov and "Lieutenant General Sunyan" Grace Orr Meadow is stronger.

Tier 6 professionals have reached the limits of ordinary humans in almost every aspect of their bodies. Whether it is perception, physical fitness, and combat skills, almost all reached a perfect fit. The six advanced professional materials and alchemy equipment will also double the professional combat effectiveness. Especially the actual combat generals on the frontline battlefield like Barrett have experienced countless life and death trials. Breaking ten guilds with one force is not an enemy that Su Lun can defeat by cleverness.


Listening to the assassin's name exclaimed, Su Lun instantly sensed that a group of soul fire was coming up with thunder, and he did not hesitate to pull away and rushed into the maze behind him.

Although he wanted to prevent Lu Ying from cracking the seal here, it was simply an irresistible factor, and life was the top priority.

As for the incense burner, I can't take care of that much now.

Because he had been prepared, Su Lun had already appeared at the end of the tunnel in this instant.

When he was about to turn, Yu Guang saw the assassin, but unexpectedly discovered that the guy didn't choose to escape, but took a look in his direction, and then stood in place, making a sneaky fighting posture.

Looks like he is about to block Barrett?

"The dead man?"

Even if there was no communication, Su Lun understood this move, and a touch of complexity passed through his mind. .

The assassin exposed his identity before and shot, just to "rescue" him.

For the secret spy personnel, revealing their identity also means putting their own lives on the sidelines.

Although Su Lun knew that this was Katyusha's order.

But I didn't think that this assassin would be so decisive right now.

If he chooses to disperse and flee, Barrett may not necessarily chase him, and there may be a chance to survive.

If you stay now, you will almost certainly die.

The purpose was to create a little more time to escape for Su Lun.

Because no one knows the commander of the Legion Barrett better than him.

He knew very well that he didn't do anything. The man who was asked by his own lady to keep it at all costs would never escape!


"Smack", "Smack", "Smack"...

A series of air explosions came over, and before people arrived, the explosion-like movement already gave people a great sense of oppression.

It's like a mountain tsunami, which cannot be stopped by manpower at all.

This is the sound of stepping!

"So strong!"

Su Lun was shocked, and he himself was proficient in stepping.

The shorter this slamming sound is, the faster the opponent's speed will be.

The explosive sound in his ears was continuous, and it sounded like a lightning strike. This was already a level that made Su Lun's current realm feel unbelievable.

Barrett came faster than expected.

When Su Lun was still at the corner of the tunnel, that burly figure broke into his vision like lightning.

It's not a human figure, but a strong chimpanzee with a body like steel, and muscles like a few roots!

"Talent [C-071-Ape]?"

When Su Lun saw that form, he immediately realized something, his eyes drenched: "No, it's the second awakening!"

Although [Ape] is not a rare talent, after the second awakening, the strength growth coefficient will be exaggerated to the point.

This talent is coupled with the advanced sequence of the power system profession, the fit will be very high, and the combat power will be multiplied geometrically.

However, a royal legion commander's talent for a second awakening did not surprise Su Lun so much.

What is more noticeable is that guy's giant body!

Because that is the apparent form of alchemy planting [Isaac's Giant Power].

That's right, this is the kind of costume recorded in the book "Isaac's Alchemy Notes" collected by the Royal Family of Lu Ying!

The memory of Su Lun's previous murder stripped off, just to know some details.

This colony is now the standard colony of the Holy Judgment Legion, and it is also the reason why they originally came here to capture the giants.


"This is terrible..."

When Su Lun saw that Black King Kong, it was like seeing a humanoid tank, without any hint of what he wanted to fight head-on.

Na Barrett was so fast as if the time around him had slowed down, and he was pulled into ten seconds in an instant.

Comparing this relative speed, even Su Lun felt that his escape speed had become as slow as a snail crawling, and he didn't run past the corner for a long time.

At the same time, the assassin lurking in the air also appeared. Without hesitation, he waved the dagger in his hand and stabbed the chimpanzee.

Unfortunately, it has no effect at all.

The chimpanzee didn't even glance at the sharp dagger. A big hand covered with black hair caught the assassin's neck like lightning, and then blasted his body into pieces of flesh and blood.

Su Lun just saw the scene of blood floating in the sky, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

For the first time, someone actually died for him.

He remembered that this assassin seemed to be called "Cortez".

This person, with his life, gave him more time to escape.


It was too late to think about it, and Su Lun had already turned the corner of the tunnel.

The most reasonable route is to withdraw from the previous path. Because it has been through it once, then it will not touch some unknown organs, nor will it stray into some dangerous places.

But it doesn't seem to be the case now.

There were some corpses in the corridor before, and now the poison is pouring in. There are many monsters on the previous road, which is not easy to walk.

What's more, Barrett's speed is too fast, even if Sulun has an eight-armed spider spear and teleport, it will be sooner or later if he runs like this, he will be overtaken.

The oppressive feeling of death behind him was like someone holding a sharp knife against his back heart, stopped for a while, and was bound to be pierced.

There was no room for Su Lun to choose, he chose to use space displacement to penetrate the wall!

Su Lun's double surgeon pinched the seal, opened the space crack, and plunged in.

Looking at it again, he appeared through the wall in an unfamiliar corridor.

This tortuous underground maze is the only chance to escape from danger.

However, before he had a chance to breathe, the wall behind him suddenly exploded. A chimpanzee with a white halo burst into the field of vision arbitrarily.

"Is this the law of power for Tier 6 professionals? Really terrifying..."

Sulun looked at the power field on Barrett's body that distorted the space slightly, and the corner of his eyes twitched.

After five meters of the high wall behind him, normally, a few tons of explosives would not be able to explode.

This Barrett smashed directly into pieces.

Su Lun felt that the colonel-level mechanical armor might not be able to withstand a few punches.

Fortunately, his spatial displacement skills are becoming more and more mellow now. After this moment, he tore the space again and went through the wall again.

The chimpanzee also chased after him, rushing all the way.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

The sound of wall cracking echoed in the underground palace, like a dream of smashing a cannon. This movement would instinctively avoid even those distorted monsters.

As soon as the two of them chased and fled, they realized that they had run into the deepest part of the maze.


Relying on his perception of space, Su Lun accurately judged the escape route every time.

But the time for him to think was getting shorter and shorter, and it was dangerous several times.

However, Tier 6 professionals, especially those who have already condensed the "Power Field" ability, are far away from him, who is barely a Tier 4 professional, regardless of spiritual power or recovery speed.

To fight for consumption, Su Lun had no chance to spend it to the end.

Several times I tried to set up ambush to create some difficulties for Barrett behind him, but the old hot guy saw it through.

In the face of absolute power, all tactics looked extremely pale.

Originally, Su Lun wanted to correct the direction several times, so he first escaped the maze.

Because I had stripped away some residual thoughts from the soul fragments of [Abbas Thousand Eyes Roshan], I learned that there are some areas in this maze that are in danger of exceeding cognition.

But Na Barrett's mind is also extremely meticulous, even very often he is not chasing, but driving.

He probably thought that Su Lun would set up traps in the passage, and he did not follow Su Lun's direction at all. He often blocked his escape route, forcing him to panic and go to the depths of the maze.

So, as he ran, Su Lun was even a little confused about where he was in the maze.

Originally, he could continue to run, and it took a while, but suddenly, when he came to a high wall, the black crow on his shoulder suddenly called out a "quack".

After communicating with the bird for a moment, Su Lun stopped immediately.

Even if the chase has arrived behind him.

He looked at the surrounding environment dignifiedly, and realized something.

The high-wall space here is slightly distorted, and the identification also shows the "chaotic space-time area."

The reason why this black crow is called [Dead Bird] is because it also has a very powerful talent ability, which is to predict death.

It called twice before.

One time was when I was hit by an illusion.

One time was when Barrett had just appeared before.

Both times, Su Lun was on the line between life and death.

Now, the third time.

The black crow sensed that there was a problem in this space.

Go through this wall and you might die.

If you don't wear it, you will die.

Su Lun was in a dilemma.

He looked at the chimpanzee behind him and decided to try one last time.

He gasped heavily and screamed, "Wait!"

If the "mouth cannon" can't succeed, only through the wall.


The more Barrett chased, the darker his face became.

Fortunately, he came in person, otherwise, it would be impossible to chase this slippery autumn guy if he changed someone.

However, even so, the pursuit process was far beyond his expectations.

The small problem that I thought could be solved in a flash, I didn't expect so many twists and turns.

A high-ranking officer of the Military Intelligence Department actually gave up his life for this guy to procrastinate, and Marfa's officer's armor, the means of life-saving are also endless... several times, he almost suffered a small loss.

The identity and origin of this young man is very mysterious.

He watched Su Lun stop, and didn't rush to move.

This distance is already at your fingertips.

What's more, he also discovered that this maze is different from elsewhere.


Sulun looked at Barrett giving him a chance to speak, and was not verbose, and said straight to the point: "Do you know what seal you will crack? This is a'god burial land', where the fallen gods that destroyed the dawn era are buried Once the seal is broken, those chaotic high laws, necromantic aura, dark energy... will spill out uncontrollably. It will be devastating to the entire human civilization!"

He snapped what Mr. Mirror had said before and said it out.

This information is not a secret that cannot be said, let this guy know, there may be a chance to redeem it.

When Barrett heard this, his brows visibly frowned, "Oh? That's all you want to say before you die?"

Although he avoided the topic, he knew from the bottom of his heart that the young man wearing a crow's mouth mask in front of him was probably telling the truth.

Su Lun saw the struggling on his micro expression, obviously he still had a little conscience.

But the loyalty to Lu Ying's royal family and the conscience of the destruction of human civilization can only choose one of the two.

The struggle in Barrett's eyes only lasted for a moment before it dissipated.

At his height, his mind was already very appraised, and his decision was made in an instant.

He avoided this topic, but asked coldly: "Cortez has been lurking in the Military Intelligence Department for so many years, and now he does not hesitate to expose himself to save your life. I am even more curious, where are you from?"


When Su Lun heard this, he immediately realized that it was not good.

The other party apparently recognized his statement, but did not follow up on this topic, which means that he chose "loyalty."

Su Lun naturally would not confess Katyusha.

Even if he died, he couldn't do that kind of betrayal.

What's more, if you say it, you will definitely die.

He knew there was no need to talk, he sighed slightly, and slapped his hand, the warlock seal was completed.

Na Barrett also reacted extremely quickly, and a punch came straight ahead!

The fist wind that distorted the space blasted out, and Su Lun punched in his chest and flew backwards into the space crack.


On the side of the surrounding scenery, Su Lun had already penetrated the wall and appeared behind the wall.

But this time, the wall was not broken again.

Without chasing soldiers, the crisis is temporarily resolved.

Su Lun couldn't hold back the smell of his heart, and let out a mouthful of muddy blood with a "poof".

"That guy is still merciful..."

He felt his injury for a while, not too serious, and laughed and laughed at himself.

Barrett's last punch was clearly released just now, which is probably the "duty".

With one punch, he broke into this obviously problematic space, and he didn't rush to kill him, and he was considered to have left a glimmer of life.

Su Lun looked at the maze of the same style as his eyes were full of dignity.

It is naturally not as simple as it seems that the black crow can issue a death warning.

"This timeline should be before [Buried God] again? It's really chaotic..."

Su Lun saw that there were no tree roots in the underground palace, and thought of something.

But suddenly, he suddenly felt the warmth of the wolf claw talisman hanging on his chest, and a strong feeling of empathy rose in his heart.

When I listened, it seemed to be Yota's sobbing?

The voice was intermittent at first, and then gradually became clearer and clearer.

"Mr. Sulun, I'm sorry, I'm late..."

"Why are you... dead..."


Hearing this, Su Lun looked like a ghost, and a chill suddenly hit his back.

I'm alive and well, how could I die?

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