Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 274: Venomancer

Su Lun identified the monster corpses that had not been disposed of, and saw many species that he had never seen before.

There are more than ten meters long, two-legged king cobra [Gore's Blind Snake], [Hell Mantis Spider] which is like a combination of a mantis and a spider, and [Plague White Bat]...

There are many types of monsters, most of them are necrotic creatures of the plague system, and they are mostly poisonous and some deadly plagues.

Of course, the monsters with deformed roots are [Vicious Wood Monster], a kind of vine monster that seems to have to be burnt to ashes in order to be completely killed.

Each of them is enough to make Su Lun, a lone traveler, a headache.

But fortunately, the tree monsters showed no signs of attacking Sulun, and seemed to treat him as the same kind.

Su Lun guessed that this might be the refuge of the oath.

That's good news.

The members of the Luying Royal Legion opened the way, and Su Lun walked all the way, and encountered a few monsters who were alone, beheaded and passed quickly. .

As he walked, the surrounding necromantic aura became stronger and stronger, and the erosion of alien energy was like a flame burning, piercing into the bones.

If it hadn't been for Sulun's heart to seal the [Isaac Alchemy Heart], he would continuously supply dark spiritual power to resist this violent alien energy. As someone else, I am afraid that he would have been eroded and distorted by this dead spirit a long time ago.

As Su Lun walked deeper, he became more cautious, guessing that this place might have been close to the core area of ​​the seal.

The Lu British army has not yet been destroyed, which means that they have passed.

Su Lun didn't rush forward, but let the Black Crow fly again.

His vision followed the crow all the way forward.

I didn't fly far, and then I saw the exit of the maze.


Really came out?

It's incredibly easy.

Such a complicated maze, he followed all the way just now, never walked through a repeated passage, and walked straight out.

Su Lun looked at the exit in front of him, and he became more certain that Lu Ying had this underground labyrinth map.

The black crow flew out from the exit, and a huge space appeared in front of his eyes.

There are very unstable spatial cracks everywhere in the eye, and the magma enters the eye, and the eyes are full of scorching heat.

On the rock wall, numerous cave openings like shrines appeared densely.

The exit that the black crow flew out was just one of thousands.

Su Lun looked in no danger, and then walked to the entrance of the cave, his pupils diverging, and the whole space was collected in his eyes.

The appraisal showed that the words [The Hall of Valor of the Giants] were displayed.

The "Hall of Valor" in this world is similar to that of the ancestral hall of Su Lun's previous life, where ancestor tablets are placed to protect future generations.

In layman's terms, this is the cemetery of the giants, used to suppress the seal.

And Lu Ying's group also appeared in his vision.

There are now less than two hundred of the two elite thousand-member groups of the Holy Judgment Legion.

Even if there is information that is not known where it is obtained, the loss is so heavy, you can think of the degree of danger in this space.

Su Lun looked down from where he was standing, and there was a huge obelisk a few hundred meters away. On the ground under the stele, there is a large-scale nine-pointed star formation inscribed.

The most striking thing is that above the obelisk, there is a black iron coffin that is firmly locked by eight chains!

On the coffin, there are various reliefs of hideous evil spirits, the breath of mystery, evil, antiquity, horror, indescribable...

A long distance away, Su Lun saw the strong black air flowing out of the coffin.

"This coffin is a seal?"

Su Lun frowned.

Watched it again.

And Lu Ying's group of people were surrounding the huge obelisk underground, and took out the [Nell Galle's Battle Standard of Death] of the forbidden object and inserted it aside. A thick blood mist appeared around, forming a special area, shielding the necromantic spirit in this temple.

The group of sergeants are gathering into a defensive formation in the shape of "△", and there are a few people in khaki trench coats busy in the middle.

Su Lun only looked at a thirty-six-sided bronze-headed dice with a diameter of nearly one meter floating in front of them.

Each side of the dice is engraved with simple and special alchemy symbols, such as eagle, fire dragon, mercury, flask, balance, sunflower...

Under this oddly shaped dice, a complicated machine made of brass like a differential machine is connected.

The two windbreakers are like typists, and they output one pass to the machine. There were clear and dense "clicks" and "clicks" in the air.

Under the control of the two people, all sides of the floating three-four-six-sided dice were also rapidly changing, forming different arrangements.

Like a slot machine, try a few specific pattern combinations to win the jackpot.

"It's really aimed at breaking the ban..."

Su Lun's eyes were very solemn.

He naturally saw that these people were cracking the restrictions here.

Su Lun happened to have heard of that strange mechanical alchemy. It was a mechanical alchemy researched by the Ruying Royal Academy of Sciences [Babbage’s Forbidden Decoder].

A special decoder that is said to be able to crack any kind of prohibited permutation!

"This is a little troublesome..."

Su Lun frowned as she watched.

Those sergeants Lu Ying had such detailed information, it was absolutely impossible to be completely ignorant of the situation here.

In other words, it doesn't make sense to reason.

Tell others that this is the "place of the burial of the gods", opening the seal will cause a catastrophe, and the other party will definitely not take care of it.

A royal legion commander dared to open up wasteland at the cost of 90% of the battle damage. This is definitely not a personal act. He doesn't have this right either.

Obviously, those people were also following orders.

This is not something that can be persuaded in a few words.

Those in the upper echelons of Lu Ying's royal family are the real lamps that are not fuel efficient.

And now in this cursed space, there is only Su Lun alone.

What can stop them seems to have his own.

Mr. Jing will arrive in two days, this is the most troublesome.

Although Su Lun's current state of mind is not high enough to consider the survival of civilization, he will not be soft when he encounters such a person who plays a nuclear bomb for some ulterior purpose and wants everyone to die.

There is definitely no chance of hard steel on the front.

When Su Lun saw this, his thoughts flew in his mind, thinking about what he could do to stop them.


A minute ago.

In fact, when the black crow flew out of the cave to investigate the environment, someone in the Lu British army spotted the black bird.

The adjutant of the perception system keenly noticed something, and said to the army commander "Beast" Barrett next to him: "Commander, that black crow has already appeared in his vision for the second time."

"Yeah. I also noticed before, and thought it was a necromantic creature in the cursed space. But the second time it appeared, someone should have followed."

Barrett nodded blankly, and glanced at it, but didn't care.

Compared to Black Crow, he cared more about the decoder running in front of him.

The adjutant continued to analyze and said: "The detection traps set up by the waiter group along the way have not been triggered. It seems that the guy's anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. It is likely to be bad intentions."

Barrett seemed to have guessed something, and said: "That black crow seems to be a kind of strange bird of mythology. It can control that kind of strange bird, not a necromancer, and at least proficient in some laws of death. I thought of one. people..."

The adjutant on the side immediately understood, "Commander, you mean the mysterious man who killed Roxie when the reserve officer group was attacked?"

Barrett said lightly: "Yeah."

The adjutant said: "The intelligence shows that the guy has a set of Marfa's colonel-class fighter armor in his hand. It is most likely Marfa's spy. Now the human-skinned black umbrella is still in his hand, maybe..."

Barrett raised his brows slightly, and interrupted: "The black umbrella of human skin is indeed a very tricky curse, but not everyone can use it. Besides... the guy has not shown his head, indicating his rank. Not high. It should be the awakening of some special abilities and the possession of some powerful curses. The power that can cultivate this kind of people will not be too much, whether we are Luying or the Sid Empire. After we go out, let the MI Department People from you look into it."

Adjutant: "You mean, we don't have to worry about him?"

Barrett let out a noncommittal hum, and he pondered for a moment, before he said: "That person hides his head without showing up, which means he has no ability to confront us head-on. He knows the laws of space, and it doesn't make much sense to chase here. The only thing is uncertain. The threat factor is whether he has any special curses in his hands..."

After a pause, he added in a low tone: "That can't be prevented."

At the moment of speaking, the veteran who was decisive on the battlefield had no hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Even, from the bottom of his heart, he expects some...accidents to happen.

He looked at the several MI guys in front of him who had broken the ban, and his expression was slightly different.

The adjutant seemed to have seen some of the thoughts of his head, blocked the voice, and whispered: "Head, from now on, this ruin must have been involved in an ancient taboo. We must do this. ?? Once it is not well controlled, it will be a devastating disaster for us, the empire, and even the entire alchemical civilization."

Hearing this, Barrett had no expression on his face.

The muscles twitching slightly at the corners of his eyes indicate that his heart is not at peace.

The adjutant said: "I mean, the ruins will not run. Now that we know it is here, we can wait for the empire to send more professional archaeologists to investigate..."

When Barrett heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he only faintly responded: "We are the Royal Knights..."

"I see, captain."

Hearing this, the adjutant seemed hesitant to speak, but he sighed and said nothing.

And at this moment, suddenly, among the honeycomb-like holes on the surrounding rock walls, there was a sudden movement of intensive movement.

Everyone was shocked.

"A monster is coming!"

"How is it possible? We have been careful enough to shield all breaths from spilling. How could such a large-scale monster riot be caused? Is it a problem of prohibition and cracking?"

"No! There are strange toxins in the air, and those monsters were drawn over!"

"Damn it, go to a few people and find out the source..."


The Luying Royal Legion instantly entered a state of battle.

Barrett and the deputy regiment just looked at each other, obviously guessing something.

Accidents are one thing, but in their eyes, a kind of relief flashes through.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed poisons emerged from those cavities on the rock wall.


This movement was naturally made by Su Lun.

He knew that he had no ability to positively prevent those people from breaking the ban.

He thought of his experience of clearing the cursed space many times. Knowing that sometimes combat power is not as good as wisdom.

To stop those people, his only chance is to use the rules of this cursed space.

Su Lun thought of the monster here.

The corpses of the monsters seen in the maze before were identified mostly as highly poisonous monsters of the plague system.

He thought of a cursed object in his hand-[Annistora's Poisonous Incense Burner].

Lighting the incense burner will attract poisons in the range.

But the use of this thing is also dangerous for Su Lun.

The terrain of the maze is complicated, and the range of poison gas is uncontrollable; the number of monsters in the underground palace is unknown... all these are uncertain factors.

Perhaps as soon as it is ignited, even he himself will be swallowed by the monster tide.

Moreover, if it is discovered by the enemy, it may be extinguished prematurely.

Su Lun thought that there was only this way, so he didn't hesitate much, ready to give it a try.

He took out the incense burner and made a simple trigger mechanism.

Then I also prevented a fan at the position of the incense burner, thinking that before the fan is corroded by the poisonous gas, I can blow more poisonous gas to the temple.

The effect is more ideal than expected.

The "Hydra's Venom Gland" burns the poisonous gas very violently, and the strong corrosiveness quickly erodes the hard rock wall. It was as if the red-hot steel was placed on an ice cube, and it quickly melted down.

Moreover, this toxin is not only gas, but also corrosive at the law level. Even the mechanical fan that Su Lun arranged was melted instantly.

However, this effect is also excellent.

As if blood was flowing in the sea, the sharks in the nearby tens of seas could smell the blood.

Suddenly, the huge underground palace suddenly became lively.

Various poisonous monsters rushed out like crazy.

Surun retreated into the maze violently, wrapped himself up with [The Shroud of the Iceman of Oz], and installed a transparent man in the corner.

Then he watched countless monsters rushing away from him.

This is just a channel.

In this maze, there are countless passages.

When those underground found out, it was too late.

However, those in the Luying Royal Legion are not mediocre.

Almost at the same time, someone discovered the location of the poisonous incense burner.

Su Lun watched a piebald python that was more than ten meters away coming towards the incense burner, thinking it was poison in the underground palace. Unexpectedly, after getting closer, the big snake's blood basin opened its mouth, unexpectedly spit out a man in a trench coat.


Su Lun looked at the guy wearing the doctor's gloves and the green gas barrier on his body, and immediately guessed his occupation.

Those Luying guys are obviously very well prepared considering all possibilities.

The guy obviously had his own means to deal with toxins, and he was not affected by the corrosion, so he walked over, as if he wanted to close the air inlet of the incense burner.

Now that there are not enough monsters, it is naturally impossible for Su Lun to watch the other party crack the incense burner so early.

"Venomancer" is a rare profession, and he doesn't think there are many in Lu Ying's army.

Killing this guy can at least greatly ease the opponent's progress in breaking the game.

Su Lun took out a chessboard and shot a beam of light at the man in the windbreaker without hesitation.

He knew very well that this guy was also a "bait".

The Luying Royal Corps had missions, usually with three people.

Su Lun must do it, and it must be exposed.

Even if it is discovered by various means at that time, it will be difficult to escape.

Must be killed quickly!

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